A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: firenfulle

Number of occurrences in corpus: 10

Christ and Satan 65a nū māre sūsel!” / ‘Swā firenfulle || fācnum wordum / hira ealdor
Soul and Body I 91a || þā þē on weorolde ǣr / firenfulle menn || fyrn ġe·worhton, / þ
Soul and Body II 85a , || þā þe on weorolde ǣr / firenfulle menn || fyrn ġe·worhton, / þ
The Paris Psalter 118:95 2a sēċe ġe·nēahhe. / / # / Mē firenfulle || fǣcne sēċaþ, / willaþ m
The Paris Psalter 118:110 2a tan || ǣfre þenċe. / / # / Mē firenfulle || fǣcne ġirene / ā·wriðon
The Paris Psalter 118:155 2a | cwicne nū-þā. / / # / Wǣron firenfulle feorr || fǣlre hǣlu; / for·
The Paris Psalter 140:12 1a hwǣr þenċaþ. / / # / Feallaþ firenfulle || on hira fenġ-nettum; / iċ
The Paris Psalter 146:6 2b % on·fēhð fæġere || and firenfulle / wiþ eorðan niðer || ealle
The Paris Psalter 57:3 1a hefiġe ġe·ēode. / / # / Ġē firenfulle || fremde wurdon, / siþþan h
The Paris Psalter 72:10 1a on hēaĝum?’ / / # / Þȳ nū firenfulle || foldan ǣhta / and þisse we