A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġefēa

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Elene 195b ard cyning || Wæs him nīewe ġe·fēa / be·folen on ferhþe, || wæs
Christ A 231a dan fēore / lēoht, līexende ġe·fēa, || libbendra ġe·hwǣm / þe o
Christ B 585b s hiht || and ealles lēohtes ġe·fēa.’ / Hwæt, we nū ġe·hīerdon |
Christ B 743a þ burĝ-warum / ēadĝum ēċe ġe·fēa || æðelinges pleĝa. / Þus h
Christ C 1077b ngaþ. || Biþ hira meaht and ġe·fēa / swīðe ġe·sǣliġliċ || s
The Phoenix 422a m tō·ġēanes%, / mann-cynnes ġe·fēa, || mēðra frēfrend, / and sē
The Phoenix 607b on līfe, || ðǣr sē langa ġe·fēa, / ēċe and ed-ġung, || ǣfre