Number of occurrences in corpus: 137
Genesis A 1a | # Genesis / / Ūs is riht | miċel | || þæt we rodera weard, / weo |
Genesis A 14b | e% blisse. || Wæs hira blǣd | miċel. | / Þeġnas þrymfæste || þēo |
Genesis A 25b | ·hwurfon. || Hæfdon ġielp | miċel | / þæt hīe wiþ drihtne || d |
Genesis B 280b | an. || Iċ hæbbe ġe·weald | miċel | / tō ġyrwenne || godlicran st |
Genesis B 293b | enġel on·gann || ofer-mōde | miċel | / ā·hebban wiþ his hearran | |
Genesis B 329b | d weorðian, || hæfdon wīte | miċel, | / wǣron% þā be·feallene || |
Genesis B 334a | s līeġes full, / fȳres fǣr | miċel. | || Fīend on·ġēaton / þæt |
Genesis B 374b | te be·fangen. || Her is fȳr | miċel, | / ufan and niðane. || Iċ ā n |
Genesis B 595b | num ġe·mearcod. || Þæt is | miċel | wunder / þæt hit ēċe God || |
Genesis B 605a | ġre, || and ġe·weorc Godes / | miċel | and mehtiġ, || þēah hēo h |
Genesis B 833a | æs dēop, / mere-strēam þæs | miċel, | || þæt his o min mōd ġe· |
Genesis A 924a | on weorold cennan / þurh sār | miċel | || sunu and dohtor’. / A·bē |
Genesis A 1101a | ninges || seofon-feald wracu, / | miċel | aefter māne. || Mīn sċeall |
Genesis A 1303a | þe sċip wyrċan, / mere-hūs | miċel. | || On þǣm þū maniĝum sċ |
Genesis A 1639a | þǣm wīd-folce% / cnēo-rīm | miċel | || cenned wǣron. / Þā wearþ |
Genesis A 1990b | -gāra wrixl, || wīġ-ċierm | miċel, | / hlūd hilde-swēġ. || Handum |
Genesis A 2054b | es eafora, || him wæs ðearf | miċel | / þæt hīe% on twā healfe / gr |
Genesis A 2478b | ynceþ ġe·risne || and riht | miċel, | / þæt þū þe ā·ferġe || |
Exodus 334b | ne mersċ, / manna% meniġu; || | miċel | ān-ġe·trum / ēode unforht. |
Exodus 564b | beorna. || Biþ ēower blǣd | miċel!’ | / Æfter þǣm wordum || weorod |
Daniel 213b | þe þrōwian || þrēa-nīed | miċel, | / frecne fȳres wielm, || nemþ |
Daniel 242a | an. / Ǣled wæs un-ġe·sċād | miċel. | || Þā wæs sē ofen on·hǣ |
Daniel 598b | ā ġieddian || þurh ġielp | miċel | / Caldea cyning || þā hē ċe |
Daniel 603b | e ġe·worhte || þurh wunder | miċel, | / wearþ þā ān-hyġdiġ || o |
Daniel 737b | æs on gāste || Godes cræft | miċel, | / tō þǣm iċ ġeorne ġe·fr |
Christ and Satan 660b | þēoden, || ðǣr is þrymm | miċel, | / sang æt selde, || is self cy |
Andreas 41b | eastre. || Þǣr wæs ċierm | miċel | / ġond Mermedonia, || mānfulr |
Andreas 107b | da þrēa. || Nis sēo þrāh | miċel | / þæt þe wǣr-loĝan || wīt |
Andreas 158b | e·rīmes; || wæs him nīed | miċel | / þæt hīe tō·bruĝdon || b |
Andreas 287a | teþ || on þā lēod-mearce, / | miċel | mōdes hiht, || tō ðǣre m |
Andreas 422b | þīne / mæċġas on mōde. || | Miċel | is nū ġīena / lād ofer laĝ |
Andreas 815a | || Iċ wāt maniġ nū-ġīet / | miċel | mǣre spell || þe sē maĝa |
Andreas 1166b | a or-mǣte, || is nū ðearf | miċel | / þæt we wīsfæstra || wordu |
Andreas 1481b | ndierne / ofer min ġe·met. || | Miċel | is tō seċġanne, / langsum le |
Andreas 1605b | m tō helpe. || Is nū ðearf | miċel | / þæt we gum-cystum || ġeorn |
Andreas 23a | e || sār tō ġe·þolienne, / | miċel | mōdes sorh, || þæt hē þ |
The Fates of the Apostles 121a | . || Nū ā his lof standeþ, / | miċel | and mǣre || and his meaht se |
