A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þines

Number of occurrences in corpus: 63

Genesis B 567a an || and selfes stol / herran þines || and habban his hyldo forþ
Genesis B 664a l þe swa laþlic striþ / wiþ þines hearran bodan || unc is his h
Genesis A 2145b n sceotendum / þeoden mæra || þines ahredde / æþelinga helm || þ
Exodus 435a || þurh his sylfes lif / þæt þines cynnes || and cneowmaga / randw
Christ and Satan 5b ndbuende / ic þe geselle || on þines seolfes dom / folc and foldan |
Andreas 65b wæs / on wega gehwam || willan þines / georn on mode || nu þurh geo
Andreas 1383a wæs yfles or || ende næfre / þines wræces weorþeþ || þu scea
Andreas 1417b n mote / sawla symbelgifa || on þines sylfes hand / þu þæt gehete
Elene 287b d / ond þu geworhtest || þurh þines wuldres miht / heofon ond eorþ
Elene 380b mihta god / on rimtale || rices þines / mid haligra || hlyte wunigan /
The Paris Psalter 101:8 1b um / / # / for andwlitan || yrres þines / feor þu me ahofe || and gehn
The Paris Psalter 101:21 7a n || gif þu sylfa wylt / earon þines anes gear || awa to feore / / #
The Paris Psalter 102:11 1b æfter heahweorce || heofenes þines / mildheortnysse || mihtig drih
The Paris Psalter 103:28 1a | æfter hweorfaþ / / # / onsend þines sylfes gast || sona weorþaþ
The Paris Psalter 105:4 2b efan / forþ hycgende || folces þines / and us mid hælo || her geneo
The Paris Psalter 108:1 1a Psalm 108 / / # / nelle ic lofes þines || lifigende god / geswigian ||
The Paris Psalter 118:13 2a elerum || wordum secge / ealles þines muþes || meahte domas / / # / an
The Paris Psalter 118:49 1b owige / / # / gemun nu dryhten || þines wordes / on þam þu me þinum
The Paris Psalter 118:72 2a ere || þæt ic bebodu healde / þines muþes gemet || þonne mon me
The Paris Psalter 118:88 4a tnesse || wel gehealde / muþes þines || þe þu men lærdest / / # / o
The Paris Psalter 118:139 3b ydan / me heard ehtnes || huses þines / on bearme me || gebrohte oft /
The Paris Psalter 127:2 1a lustum gangaþ / / # / þonne þu þines gewinnes || wæstme byrgest / e
The Paris Psalter 127:3 1a eþ || on wynburgum / / # / beoþ þines wifes || welan gelice / swa on
The Paris Psalter 127:3 3a rde || weaxen berigean / and on þines huses || hwommum genihtsum / / #
The Paris Psalter 127:6 4b es / ealle lange dagas || lifes þines / / # / and þu þinra bearna ||
The Paris Psalter 129:2 3b wylce / on eall gebedd || esnes þines / / # / gif þu ure unriht wilt |
The Paris Psalter 131:10 4a t þu andwlitan || ut oncyrre / þines þæs halgan || her on eorþa
The Paris Psalter 131:12 4a hsetl || gif nu healdaþ well / þines sylfes bearn || soþe treowa /
The Paris Psalter 137:4 3b e gedo / micle mine sawle || on þines mægenes sped / / # / ealle þe a
The Paris Psalter 137:5 3a e hi gehyrdon || hlude reorde / þines muþes || þa mæran word / þa
The Paris Psalter 142:11 3a weg || reþne ferde / for naman þines || neodweorþunge / drihten uss
The Paris Psalter 144:5 1b n / / # / mycel mod and strang || þines mægenþrymmes / and þine hali
The Paris Psalter 144:7 1a u || mærsien wide / / # / gemune þines modes || þa miclan geniht / þ
The Paris Psalter 144:11 3a cynnum || and mid cneorissum / þines mægenþrymmes || mære wuldu
The Paris Psalter 144:11 4b uldur / riht and reþe || rices þines / / # / þæt þu cuþ gedydest |
The Paris Psalter 144:12 4a iht is || ofer middaneard / and þines rices || rædfæst wuldur / / #
The Paris Psalter 56:13 3a ofer ealle || eorþan swylce / þines wuldres wlite || wide and sid
The Paris Psalter 58:11 1b c þu hi wide todrif || þurh þines wordes mægen / and hi wraþe t
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3b nd eac on menigeo || mægenes þines / þine feondas þe || fæcne l
The Paris Psalter 68:7 2b bban / sceame sceandlice || þe þines siþes her / ful bealdlice || b
The Paris Psalter 68:9 1a || modorcildum / / # / forþon me þines huses || heard ellenwod / æt o
The Paris Psalter 68:24 2b e / and æbylignes eac || yrres þines / hi forgripe || gramhicgende / /
The Paris Psalter 70:17 1a lifigende god / / # / oþþæt ic þines earmes || eall asecge / stiþe
The Paris Psalter 70:18 1a ohhe || þe nu toweard ys / / # / þines mihtes þrym || and þæt mæ
The Paris Psalter 73:3 1a || fægere geworhtest / / # / þu þines yrfes || æþele gyrde / sylfa
The Paris Psalter 73:12 1a rþan || efenmidre / / # / þu on þines mægenes || mihte spedum / sæ
The Paris Psalter 78:12 1a m || fæste wæran / / # / æfter þines earmes || æþelum mægene / ge
The Paris Psalter 78:14 2a run || and fæle sceap / eowdes þines || we þe andettaþ / and þe t
The Paris Psalter 79:5 2b ten / hu lange yrsast þu || on þines esnes gebed / tyhst us and fede
The Paris Psalter 79:15 2b hdelfeþ / fram ansyne || egsan þines / ealle þa on ealdre || yfele
The Paris Psalter 83:8 2b sser / oncnaw onsyne || cristes þines / / # / betere is micle || to geb
The Paris Psalter 85:3 3a alne dæg || elne cleopade / do þines scealces || sawle bliþe / for
The Paris Psalter 87:16 1a ere næs gescended / / # / oft me þines yrres || egsa geþeowde / and m
The Paris Psalter 88:9 3a ean || hafast þu heah mægen / þines earmes sped || wiþ ealle fyn
The Paris Psalter 88:12 3a eþas || halig seo swyþre is / þines setles dom || soþ gegearwod /
The Paris Psalter 88:33 4a fram him || gewitnesse / esnes þines || ealle gewemdest / his halign
The Paris Psalter 88:43 4a nd dauide || deope aþe / þurh þines sylfes || soþ benemdest / / # /
The Paris Psalter 89:8 4b st / on alihtincge || andwlitan þines / / # / forþam þe ure dagas ||
The Paris Psalter 89:13 2a me cann || sæcgean ænig / hu þines yrres || egsa standeþ / and se
The Paris Psalter 95:6 3b nd weorþlic wlite || wuldres þines / / # / bringaþ nu drihtne || bu
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 27a rþa || is þæt micel gecynd / þines goodes || þencþ ymb se þe
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 40a þu ealgood || anes geþeahte / þines geþohtest || and hi þa worh
Instructions for Christians 221b ful gearo þe na wast || wege þines gastes, / hu heo ðe on com ||