A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: heofon

Number of occurrences in corpus: 42

Genesis A 85b nīþ, / siþþan here-wosan || heofon of·ġēafon, / lēohte be·lor
Genesis A 113b e drihten, / helm æl-wihta, || heofon and eorðan, / rodor ā·rǣrde
Genesis B 476a ġe·þingþu% / on þone hēan heofon, || þonne hē% heonan wēnde.
Genesis B 603b æt hire þūhte% hwītre || heofon and eorðe, / and eall þēos w
Genesis B 736a t hēr menn bûn / þone hēan heofon, || þēah wit hearmas nū, / þ
Genesis A 2191a īn flǣsċ liġeþ. / Sċēawa heofon, || and% hyrste ġe·rīm, / rod
Exodus 73b ċe ofer-brǣde || biernendne heofon, / hālĝan nette || hāt-wendne
Exodus 427b owe? / Ne be·hwielfan mæġ || heofon and eorðe / his wuldres word,
Christ and Satan 168b t iċ mid heandum ne mæġ || heofon ġe·rǣcan, / ne mid ēaĝum n
Christ and Satan 343b rede, / drēamum be·dǣlde. || Heofon dēop ġe·hyġd, / þā hēo o
Christ and Satan 413b d āhton, / hāliġne hām, || heofon tō ġe·wealde. / Þā wit þ
Andreas 328a be·fēhþ || ānes cræfte, / heofon and eorðan, || hālĝum meah
Andreas 748a || þone% þe grund and sund, / heofon and eorðan || and hrēo wǣ
Andreas 1438a t þēos wlitie ġe·sċeaft, / heofon and eorðe, || hrēosaþ tō
Elene 289a | þurh þīnes wuldres meaht / heofon and eorðan || and holm-þræ
Elene 314a end. || Is þæs wuldres full / heofon and eorðe || and eall hēah-
Christ C 1149a wlite. || On þā selfan tīd / heofon hlūtre on·ġeat || hwā hin
Christ C 1591a m || ġeorne hīeraþ. / Þonne heofon and hell || hæleþa bearnum,
Vainglory 60b ōfon, / heardne here-sīþ, || heofon wīd-ledan%, / for·sāwon hira
The Order of the World 39b htiġ, / hēah hordes weard, || heofon and eorðan%, / sǣs sīdne gru
The Order of the World 89b e / mid þām sīe ā·hefed || heofon and eorðe. / Bēoþ þonne ēa
Guthlac A 647b ahtungum / hafaþ on heandum || heofon and eorðan, / þæt ġē mec m
Riddles 40 22a sē ana god / sē þisne hēan heofon || healdeþ and wealdeþ. / Iċ
Resignation 2b drihten. || Þū ġe·sċōpe heofon and eorðan / and wunder eall,
Riddles 94 2a eþr[]ād, || / hīerre þonne heofon[] || / [] || glædre þonne sunn
The Phoenix 131a yrhta, || weorold staðolode, / heofon and eorðan. || Biþ þæs hl
Juliana 112a þone þe lēoht ġe·sċōp, / heofon and eorðan || and holma be·
Beowulf 3155b ȳnðu% and% hæft-nīed%. || Heofon rīeċe sweah%. / Ġe·worhton
The Paris Psalter 103:3 1a || lēohte ġe·ġierwed. / / # / Heofon þū ā·þeġnodest || hȳde
The Paris Psalter 113:23 2a are ġe·blētsode, / þǣm þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe; / h
The Paris Psalter 120:2 2a fǣġer æt drihtne, / sē þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe. / /
The Paris Psalter 123:7 5a stne and strangne, / þæs þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe.
The Paris Psalter 133:4 3a || simle æt þearfe, / sē þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe.
The Paris Psalter 135:5 1a de || wierðliċ ana. / / # / Sē heofon worhte, || hæleþa andġiet.
The Paris Psalter 145:5 1a || hæfde fæste. / / # / Sē þe heofon worhte, || hrūsan swelċe / an
The Paris Psalter 146:8 1a ēawe be hearpan. / / # / Sē þe heofon þeċeþ || hādrum wolcnum / a
The Paris Psalter 68:35 1b . / / # / Herġe% hine swelċe || heofon and eorðe, / sīde sǣ-flōdas
The Paris Psalter 72:7 1a ·cwǣdon. / / # / Hwæt, hīe on heofon setton || hyġe hira mūðes,
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 30a īdle || būtū || be·fangen / heofon and eorðan || and eall holma
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 29a færest, / þe þone hīehstan heofon || be·hindan lǣtst, / þonne
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 4a ast || and þū ealne hræðe / heofon ymb·hwearfest || and þurh
The Kentish Hymn 13b tum / hafast on ġe·wealdum || heofon and eorðan, / ān ēċe fæder