Number of occurrences in corpus: 192
Genesis A 11b | de / þurh ġe·weald Godes || | wuldres | bearnum, / gasta weardum. || H |
Genesis A 83a | || þā þe sweġel būaþ%, / | wuldres | ēðel. || Wrōht wæs ā·sp |
Genesis B 639b | / and þæt word ā·cwæþ || | wuldres | ealdor, / þæt þæt miċele m |
Genesis A 941a | nd weorold-iermþu. / Hīe þā | wuldres | weard || wǣdum ġierede, / sċ |
Genesis A 1002b | acen. / Þā worde fræġn || | wuldres | ealdor / Cāin, hwǣr Ābel || |
Genesis A 1511a | | Þā ġīet drihten cwæþ, / | wuldres | ealdor || word tō Nōe: / ‘T |
Genesis A 1574b | werum and wīfum, || siþþan | wuldres | þeġn / ūssum fæder and mēd |
Genesis A 2268b | ēsten sēċan. || Þǣr hīe | wuldres | þeġn, / enġel dryhtnes || ā |
Genesis A 2570b | t / wīte, þæs hēo wordum || | wuldres | þeġna / hīeran ne wolde. || |
Genesis A 2575b | um, / þāra þe ġe·worhte || | wuldres | ealdor. / Him þā Abraham ġe |
Genesis A 2916b | , / eaforan þīnne. || Him ān | wuldres | God. / Maĝu Ebrea, || þū mē |
Exodus 100a | e-bīeman || hlūdan stefnum, / | wuldres | wōman. || Weorod eall ā·r |
Exodus 270b | / þæt ġē ġe·weorðien || | wuldres | ealdor, / and ēow līf-frēan |
Exodus 418a | an cōm || stefn of heofonum, / | wuldres | hlēoðor, || word aefter spr |
Exodus 428a | æġ || heofon and eorðe / his | wuldres | word, || wīdra% and sīdra / |
Exodus 568a | || folc wæs on lande, / hæfde | wuldres | bēam || weorod ġe·lǣded, / |
Exodus 577a | rce || drihten heredon, / weras | wuldres | sang; || wīf on ōðrum, / fol |
Daniel 13a | es weard, || hāliġ drihten, / | wuldres | wealdend. || Sē þǣm weorod |
Daniel 277b | ġond·sāwen. || Þæt wæs | wuldres | God / þe hīe ġe·nerede || w |
Daniel 759a | er sīn mæġen, / siþþan him | wuldres | weard || wunder ġe·cȳðde, |
Christ and Satan 14b | / Swā sē wyrhta || þurh his | wuldres | gāst / sierede and sette || on |
Christ and Satan 24a | selfe% || sweġeles bryttan, / | wuldres | wealdend. || Him ðǣr wierse |
Christ and Satan 42b | an and wierĝu%, || nealles% | wuldres% | blǣd / habban in heofonum, || |
Christ and Satan 85b | t iċ wolde% tō·weerpan% || | wuldres% | lēoman, / bearn hǣlendes%, || |
Christ and Satan 106b | hte iċ% ġe·weald || ealles | wuldres, | / ǣr% iċ mōste in þissum at |
Christ and Satan 118a | | ah him ealles% ġe·weald%, / | wuldres% | and wīta, || wealdendes% sun |
Christ and Satan 140b | mē nū wiersa% || þæt iċ | wuldres | lēoht / uppe mid englum || ǣf |
Christ and Satan 151b | e and weorðmynd. || Full oft | wuldres | swēġ% / brōhton tō bearme | |
Christ and Satan 174a | ē þæs drēames ġe·weald, / | wuldres | and wynne, || mē ðǣr wiers |
Christ and Satan 231a | yhtnes meahtum. / Hwæt, we in% | wuldres | wlite || wunian mōston / ðǣr |
Christ and Satan 235b | n on wynnum, || ġe·hīerdon | wuldres | swēġ, / bīeman stefne. || Be |
Christ and Satan 251b | wealdend, || āĝan ūs þis | wuldres | lēoht, / eall tō ǣhte. || Þ |