Dream of the Rood 130a | an. || mē is willa tō þām / | miċel | on mōde, || and min mundbyrd |
Dream of the Rood 139b | e·brinġe || ðǣr is bliss | miċel, | / drēam on heofonum, || ðǣr |
Elene 426b | ġe·þōht. || Nū is ðearf | miċel | / þæt we fæstlīċe || ferh |
Christ B 751b | eġn-weorod. || Is ūs ðearf | miċel | / þæt we mid heortan || hǣlu |
Christ B 847b | e·hwelcre. || Is ūs ðearf | miċel | / þæt we gæstes wlite || ǣr |
Christ C 876a | samod up cymeþ / mæġen-folc | miċel, | || metode ġe·trīewe, / beorh |
Christ C 1040b | wod / mann-cynn þurh metod. || | Miċel | ā·rīseþ / dryht-folc tō d |
Christ C 1154b | n þrōwode, || þēod-wunder | miċel, | / þætte eorðe ā·ġeaf || |
The Fortunes of Men 84b | omeġende%; || biþ him nēod | miċel. | / Sum sċeall wildne fuĝol || |
Maxims I 195a | ropan || wīde ġe·sprungon, / | miċel | mann ieldum, || maniĝum þē |
Guthlac A 326b | meniġu. || Ne wæs sē frist | miċel | / þe hīe Gūð·lāce || for |
Guthlac A 531b | undum / mæġene ġe·ēted. || | Miċel | is tō seċġan / eall aefter o |
Riddles 28 12b | inneþ, / meldan mislīċe. || | Miċel | is tō hyċġanne / wīsfæstum |
Riddles 3 50a | at, || eġesa ā·stīġeþ, / | miċel | mōd-þrēa || manna cynne, / b |
Riddles 31 23b | sīne, / mæġ mid mæġne. || | Miċel | is tō hyċġenne / wīsum wō |
Riddles 37 3b | de, / mæġen-rōfa mann || and | miċel | hæfde / ġe·fēred þæt% hit |
Resignation 5a | inn sindon, || ēċe drihten, / | miċel | and maniġfeald. || Iċ þē, |
The Ruin 22b | -ġe·strēon, || here-swēġ | miċel, | / medu-heall maniġ || //M// dr |
Riddles 87 3b | en-strang% and mund-rōf; || | miċel | mē þūhte / godliċ gumrinc, |
The Phoenix 189b | ġearwian. || Biþ him nīed | miċel | / þæt hē þā ieldu || ofstu |
The Phoenix 432b | on bearwe. || Biþ him nēod | miċel | / þæt hē feorh-ġung eft || |
The Phoenix 625a | fena, || gōda ġe·hwelċes. / | Miċel, | unmǣte || mæġenes strengþ |
Juliana 127b | nne, / mōdġes ġe·mānan. || | Miċel | is þæt anġinn / and þrēa-n |
Juliana 632b | for·worhtum. || Nū is wēn | miċel | / þæt hēo mec eft wille || e |
Juliana 692a | || burgum on innan, / sīd-folc | miċel. | || Þǣr siþþan wæs / ġēar |
Juliana 695b | ēodsċipe. || Is mē ðearf | miċel | / þæt sēo hālġe mē || hel |
Juliana 718a | || Meċ þæs ðearf manaþ, / | miċel | mōdes sorh. || Bidde iċ man |
The Seafarer 103a | || þenden hē hēr lēofaþ. / | Miċel | biþ sē metodes eġesa, || f |
Beowulf 67a | ĝuþ ġe·wēox, / maĝu-dryht | miċel. | || Him on mōd be·arn / þæt |
Beowulf 69a | ed || hātan wolde, / medu-ærn | miċel, | || menn ġe·wyrċan / þonne i |
Beowulf 129a | r wiste || wōp up ā·hafen, / | miċel | morĝen-swēġ. || Mǣre þē |
Beowulf 146b | a sēlest. || Wæs sēo hwīl | miċel; | / [XII] wintra tīd || torn ġe |
Beowulf 170a | myne wisse. / Þæt wæs wræc | miċel | || wine Sċieldinga, / mōdes b |
Beowulf 270b | abbaþ we tō þǣm mǣran || | miċel | ǣrende, / Deniġa frēan, || n |
Beowulf 502b | īþ, / mōdġes mere-faran, || | miċel | æf·þonca, / for·þon þe h |
Beowulf 771a | hlinsode. / Þā wæs wundₒr | miċel | || þæt sē wīn-sele / wiþ· |
Beowulf 1167a | īewde, / þæt hē hæfde mōd | miċel, | || þēah þe hē his māĝum |
