Number of occurrences in corpus: 56
Genesis A 234a | || þā nū ġond folc maniġ / | weras | Eufraten || wīde nemnaþ. / |
Genesis A 1352a | daĝa || fǣhþe iċ wille / on | weras | stǣlan || and mid wǣġ-þr |
Genesis A 1358a | earce bord || eaforan lǣdan, / | weras | on wǣġ-þæl% || and hira w |
Genesis A 1672a | e·wunodon. || Lārum sōhton / | weras | tō weorce || and tō wrōhts |
Genesis A 1738a | ga bearn || eard ġe·nāmon, / | weras | mid wīfum. || On þǣm wīcu |
Genesis A 1882a | ele settan, || salu nīewian. / | Weras | on wange || wēoh-bedd setton |
Genesis A 2419a | hǣste || hǣðnum folce’. / | Weras | bāsnodon || wīte-lāces%, / w |
Genesis A 2459a | hēan hofe || hālġe āras, / | weras | tō ġe·wealde, || wordum cw |
Genesis A 2619b | , / wīd-mǣre cynn, || ōðre | weras | nemnaþ, / æðelinga bearn, || |
Genesis A 2670b | ·þrǣd, / wealdendes word. || | Weras | him on·drēdon / for ðǣre d |
Genesis A 2838b | a / wīċ ġe·tǣhte || þæt% | weras | hātaþ / burh-sittende || Bers |
Exodus 572a | īe hit frecne ġe·nēðdon, / | weras | under wætera hrōfas. || Ġe |
Exodus 577a | d-weorce || drihten heredon, / | weras | wuldres sang; || wīf on ōð |
Daniel 97a | wlancan || wīsdōm sċoldon, / | weras | Ebrea, || wordum cȳðan%, / hy |
Daniel 215b | nian tō þǣm wierrestan, || | weras | Ebrea, / guman tō þǣm golde, |
Andreas 428a | engran sīne, / wuldor-spēdġe | weras | || wordum trymman: / ‘Ġē þ |
Andreas 963a | bismerodon || bennum fæstne / | weras | wan-sǣlġe. || Wordum tierĝ |
Andreas 1536b | ru. / Wēox wæteres þrymm. || | Weras | cwānodon, / ealde æsċ-berend |
Andreas 1637a | samnodon || seċġa þrēate / | weras | ġond þā wīn-burh || wīde |
Andreas 1666a | mriende, || ġiehþu mǣnaþ / | weras | wīf samod. || Hira wōp be· |
Elene 22b | an and Hūĝas%. / Wǣron hwate | weras, | / ġearwe tō gūðe. || Gāras |
Elene 287a | On·gann þā lēofliċ wīf / | weras | Ebrea || wordum nǣġan: / ‘I |
Elene 314a | de, || snytru ġe·þenċaþ, / | weras | wīsfæste, || wordes cræft |
Elene 40a | ysġe || dēaþ oþ·fæstan, / | weras | wan-sǣlġe, || swā hīe wē |
Elene 109b | e.’ / Wēoxon word cwidum, || | weras | þeahtedon / on healfa ġe·hw |
Elene 121a | t || þā sēo cwēn on·gann / | weras | Ebresċe || wordum nēġan, / f |
Christ C 1047a | | manna dǣde. / Ne maĝon hord | weras%, | || heortan ġe·þōhtas, / for |
The Panther 14a | e niþþa bearn%, / wīsfæste | weras | || on ġe·writum cȳðaþ% / b |
Guthlac A 503a | || Þēodum īewaþ / wīsdōm | weras, | || wlenċu for·lēosaþ, / si |
Guthlac B 1232b | / þȳ læs þæt wundrodon || | weras | and idesa, / and on ġēaþ gut |
Wulf and Eadwacer 6b | worpen. / Sindon wæl-rēowe || | weras | ðǣr on īeġe; / willaþ hīe |
Riddles 14 3b | , / woum wir-boĝum. || Hwīlum | weras | cyssaþ, / hwīlum iċ tō hild |
Riddles 14 12b | , / wlitiġ on wǣĝe, || ðǣr | weras | drincaþ, / freoliċ fyrd-sċeo |
Riddles 22 9a | unnon stīĝan þā / on wæġn | weras | || and hira wiċġ samod / hlō |
Riddles 22 21a | / on ōðerne, || ellen-rōfe, / | weras | of wǣġe || and hira wiċġ |
Riddles 30a 6a | aþ aefter heandum, / þæt mec | weras | and wīf || wlance cyssaþ. / |
The Judgment Day I 60a | , || dyneþ up-heofon. / Þonne | weras | and wīf || weorold ā·lǣta |
Riddles 30b and 60 6a | aþ aefter heandum, / ðǣr mec | weras | and wīf || wlance ġe·cyssa |
Riddles 84 42b | er-þēode, / þæt wāfiaþ || | weras | ofer eorðan, / þæt maĝon mi |
Riddles 86 1b | 86 / / Wiht cōm gangan || ðǣr | weras | sǣton / maniġe on mæðele, | |
The Phoenix 331b | la cynn. / Þonne wundriaþ || | weras | ofer eorðan / wlite and wæstm |
Juliana 300a | s þeġnas, / and þā hālĝan | weras | || hospe ġe·reahte / þurh d |
Beowulf 216a | toliċ; || guman ūt sċufon, / | weras | on will-sīþ, || wudu bunden |
Beowulf 1222b | d nēah / ealne wīde-ferhþ || | weras | eahtiaþ, / efene swā sīde || |
Beowulf 1233a | æs symbla cyst; / druncon wīn | weras. | || Wyrd ne cūðon, / ġō-sċe |
Beowulf 1440b | en, / wundorliċ wǣġ-bora; || | weras | sċēawodon / gryrelicne ġiest |
Beowulf 1650b | id, / wlite-sīen wrǣtliċ; || | weras | on sāwon. / Beow·ulf maðelod |
Judith 71a | ǣm inne || ofostum miċelum, / | weras | wīn-sade, || þe þone wǣr- |
Judith 142a | l-ġeate. || Wīġend sǣton, / | weras | wæċċende || wearde hēoldo |
Judith 163a | sten-ġeates || folc ōnette, / | weras | wīf samod, || wornum and hē |
Judith 241a | ·swing || swīðliċ īewdon / | weras | Ebreisċe. || Hīe wordum þ |
The Paris Psalter 135:19 2a | f·slōh || æðele cyningas, / | weras | wræclice, || þā þe weorol |
The Paris Psalter 138:17 1a | id dēaðe. / / # / Blōd-hrēowe | weras, | || ġē be·būĝaþ mē, / þe |
The Paris Psalter 146:11 3a | | swīðe līcaþ, / þēah þe | weras | wyrċan || wrǣst on eorða / / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 62a | ew-cūðe ne mæġ / fore-mǣre | weras | || forþ ġe·brenġan. / Þēa |
The Menologium 186a | -būende || Engle and Seaxe, / | weras | mid wīfum. || Swelċe wiĝen |