Christ and Satan 342b | wǣr wā), / wītum wērġe, || | wuldres | be·sċierede, / drēamum be·d |
Christ and Satan 390b | le nū ūre witu || þurh his | wuldres | cræft / eall tō·weorpan. || |
Christ and Satan 447b | m, / wītum wērġe. || Nealles | wuldres | lēoht / habban mōton, || ac i |
Christ and Satan 506b | wuniaþ in wynnum, || habbaþ | wuldres | blǣd / þūsend-mǣlum. || Iċ |
Christ and Satan 512a | hālĝum drihtne’. / 'Swā% | wuldres | weard || wordum sæġde, / meto |
Christ and Satan 555b | nnum || wunian mōton. / Ūs is | wuldres | lēoht / torht on·tȳned, || |
Christ and Satan 584b | hta and wealdend || þurh his | wuldres | cræft. / Siteþ him on heofonu |
Christ and Satan 586b | ldend mid wītĝum. || Hafaþ | wuldres | bearn / his selfes seld || swe |
Christ and Satan 592b | wunaþ in wynnum, || þæt is | wuldres | blēd / torht on·tȳned. || Ū |
Christ and Satan 616b | sind will-cuman! || Gāþ in | wuldres | lēoht / tō heofona rīċe, || |
Christ and Satan 648b | m be·wunden, || þǣm þe in | wuldres | lēoht / gangan mōten || tō G |
Christ and Satan 659a | issum ēadĝan hām’. / Swā | wuldres | weard || wordum herġaþ / þe |
Andreas 55b | lne forþ / weorðode wordum || | wuldres | ealdor, / heofon-rīċes weard, |
Andreas 70b | re. / Ġif þīn willa sīe, || | wuldres | ealdor, / þæt mē wǣr-loĝan |
Andreas 88b | Æfter þissum wordum || cōm | wuldres | tācen / hāliġ of heofonum, | |
Andreas 193a | īċe, || heofona sċieppend, / | wuldres | wealdend, || swā þū worde |
Andreas 210b | , / ġif hit worde be·cwiþ || | wuldres | āĝend. / Ne meaht þū þæs |
Andreas 354a | e-līðendum || miltsa biddan / | wuldres | ealdor || and þus wordum cw |
Andreas 535b | wǣre be·wunden%, || sē þe | wuldres | blǣd / ġe·staðolode || stra |
Andreas 539a | -ferhþ, || cyning weorðode, / | wuldres | wealdend || and þus wordum c |
Andreas 596a | n, || hyse lēofesta, / hū ūs | wuldres | weard || wordum and dǣdum / lu |
Andreas 708a | æt hē on temple ġe·stōd, / | wuldres | ealdor. || Word-hleoðor ā· |
Andreas 726b | ġen / ā·writen on wealle || | wuldres | þeġnas.’ / Þā-ġīen word |
Andreas 758a | ne || cenned sċolde / weorðan | wuldres | god. || Is sēo wyrd mid ēow |
Andreas 806b | elingas / wordum weorðodon || | wuldres | ealdor. / Hīe þā recene hēt |
Andreas 870b | / wlitiġ weoroda hēap || and | wuldres | þrēat. / Ūtan ymbe æðelne |
Andreas 887a | || brūcan mōton. / Þǣr wæs | wuldres | wynn, || wīġendra þrymm, / |
Andreas 913b | d. / Þā hē worde cwæþ, || | wuldres | ealdor: / ‘Wes þū, Andreas, |
Andreas 1026b | .’ / Æfter þissum wordum || | wuldres | þeġnas, / bēġen þā ġe·b |
Andreas 1056b | don, / wyrda wealdend, || þæs | wuldres | ne biþ / ǣfre mid ieldum || e |
Andreas 1268b | orðode wordum, || oþ·þæt | wuldres | ġimm / heofon-torht on·hlād. |
Andreas 1380b | e·bunden, / on wræc wunne, || | wuldres | blunne, / siþþan þū for·ho |
Andreas 1510a | || On þē self cyning / wrāt, | wuldres | god, || wordum cȳðde / recene |
