Number of occurrences in corpus: 38
Genesis A 75a | | and wēan cūðon, / sār and | sorĝe, | || sūsl þrōwodon / þīestru |
Genesis B 733b | artan sīþ. || Swā þū his | sorĝe | ne þearft / beran on þīnum b |
Genesis B 785b | lþa ġe·setena, || ne hīe | sorĝe | wiht / weorces wiston, || ac h |
Genesis A 877a | d wrīhst sċame, / ġe·siehst | sorĝe, | || and þīn self þeċest / l |
Genesis A 2245b | n / hire mann-drihtne || mōdes | sorĝe, | / sār-ferhþ sæġde || and sw |
Genesis A 2279a | hungor oþþe wulf / sāwle and | sorĝe | || samod ā·breġde’. / Hire |
Genesis A 2797b | : / ‘Lǣt þē ā·slūpan || | sorĝe | of brēostum, / mōd-ġe·winna |
Daniel 263a | ydon. / Næs him sē swēġ tō | sorĝe | || þonā þe sunnan sċīma, |
Christ and Satan 28a | me || bīdan sċolden% / sāran | sorĝe, | || nealles sweġles% lēoht / h |
Andreas 1568a | biþ ġearu sōna / sibb aefter | sorĝe, | || ġif we sēċaþ tō him. |
Soul and Body I 162a | ǣre andsware || yfele habban / | sorĝe | on hreðere%, || ac wit selfe |
Elene 483a | oft ġe·tȳnde, / ġōmrum tō | sorĝe. | || Iċ þurh Iudas ǣr / hyhtfu |
Elene 592a | īta ġe·hwelċes, / sæce and | sorĝe. | || Hīe sōna ðǣr / þurh þ |
Christ B 620b | urh ierne hyġe || ieldum tō | sorĝe: | / ‘Iċ þeċ ofer eorðan ġe |
Christ C 1163a | rþ maneĝum blissod, / sāwlum | sorĝe | tō·glidene. || Hwæt, ēac |
Guthlac A 219b | man, / swā hīe sīn-gāles || | sorĝe | drēoĝaþ. / Ne mōton hīe on |
Guthlac A 230a | fas, || hleahtor ā·leġdon, / | sorĝe | sifodon, || þā hīe swīðr |
Guthlac A 295a | orde, || ac his wiðer-brecum / | sorĝe | ġe·sæġde, || cūðe him s |
Guthlac A 317a | aþas || lȳt ġe·ġrētaþ, / | sorĝe | sealdon, || nū mec sāwolcun |
Guthlac A 476a | ġe·bielded, / sæġde him tō | sorĝe | || þæt hīe siġelēase / þo |
Guthlac B 1068b | afu / on þās sēocnan tīd || | sorĝe | on mōde, / ne iċ mē here-hl |
Guthlac B 1137b | rum ġe·swenċed. || Ne hē | sorĝe | wæġ / ġōcorne sefan || gǣs |
Deor 3b | fde him tō ġe·sīþþe || | sorĝe | and langoþ, / winter-ċealde w |
The Phoenix 611b | m on þām wīcum || wiht tō | sorĝe, | / wrōht ne weðel || ne ġe·w |
Juliana 624b | ynne ġe·sōhte. || Iċ þā | sorĝe | ġe·man, / hū iċ bendum fæs |
The Seafarer 42b | þæt hē ā his sǣ-fōre || | sorĝe | næbbe, / tō hwon hine drihten |
The Seafarer 54b | e, / sinġeþ sumores weard, || | sorĝe | bēodeþ / bitter on brēost-ho |
Beowulf 119b | ryht / swefan aefter simble; || | sorĝe | ne cūðon, / wan-sċeaft wera. |
Beowulf 1149b | s·lāf / aefter sǣ-sīðe, || | sorĝe, | mǣndon, / æt-witon wēana dæ |
Beowulf 2004b | na fela / Siġe-Sċieldingum || | sorĝe | ġe·fremede, / iermþe tō eal |
Beowulf 2463b | aefter Here-bealde || heortan | sorĝe | / weallende wǣġ. || Wihte ne |
Beowulf 2468a | f ne wæs / Hē þā mid ðǣre | sorĝe, | || þe him swā sār be·lamp |
The Paris Psalter 68:22 2b | næfde eorla þæs || ǣniġ% | sorĝe; | / frēfrend iċ sōhte, || find |
The Rune Poem 23a | cann wēana lȳt, / sāres and | sorĝe% | || and him selfa hæfþ / blǣd |
Solomon and Saturn 48b | n wiþ morðre, || merġan of | sorĝe, | / ā·sċēadan of sċyldum? || |
Solomon and Saturn 169a | earn ā·fēdeþ, / seolfre tō | sorĝe, | || siþþan drēoĝeþ / his ea |
The Judgment Day II 191a | sle on helle. / Þǣr sint tō | sorĝe | || æt·samne ġe·menġed / s |
The Lord's Prayer III 27b | ū ūs tō wīte || on wēan | sorĝe | / ne on costunge, || Crīst ner |