A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hearpan

Number of occurrences in corpus: 18

Genesis A 1079b e ġe·þanc / hēr-būendra || hearpan ǣrest / heandum sīnum || hlyn
Christ B 669b wēl / hlūde fore hæleþum || hearpan styrġan, / glēo-bēam grētan
Widsith 105a || sang ā·hōfon, / hlūde be hearpan || hlēoðor swinsode, / þonne
The Fortunes of Men 80a sē miċela. / Sum sċeall mid hearpan || æt his hlāfordes / fōtum
Maxims I 170b n, / oþþe mid heandum cann || hearpan grētan; / hafaþ him his glēo
The Phoenix 135a htme || bīeman ne hornas, / ne hearpan hlynn, || ne hæleþa stefn /
The Gifts of Men 49b rum. / Sum mid heandum mæġ || hearpan grētan, / āh hē glēo-bēame
The Seafarer 44a ·dōn wille. / Ne biþ him tō hearpan hyġe || ne tō hrīnġ-þeġ
Beowulf 89b dne on healle; || ðǣr wæs hearpan swēġ, / sweotol sang sċopes.
Beowulf 2107b eahte; / hwīlum hilde-dēor || hearpan wynne, / gamen-wudu% grētte, |
Beowulf 2262b / hæleþum be healfe. || Næs hearpan wynn, / gamen glēo-bēames, ||
Beowulf 2458b leþ on hoðman; || nis ðǣr hearpan swēġ, / gamen on ġeardum, ||
Beowulf 3023b , / hæfen on handa, || nealles hearpan swēġ / wīġend weċċan, ||
The Paris Psalter 107:2 3b / and iċ þē on hlēoðre || hearpan swelċe / on ǣr-morĝen || ēa
The Paris Psalter 146:7 2b gaþ gode ūrum || glēawe be hearpan. / / # / Sē þe heofon þeċeþ |
The Paris Psalter 70:20 5b ē on sealm-fatum || singe be hearpan, / Israela god, || ēċe and hā
The Paris Psalter 91:3 3a singan meahte / oþþe þe mid hearpan || hlyste cwēman, / for·þon
Metrical Psalm 91:3 3a ingan meahte / oþþe% þe mid hearpan || hlyste cwēman / for·þon