Andreas 1611b | u be ġe·wyrhtum. || Ēow is | wuldres | lēoht / torht on·tȳned, || |
Andreas 1631a | ullwihte || and friðu-wǣre, / | wuldres | wedde || wītum ā·spēdde, / |
Andreas 1661b | ihte ġe·wunian. || Þā him | wuldres | god / on þām sīþ-fæte || s |
Andreas 11b | ord and wīsdōm, || siþþan | wuldres | þeġn, / æðel-cininges ār, |
Andreas 48b | ihton, / and þā weorðodon || | wuldres | āĝend, / clipodon on corðre |
The Fates of the Apostles 27b | t / on weres hāde, || siþþan | wuldres | cyning, / engla ord-fruma, || e |
The Fates of the Apostles 48b | / wēoh weorðian. || Him wæs | wuldres | drēam, / līf-wela lēofra || |
The Fates of the Apostles 61b | / wund for weorodum, || þonan | wuldres | lēoht / sāwle ġe·sōhte || |
The Fates of the Apostles 87b | cne / wǣĝon on ġe·witte || | wuldres | þeġnas. / Nū iċ þonne bidd |
Dream of the Rood 14b | ed mid wammum. || ġeseah iċ | wuldres | trēow, / wǣdum ġe·weorðode |
Dream of the Rood 90b | t, mē þā ġe·weorðode || | wuldres | ealdor / ofer holmwudu, || heof |
Dream of the Rood 97b | wrēoh wordum || þæt hit is | wuldres | bēam, / sē þe æl–mehtiġ |
Dream of the Rood 133b | olde drēamum, || sōhton him | wuldres | cyning, / lifiaþ nū on heofon |
Elene 77a | Him sē ār hræðe, / wlitiġ | wuldres | boda, || wiþ þingode / and be |
Elene 84a | Þū tō heofonum be·seoh / on | wuldres | weard, || ðǣr þū wræðe |
Elene 89a | h hē frætwum beorht / wlitiġ | wuldres | trēo || ofer wolcna hrōf, / g |
Elene 217b | wiĝena þrēate || hwǣr sē | wuldres | bēam, / hāliġ under hrūsan, |
Elene 295b | ēow of wierhþe || þurh his | wuldres% | meaht, / fram līeġ-cwæle, || |
Elene 288b | e·worhtest || þurh þīnes | wuldres | meaht / heofon and eorðan || a |
Elene 299a | mid þā lēohtan ġe·dryht, / | wuldres | āras. || Þū ġe·worhtest |
Elene 313b | weoroda wealdend. || Is þæs | wuldres | full / heofon and eorðe || and |
Elene 362b | ning, / wealde wīdan ferhþ || | wuldres | on heofonum, / ā būtan ende | |
Elene 389b | will-fæġen || aefter þām | wuldres | trēo, / elnes ān-hyġdiġ, || |
Elene 405a | || Hē mid heandum be·fēng / | wuldres | wynn-bēam || and mid weorode |
Elene 428b | nder for weorodum || be þām | wuldres | trēo. / Ġe·sǣton siġe-rōf |
Elene 601a | Hē þæt betere ġe·ċēas, / | wuldres | wynne || and þām wiersan wi |
Elene 651a | ā beorhtan ġe·sċeaft, / on | wuldres | wynn%. || Bide wiĝena þrymm |
Elene 696b | on / ofer wīra ġe·spann), || | wuldres | ġe·fylled / cwēne willa. || |
Elene 813b | lum on weorolde. || Iċ þæs | wuldres | trēowes / oft, nealles ǣne, | |
Christ A 8b | hþe / wundrien tō weorolde || | wuldres | ealdor. / Ġe·sweotola nū þu |
Christ A 71b | n. / Ēalā wīfa wynn || ġond | wuldres | þrymm, / fǣmne frēolicast || |
Christ A 83b | eorðlicu wunode, || nū þū | wuldres | þrymm / bōsme ġe·bǣre || a |
Christ A 158a | elīċe, || Crīst nerġende, / | wuldres | æðeling, || ne lǣt ā·wie |