Beowulf 2001a | rne, || drihten Hyġe·lāc%, / | miċel% | ġe·mēting, || maniĝum fī |
The Paris Psalter 103:23 1a | e·endaþ || on ǣfenne. / / # / | Miċel | wǣron þīne weorc, || mehti |
The Paris Psalter 103:24 1a | sċieppend mǣre. / / # / His is | miċel | sǣ || and on ġe·mǣrum wī |
The Paris Psalter 104:11 1b | / # / Næs% þæt mǣre cynn || | miċel | on rīme, / ac on þǣmfolce || |
The Paris Psalter 106:1 3b | āt; / is his mild-heortness || | miċel% | tō weorolde. / / # / Seċġe þ |
The Paris Psalter 106:7 3a | dettaþ || and ēac seċġaþ / | miċel | wunder his || manna bearnum. / |
The Paris Psalter 106:14 3a | andetten% || and ēac cweðen / | miċel | wunder his% || ofer manna bea |
The Paris Psalter 106:20 3a | milde wearþ || manna cynne; / | miċel | is his wunder || ofer manna b |
The Paris Psalter 107:4 1b | / Is þīn mild-heort mōd || | miċel | oþ heofonas / ā·hafen hēal |
The Paris Psalter 110:1 4b | stra / and on ġe·mētingum || | miċel | dryhtnes weorc. / / # / Swelċe i |
The Paris Psalter 113:2 4b | srahelas, / meahta mǣre || and | miċel | rīċe. / / # / Swā hīe sǣ ġe |
The Paris Psalter 116:2 1b | þon his mild-heortness || is | miċel | ofer ūs / torhtlīċe ġe·try |
The Paris Psalter 117:1 3b | āt; / is his mild-heortness || | miċel | tō weorolde. / / # / Þæt Israe |
The Paris Psalter 117:28 3b | t þīn mild-heortness || is | miċel | tō weorolde. |
The Paris Psalter 118:124 3a | num āĝenum || esne swelċe / | miċel | milde mōd || and mē mæġen |
The Paris Psalter 118:165 2a | e·fylde. / / # / Þǣm biþ sibb | miċel | || þe him þenċeþ, / þæt h |
The Paris Psalter 134:5 1b | ·ġeat, || þæt is gōd and | miċel | / drihten ūre; || for·þon hi |
The Paris Psalter 135:3 4b | æt his mild-heortness || is | miċel | tō weorolde. / / # / Hē wunder |
The Paris Psalter 135:7 2a | % lēoht-fatu || lēodum ana / | miċel | ġe·worhte || manna bearnum. |
The Paris Psalter 135:24 2b | hten / ġe·myndgode || and ūs | miċel | sealde. / / # / And hē ūs ā·f |
The Paris Psalter 135:28 2b | þon his mild-heortness || is | miċel | tō weorolde. |
The Paris Psalter 137:6 2a | or% is || wīde ġond eorðan / | miċel | and mǣre, || ofer middan-ġe |
The Paris Psalter 137:8 2b | e%, / is his% mild-heortness || | miċel | on weorolde; / ne for·seoh ǣf |
The Paris Psalter 144:3 1a | sse || āwa tō weorolde. / / # / | Miċel | is drihten, || hine man mæġ |
The Paris Psalter 144:5 1a | ēac || miċele seċġen. / / # / | Miċel | mōd and strang || þīnes m |
The Paris Psalter 145:2 2b | on manna bearn; || nis ðǣr | miċel | hǣlu. / / # / Hira gāst gangeþ |
The Paris Psalter 146:5 1a | īċe || ċīeġan ealle. / / # / | Miċel% | is ūre || mehtiġ drihten, / a |
The Paris Psalter 146:5 2a | drihten, / and his mæġen is | miċel | || and meahtum strang; / ne his |
The Paris Psalter 56:12 2b | n þīn milde-heortness || is | miċel | wiþ heofonas, / is þīn sōþ |
The Paris Psalter 61:7 2b | u% / and wuldor min || and wynn | miċel; | / mē is hāliġ hiht || on hin |
The Paris Psalter 65:14 4a | esan || ġeorne habbaþ, / hū | miċel | hē dyde || mīnre sāwle. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 71:19 3a | ġe·blētsod, / sē þe wunder | miċel | || wyrċeþ ana; / sīe his mea |
