Number of occurrences in corpus: 73
Genesis A 2137b | dswarode / ǣdre for eorlum, || | elne | ġe·weorðod%, / dōme and si |
Andreas 54b | adiġ and an-mōd, || hē mid | elne | forþ / weorðode wordum || wul |
Andreas 983b | hræðe, / ān-rǣd ōretta, || | elne | ġe·fyrðred, / maĝa mōde r |
Andreas 1486b | þā earfoþu || þe hē mid | elne | ā·drēah, / grimmra gūða. | |
Dream of the Rood 34a | þā frēan manncynnes / efstan | elne | miċele || þæt hē mē wold |
Dream of the Rood 60a | ġum tō handa, / ēað–mōd | elne | miċele. || ġenāmon hīe ð |
Dream of the Rood 123a | ām bēame || blīðe mōde, / | elne | miċele, || ðǣr iċ ana wæ |
Christ C 1317a | ġe·seċġan / mid hū miċele | elne | || ǣghwelċ wille / þurh eall |
Maxims I 186a | um tīehþ / earĝne, þæt hē | elne | for·lēose, || drūgaþ his |
The Order of the World 17b | ċyle āscian, || sē þe% on | elne | leofaþ, / dēop-hyġdiġ mann, |
Guthlac A 158a | , || þæt sē hālĝa þēow / | elne | ġe·ēode, || þā hē ana |
Guthlac A 190a | æs fultum nēah, / enġel hine | elne | trymede, || þonne hīe him i |
Guthlac A 293b | fremede / on andsware || and on | elne | strang. / Ne wand hē for worde |
Guthlac A 328a | ġiefan þōhton. / Hē wæs on | elne | || and on ēað-mēdum, / bād |
Guthlac A 342b | ċolde, / þæt hine ǣreste || | elne | be·nāmon / slǣpa sluman || o |
Guthlac A 475b | niĝum stōd / eald-fēonda, || | elne | ġe·bielded, / sæġde him tō |
Guthlac A 532b | aefter orde, || þæt hē on | elne | ā·drēah: / þone fore-genġa |
Guthlac B 940b | ādl inn ġe·wōd. || Hē on | elne | swā þēah / un-ġe·blyġed b |
Guthlac B 950a | a tīd || dǣdum ġe·cwēmde / | elne | unslāwe. || þā sē æl-mih |
Guthlac B 1026a | || Beald reordode / ēadiġ on | elne | || andcwiss ā·ġeaf: / ‘Iċ |
Guthlac B 1108a | metfæst, || mæġen unsōfte / | elne | ġe·efnde. || A·rās þā e |
Guthlac B 1136a | þæs sē dryhtnes þeġn% / on | elne | bād, || ādle ġe·bisiĝod, |
Guthlac B 1285a | d sē þe sċolde / ēadiġ on | elne | || ende-dōĝor, / ā·wrecen w |
Azarias 91b | þ, / ġif we ġe·earniaþ, || | elne | willaþ, / þonne fēran sċeal |
The Phoenix 484a | | mid hēah-cyning / earnaþ on | elne, | || oþ·þæt ende cymeþ / dō |
The Wanderer 114a | r þā bōte cunne, / eorl mid | elne | ġe·fremman. || Wēl biþ þ |
Precepts 8a | ēne þeċ þȳ beteran, / efen | elne | þis || ā þenden þū libbe |
Precepts 16b | te / ōðre sīðe: || ‘Heald | elne | þis. / Ne freme firene, || ne |
Precepts 30b | / rihtum ġe·risnum. || Ræfn | elne | þis, / þæt þū nǣfre fǣcn |
Precepts 50b | / andġiet yfles, || heald þe | elne | wiþ, / feorma þū simle || on |
Beowulf 893b | swealt. / Hæfde āĝlǣċa || | elne | ġe·ġangen / þæt hē bēah- |
Beowulf 1097a | iðu-wǣre. || Finn Henġeste / | elne, | unflitme || āðum be·nemde / |
Beowulf 1493a | Weder-Ġēata lēod / efste mid | elne, | || nealles andsware / bīdan wo |
Beowulf 1967a | fūs. || Hīe sīþ druĝon, / | elne | ġe·ēodon, || tō þæs þe |
Beowulf 2506a | cumbles hīerde, / æðeling on | elne; | || ne wæs eċġ bana, / ac him |
Beowulf 2535b | , / eorlsċipe efne. || Iċ mid | elne | sċeall / gold ġe·ġangan, || |
Beowulf 2676a | || under his mǣġes sċield / | elne | ġe·ēode, || þā his āĝe |
Beowulf 2816a | tō metod-sċeafte, / eorlas on | elne; | || iċ him aefter sċeall.’ |
Beowulf 2861b | ġīete || þǣm þe ǣr his | elne | for·lēas. / Wīġ·lāf maðe |