Christ A 160a | || Lǣf ūs ēċne ġe·fēan / | wuldres | þīnes, || þæt þeċ weor |
Christ A 409b | rodoras, / wīġendra hleo, || | wuldres | þīnes, / helm æl-wihta. || S |
Christ B 463a | a || tīres brytta / on·wrāh, | wuldres | helm, || word-ġe·rȳnum, / ǣ |
Christ B 493b | at, / weorod wlite-sċīene, || | wuldres | āras, / cōmon on corðre. || |
Christ B 527a | c under rodorum.’ / Þā wæs | wuldres | weard || wolcnum be·fangen%, |
Christ B 565b | , / wǣpna wierpum, || siþþan | wuldres | cyning, / heofon-rīċes helm, |
Christ B 740b | m ġe·worden. || Ġe·sāwon | wuldres | þrymm, / æðelinga ord, || ē |
Christ C 1197b | ynne / weorðan on weorolde, || | wuldres | āĝend, / ēades ord-fruma, || |
Christ C 1202b | on þe hē wolde || þæt we | wuldres | eard / on ēċnesse || āĝan m |
Christ C 1587b | , / and his weorces wlite || on | wuldres | lēan, / þætte heofones cynin |
Christ C 1664b | / weoroda wlite-sċīenost, || | wuldres | mid drihten. |
Vainglory 65a | settan || on hira selfra dōm / | wuldres | wynn-land. || Þæt him wīġ |
Vainglory 72b | þisse weorolde. || Sē mōt | wuldres | drēam / on hāliġra hiht || h |
The Order of the World 95b | s him wihte wan, || þām þe | wuldres | cyning / ġe·sēoþ on sweġ |
The Whale 88b | e mōton / tō wīdan fēore || | wuldres | nēotan. |
The Partridge 4b | þæt word þe ġe·cwæþ || | wuldres | ealdor: / ‘On swā hwelċe t |
The Partridge 16a | ðelne || eard-wīca cyst / on | wuldres | wlite || wunian mōton. || Fi |
Guthlac A 8b | ĝas þe sindon wēðe || and | wuldres | lēoht / torht on·tīened. || |
Guthlac A 25b | gæstas%, || be·ġietaþ him | wuldres | ræste, / hwider sċeall þæs |
Guthlac A 76b | rþ / wȳsċaþ and wēnaþ. || | Wuldres | byċġaþ, / sellaþ ælmessan, |
Guthlac A 324b | , / ā·wreðed weorðlīċe || | wuldres | cempa / engla mæġene. || Ġe |
Guthlac A 558b | , / wrāðe wræc-mæċġas, || | wuldres | cempan, / hāliġ hūsel-bearn, |
Guthlac A 688b | ġne / of þām wræc-sīðe || | wuldres | cempan / lǣdan lim-hālne, || |
Guthlac B 1081b | cu ne ġe·winn, || þæt iċ | wuldres | god / sēċe sweġel-cyning, || |
Guthlac B 1246a | and mē on hreðere be·lēac / | wuldres | will-boda || wīsdōmes ġief |
Guthlac B 1286b | / ā·wrecen wæl-strǣlum. || | Wuldres | sċīma, / æðele ymb æðelne |
Guthlac B 1304b | sende / weorcum wlitiġne || on | wuldres | drēam. / Þā wæs Gūð·lāc |
Guthlac B 1345a | þ || ðǣr sēo fǣmne wæs, / | wuldres | wynn-mǣġ. || Hē þā wyrd |
Guthlac B 1364b | m of, / wine-māĝa wynn, || on | wuldres | þrymm, / ġe·witen, winiġa% |
Guthlac B 1368b | wunaþ wæl-ræste || and sē | wuldres | dæl / of līċ-fæte || on lē |
The Judgment Day I 82b | illum aefter ðǣre wyrde, || | wuldres | ealdor, / þām þe his synna n |
The Lord's Prayer I 2a | fonum eardast, / ġe·weorðod% | wuldres | drēame. || Sīe þīnum weor |
Azarias 48a | f settend || and sōþ metod, / | wuldres | wealdend || and weorold-sċea |
Riddles 66 7a | e, || heofonas ofer·stīġe, / | wuldres | ēðel, || wīde rǣċe / ofer |