The Paris Psalter 73:1 3b | n ierre strang || and eġesa | miċel | / ofer þīn āĝen || īewde s |
The Paris Psalter 75:5 4a | īlum wǣron; / is þīn eġesa | miċel; | || hwelċ mæġ ǣfre þē, / |
The Paris Psalter 76:11 2a | das ġe·drēfde, / wæs swēġ | miċel | || sealtera wætera. / / # / Seal |
The Paris Psalter 85:4 2b | ihten; / is þīn milde mōd || | miċel | and ġe·nihtsum / eallum þǣm |
The Paris Psalter 85:12 1a | / / # / īs þīn mild-heortness | miċel | || ofer mē, drihten, / and þ |
The Paris Psalter 88:2 3b | wa wǣre / þīn milde mōd || | miċel | ġe·timbrod / hēah on heofonu |
The Paris Psalter 88:6 3a | liġra || hēah ġe·mēting, / | miċel | and eġesliċ || ofer eall ma |
The Paris Psalter 88:43 2a | ealde nū, || ēċe drihten, / | miċel | mild-heortness, || þe þū m |
The Paris Psalter 89:12 1b | s mann-þwǣrnes be·cōm || | miċel | ofer ealle / and we on þǣm ġ |
The Paris Psalter 98:3 2b | n, / þæt hē mid mannum is || | miċel | and eġesliċ, / hāliġ on hel |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 16a | sǣ-strēamum inn, / īeġ-land | miċel, | || ēðel mǣrsaþ. / Þā wæs |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 54b | / ġe·metgian, || ǣr hit tō | miċel | weorðe. / Hæfþ sē æl-miht |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 2b | mōde þe bet, || þēah hē | miċel | āĝe / goldes and ġimma || an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 2a | þæt þū eart æl-mehtiġ, / | miċel, | modiġliċ, || mǣrþum ġe· |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 26b | a þāra mǣrþa. || Is þæt | miċel | ġe·cynd / þīnes gōdes, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 41b | re wrǣnnesse || wōd-þrāh | miċel; | / sēo swīðe ġe·dræfþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 105a | æt wundorliċ / mæġen-cræft | miċel | || mōda ġe·hwelċes / ofer l |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 64b | e. || Ne þyncþ þæt wunder | miċel | / manna ǣngum || þæt hē mæ |
The Coronation of Edgar 5b | nemnaþ. || Þǣr wæs bliss | miċel | / on þǣm ēadgan dæġe || ea |
The Coronation of Edgar 9a | || Þǣr wæs prēosta hēap, / | miċel | muneca þrēat, || mīne ġe |
The Death of Edgar 19b | ēowa; || þæt wæs gnornung | miċel | / þǣm þe on brēostum wæġ |
The Death of Alfred 4a | , ne ēac ōðre || / menn þe | miċel | meahton wealdan, for·þon hi |
Durham 6b | e·weaxen is || wuda-fæstenn | miċel; | / wuniod on þǣm wīcum || wil |
The Menologium 9b | , / forma mōnaþ; || hine folc | miċel | / Ianuarius || ġe·rūm hēton |
The Judgment Day II 55a | æs || cwielmed on rōde, / hū | miċel | for·stent || and hū mǣre i |
The Judgment Day II 92b | e·myne ēac on mōde, || hū | miċel | is þæt wīte / þe þāra ear |
The Judgment Day II 123b | , þæt þū ġe·mune || hū | miċel | biþ sē brōĝa / be·foran d |
The Judgment Day II 129a | mmaþ. / Þonne% biþ ġe·bān | miċel | || and ā·boden þider / eall |
A Prayer 39a | mehtiġ drihten. / Ac is wunder | miċel, | || wealdend engla, / ġif þū |
The Seasons for Fasting 192a | e·gladian. / Þonne is ðearf | miċel | || þēoda meniġum / þæt þ |
Waldere B 5b | on·sendon || and ēac sinċ | miċel | / mādma mid þȳ mēċe, || ma |