A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: suðan

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

Christ C 884b gong / singað ond swinsiað || suðan ond norðan / eastan ond westan
The Phoenix 186b hwylc / aswefed under swegle || suðan bliceð / wedercondel wearm ||
The Phoenix 324b iddangeard / ðonne somniað || suðan ond norðan / eastan ond westan
Beowulf 606b s dogores / sunne sweglwered || suðan scineð / ða wæs on salum ||
Beowulf 1966a as || woruldcandel scan / sigel suðan fus || hi sið drugon / elne ge
The Seasons for Fasting 87b með / gif ðe ðonne secgan || suðan cymene / bryttan franca || ðæ
The Seasons for Fasting 92b æt sylfe heald || ðæt ðe suðan com / from romana || rices hyrd
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 2b agustinus / ofer sealtne sæ || suðan brohte / iegbuendum || swa hit