The Phoenix 117b | d ġe·wliteĝod, || siþþan | wuldres | ġimm / ofer ġeofenes gang || |
The Phoenix 130a | um, || siþþan hēah-cyning, / | wuldres | wyrhta, || weorold staðolode |
The Phoenix 439b | n / þone wlitiĝan wang || and | wuldres | setl, / lēofliċ on lāste, || |
The Phoenix 475a | um || wīċ ġe·staðolod / on | wuldres | byriġ || weorca tō lēane, / |
The Phoenix 516a | hālĝum sċīeneþ, / wlitiġ | wuldres | ġimm. || Wēl biþ þām þe |
The Phoenix 588b | / wlitiġ ofer weorodum || on | wuldres | byriġ. / Þonne sōþfæstum | |
The Phoenix 628b | ra þrymma þrymm, || þīnes | wuldres, | / uppe mid englum || and on eor |
The Phoenix 662b | þurh weorold weorolda || and | wuldres | blǣd, / ār and anweald, || on |
Juliana 153b | þeġnum, / ac iċ weorðie || | wuldres | ealdor / middan-ġeardes || and |
Juliana 180b | unga, / wēoh-weorðunga || and | wuldres | god / on·ġiete glēawlīċe, |
Juliana 223b | lċ / wealdeþ wīde-ferhþ, || | wuldres | āĝend, / siĝora ġe·hwelċe |
Juliana 269a | || þe hire sē āĝ-lǣċa, / | wuldres | wiðer-breca, || wordum sæġ |
Juliana 311a | an his || gǣst on·sende / on | wuldres | wlite. || Þus iċ wrāðra f |
Juliana 454b | / Þā sēo wlite-sċīene || | wuldres | candel / tō þām wǣr-loĝan% |
Juliana 516a | e him weoroda god / on·wriġe, | wuldres | cyning, || wīsdōmes gǣst, / |
Juliana 600b | n / wīfes willan. || Wæs sēo | wuldres | mæġ / ān-rǣd and unforht, | |
Juliana 641b | e·munaþ wiĝena wynn || and | wuldres | þrymm, / hāliġra hiht, || he |
Juliana 665b | nd / weġes for·wiernen || tō | wuldres | byriġ. / Biddaþ bearn godes | |
The Seafarer 123b | hē ūsiċ ġe·weorðode, || | wuldres | ealdor, / ēċe drihten, || on |
Beowulf 17a | le. || Him þæs līf-frēa, / | wuldres | wealdend, || weorold-āre for |
Beowulf 183a | a helm || herġan ne cūðon, / | wuldres | wealdend. || Wā biþ þǣm |
Beowulf 931b | ċan / wunder aefter wundre, || | wuldres | hīerde. / Þæt wæs unġāra |
Beowulf 1752a | þæs þe him ǣr god sealde, / | wuldres | wealdend, || weorð-mynda dæ |
Judith 59b | e·smītan. || Ne wolde þæt | wuldres | dēma / ġe·þafian, þrymmes |
The Paris Psalter 101:2 2b | þīnne / ā·wend fram mē, || | wuldres | ealdor; / ġif iċ ġe·swenċe |
The Paris Psalter 105:19 1b | ā hīe wolde tō·weorpan || | wuldres | ealdor, / ðǣr hira Moyses || |
The Paris Psalter 118:151 2b | / # / Wes mē swīðe nēah, || | wuldres | drihten; / sint ealle þīne we |
The Paris Psalter 142:7 3b | den, / ne ā·wend fram mē, || | wuldres | ealdor, / þīne ansīene; || w |
The Paris Psalter 146:12 1b | eorða / / # / Ac wēl līcaþ || | wuldres | drihtne, / þā þe hine him on |
The Paris Psalter 55:3 2b | iċ mē wrāðe tō þē, || | wuldres | drihten. / / # / Iċ wealdend god |
The Paris Psalter 65:1 4a | || nīede mid sealmum / and him | wuldres | lof || wīde sellaþ. / / # / And |
The Paris Psalter 65:3 1b | oĝaþ. / / # / Ġe·weorðie || | wuldres | ealdor / eall þēos eorþe, || |