Beowulf 2917a | ware || hilde ġe·nǣġdon%, / | elne | ġe·ēodon || mid ofer-mæġ |
Judith 95a | sē hīehsta dēma / ǣdre mid | elne | on·bryrde, || swā hē dēþ |
The Paris Psalter 100:7 3b | bbe% / oþþe unryht cweþan || | elne | wille. / / # / Iċ on morĝenne o |
The Paris Psalter 100:8 2b | s wyrhtan / ealle þe unryht || | elne | worhton / and firena fela || ġ |
The Paris Psalter 118:4 2b | e hēte / ealle eorð-būend || | elne | healdan. / / # / Iċ þæs lā w |
The Paris Psalter 118:5 3b | iċ þīne āĝen be·bod || | elne | healde / / # / Ne bēo iċ þonne |
The Paris Psalter 118:6 2b | on ealle þīne be·bodu || | elne | locie / / # / Iċ% þē andette, |
The Paris Psalter 118:20 3b | ·sund mōte / on ealle tīd || | elne | healdan. / / # / Þū ofer-hyġd |
The Paris Psalter 118:56 1b | drihten, / and iċ ǣ þīne || | elne | hēolde. / / # / Þās mē andwea |
The Paris Psalter 118:58 1b | ic wille / þīne ǣ healdan || | elne | miċele. / / # / Iċ bidde þīnr |
The Paris Psalter 118:114 1b | fēode, / and iċ ǣ þīne || | elne | lufode. / / # / Þū mē fultumia |
The Paris Psalter 118:128 2b | on iċ eall þīn be·bod || | elne | healde, / and iċ unrihte weĝa |
The Paris Psalter 118:137 1b | nellaþ / þīnre ǣ be·bod || | elne | healdan. / / # / Dryhten is sōþ |
The Paris Psalter 118:148 3b | cōmon; / on ǣr-morĝen || iċ | elne | on·gann / þīne sprǣċe || s |
The Paris Psalter 118:154 1b | ·þon iċ wolde ǣ þīne || | elne | healdan. / / # / Dēm mīnne dōm |
The Paris Psalter 118:163 2b | nd iċ unrihta ġe·hwelċ || | elne | fēode / and on·hysċte || ǣ |
The Paris Psalter 118:164 1b | eorne; / wolde iċ ǣ þīne || | elne | lufian. / / # / Swā iċ þe seof |
The Paris Psalter 118:171 3a | || wordum bealcettaþ / ymenas | elne, | || ġif þū mē ǣrest wilt / |
The Paris Psalter 118:175 1b | simle, / þæt iċ ǣ þīne || | elne | metĝie. / / # / Lēofaþ sāwol |
The Paris Psalter 118:176 4b | ; / lā, sēċe þīnne esne || | elne, | drihten; / for·þon iċ þīnr |
The Paris Psalter 128:5 2b | þe hē hit māwe || miċele | elne; | / ne mid his sċēafe ne mæġ |
The Paris Psalter 143:9 3b | ĝod, / þæt hīe unryhtes% || | elne | tiliaþ. / / # / Iċ nīewlīċe |
The Paris Psalter 144:19 4b | orne / and his eġe% swelċe || | elne | ræfnaþ; / hē hira bēne || b |
The Paris Psalter 52:5 2b | dġiet habban / þe unryhtes || | elne | wierċaþ / and min folc freta |
The Paris Psalter 58:5 5b | eorðest / eallum þe unryht || | elne | wyrċaþ. / / # / Hīe æt ǣfne |
The Paris Psalter 59:4 2b | dest / þǣmþe eġe þīnne || | elne | healdaþ, / þæt hīe him ġe |
The Paris Psalter 73:5 1b | . / / # / Hīe mid æscum duru || | elne | curfan, / and mid twī-eċġum |
The Paris Psalter 80:8 1b | if þū, Israhel, ā wylt || | elne | ġe·hīeran. / / # / Ġif þū, |
The Paris Psalter 84:8 2b | ah / þām% þe eġesan his || | elne | healdaþ, / hǣleþ mid hyldu | |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 2b | tō þē / þurh ealne dæġ || | elne | clipode; / dō þīnes sċealce |
The Paris Psalter 85:4 3b | htsum / eallum þǣmþe þē || | elne | ċīeġaþ. / / # / Þū mid ēar |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 3b | res gode / þurh ealne dæġ || | elne | clipie / and mīne handa tō þ |
The Paris Psalter 95:4 2a | | for·þon hine menn sċulon / | elne | herġan; || hē is eġesliċ |
The Paris Psalter 99:1 2b | drihtne / eall þēos eorðe || | elne | hīere, / and blisse gode || be |