The Paris Psalter 68:6 1a | rēafode ǣr. / / # / Þū wāst, | wuldres | god, || þæt iċ eom unwīs |
The Paris Psalter 70:8 1b | / # / Ne ā·weorp þū mē, || | wuldres | ealdor, / þonne mē ielde tīd |
The Paris Psalter 70:18 3b | under wræclicu; || nis þē, | wuldres | cyning, / ǣniġ ǣfre ġe·li |
The Paris Psalter 71:20 2a | | eall ġe·fylled, / þurh his | wuldres | meaht. || Wese swā, wese sw |
The Paris Psalter 72:19 3a | e·lǣdest, / and mē þā mid | wuldres | || welan ġe·nāme. / / # / Hwæ |
The Paris Psalter 73:10 1b | or·hwon ā·wēndest þū || | wuldres | an·sīene / ǣfre fram ūs, || |
The Paris Psalter 76:10 3a | f Æġyptum. / / # / Hwæt, þē, | wuldres | god, || wæter sċēawedon / an |
The Paris Psalter 78:5 1a | sindon. / / # / Hū% wilt þū, | wuldres | god, || wrāþ ierre þīn / on |
The Paris Psalter 85:8 2b | issa, / þā þe weorðiaþ, || | wuldres | ealdor, / and naman dryhtnes || |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 2b | en for wǣdle; || iċ mē tō | wuldres | gode / þurh ealne dæġ || eln |
The Paris Psalter 89:2 3b | weorold wǣre, || þū eart, | wuldres | god. / / # / Ne ā·hwierf þū f |
The Paris Psalter 95:6 3b | tsod / and wierðliċ wlite || | wuldres | þīnes. / / # / Bringaþ nū dri |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 57b | nder wolcnum. || Hwæt, þū, | wuldres | god, / þone ānne naman || eft |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 45b | , / and weorðodon || swā swā | wuldres | cyning, / ġif hē tō þǣm r |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 6b | ge . / Swā hīe ġe·wenede || | wuldres | ealdor / æt frum-sċeafte || |
Solomon and Saturn 105a | cymeþ, || engla ġe·rǣswa, / | wuldres | stæf, || wrāðne ġe·grīp |
Solomon and Saturn 175b | hhe, / wēriġ, wilna lēas, || | wuldres | be·dǣled, / hwīlum hyġe-ġ |
The Menologium 115b | rold-ġe·sċeafta. || Þonne | wuldres | þeġn / ymb þrīe-tīene, || |
The Menologium 159b | ō / mid wætere ofer·wearp || | wuldres | cyne-bearn, / wiĝa weorðlīċ |
A Prayer 74b | e. / Ne for·weorn þū mē, || | wuldres | drihten, / ac ġe·tiġða mē, |
The Seasons for Fasting 54b | d sange, / wlancne weorðian || | wuldres | bryttan. / Ofer þā Easter-tī |
The Seasons for Fasting 74b | sċolon / wordum and weorcum || | wuldres | cyninge / on þā īlcan tīd | |
The Seasons for Fasting 132b | gle. / Wē sint on wēstenne || | wuldres | blisse / on þǣm ānette || ea |
The Seasons for Fasting 145b | wāt / of þissum wang-stede || | wuldres | nēosan; / hine fȳren sċrid | |
The Seasons for Fasting 190b | bētan / wordes and weorces, || | wuldres | ealdor / þurh ælmes-dǣde || |
The Seasons for Fasting 207b | wæter of wæġe, || þæt is | wuldres | lāre. / Ac iċ seċġan mæġ, |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 11a | || and% frōfre gāst, / ealles | wuldres | || worðiġ% drihten, / swā sw |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 23b | orces stīerende; || sīe mē | wuldres | hiht, / hand ofer hēafod, || h |