Number of occurrences in corpus: 55
Genesis B 684b | þicce tō || and spēon hine | ealne | dæġ / on þā dimman dǣd || |
Daniel 502a | fæðmde || foldan sċēatas, / | ealne | middan-ġeard, || oþ mere-st |
Daniel 540a | and hǣðen || herġes wīsa, / | ealne | þone eġesan || þe him īew |
Christ and Satan 8b | deþ / metod on meahtum, || and | ealne | middan-ġeard. / Hē selfa mæ |
Christ and Satan 23b | æt þū þone ymb-hwyrft || | ealne | cunne, / and ǣrest ā·met || |
Andreas 1245a | drēoĝan sċolde. / Swā wæs | ealne | dæġ || oþ·þæt ǣfen cō |
Elene 292a | ā·mǣte || mundum þīnum / | ealne | ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, / a |
Christ A 72b | m, / fǣmne frēolicast || ofer | ealne | foldan sċēat / þæs þe ǣfr |
Christ A 439a | sǣliġ || siþþan eardaþ, / | ealne | wīdan feorh || wunaþ būtan |
Christ B 481a | des ansīen. / Faraþ nū ġond | ealne | || iermenne grund, / ġond wīd |
Widsith 109a | ellan ne hīerdon. / Þonan iċ | ealne | ġeond·hwearf || ēðel Gote |
The Fortunes of Men 59b | meahtum / his earfoþ-sīþ || | ealne | for·spildan, / and on ieldu ef |
The Panther 68a | ne || hēaĝum þrungon / ġond | ealne | ymb-hwyrft || eorðan sċēat |
Guthlac A 103b | ǣd gode / þurh ēað-mēdu || | ealne | ġe·sealde, / þone þe hē on |
Guthlac A 817b | aþ, / wlitiġ, wuldorfæst, || | ealne% | wīdan feorh / on libbendra || |
Riddles 40 14b | iċ mid wealdendes || worde | ealne | / þisne ymbhwyrft || ūtan ymb |
The Judgment Day I 54a | siþþan lēohtes weard / ofer | ealne | foldan fæðm || fȳr on·sen |
The Judgment Day I 111a | sīe sēo beorhte stefn / ofer | ealne | middan-ġeard || mannum hlūd |
The Descent into Hell 137a | wihte || fæġere on·bryrdon / | ealne | þisne middan-ġeard. || Sīe |
Riddles 66 9a | eard, || eorðan ġe·fylle, / | ealne% | middan-ġeard || and mere-str |
The Phoenix 42a | || Swā ġō wæteres þrymm / | ealne | middan-ġeard || mere-flōd |
The Phoenix 67b | brim-ċeald brecaþ, || bearu | ealne | ġeond·faraþ, / þrāĝum þr |
Juliana 10a | r wer-þēode, / lȳtesnā ofer | ealne | || eormenne grund / Fōron aeft |
Juliana 286a | þ-fæt || seċġe mid rihte, / | ealne% | fram orde, || hwæt his æðe |
The Gifts of Men 88b | des ēst% / ofer eorð-welan || | ealne | ġe·ċēoseþ. / Sum biþ dēo |
Beowulf 1222a | || þæt þe feorr and nēah / | ealne | wīde-ferhþ || weras eahtia |
Beowulf 2297a | d || hlǣw% oft ymbe·hwearf / | ealne | ūtan-weardne, || ne ðǣr ǣ |
Beowulf 2691b | t and heaðu-grimm, || heals | ealne | ymbe·fēng / biteran bānum; | |
Judith 28b | ēl. / Swā sē inwidda || ofer | ealne | dæġ / dryht-guman sīne || dr |
The Paris Psalter 101:6 1a | licum fuĝole. / / # / Hwæt, mē | ealne | dæġ || edwīt-sprǣċe% on% |
The Paris Psalter 108:15 2b | nd hine ā·dīlĝie || dōme | ealne | / of þisse eorðan || āwa tō |
The Paris Psalter 139:2 1a | || þe wamm fremme. / / # / Þā | ealne | dæġ || inwitt and fācen / hy |
The Paris Psalter 54:5 1b | / / # / Eġesa mē and fyrhtu || | ealne | for·cwōmon, / and mē be·þe |
The Paris Psalter 55:1 2a | þon mē man tredeþ, / and mē | ealne | dæġ || mid unrihte / fīend o |
The Paris Psalter 55:2 2a | | fēondas mīne, / dōþ þæt | ealne | dæġ || fram ǣr-merġenne. / |
The Paris Psalter 55:4 4a | e || spēd folĝie / ǣġhwæs | ealne | dæġ; || ēac iċ swelċe / on |
The Paris Psalter 55:5 1a | or āhwæðer. / / # / Hwæt, mē | ealne | dæġ || mīne āĝen word / se |
The Paris Psalter 55:9 3a | ġeorne ġe·līefe, / and iċ | ealne | dæġ || ēċne drihten / wordu |
The Paris Psalter 70:7 4a | n || wīde mǣrsian / and þē | ealne | dæġ || ǣġhwǣr herġan. / / |
The Paris Psalter 70:14 3a | ðost mǣreþ, / sæġeþ þē | ealne | dæġ || ēċe hǣlu. / / # / For |
The Paris Psalter 71:15 4a | || wera cnēo-rissa / and hine | ealne | dæġ || ēac blētsiaþ. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 72:11 5a | iċ hete niste, / and iċ wæs | ealne | dæġ || ēac ġe·swungen, / w |
The Paris Psalter 73:20 4a | wīse || ed·wīta fela / þurh | ealne | dæġ || oft ā·sprǣcon. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 85:3 2a | e iċ mæġene tō þē / þurh | ealne | dæġ || elne clipode; / dō þ |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 3a | ċ mē tō wuldres gode / þurh | ealne | dæġ || elne clipie / and mīn |
The Paris Psalter 87:17 1a | re ġe·drēfde. / / # / Hīe mē | ealne | dæġ || ūtan ymb·sealdan, / |
The Paris Psalter 88:14 4a | num || nīede swelċe / bēoþ | ealne | dæġ || ēac on blisse / and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 38a | be·bǣted% hafaþ / ymb-hwyrft | ealne | || eorðan and heofones. / Hē |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 5a | æġe || ūtan ymb·hwierfeþ / | ealne | middan-ġeard? || Hwā is man |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 3b | e / ēċum rīcsast || and þū | ealne | hræðe / heofon ymb·hwearfest |
The Creed 3b | worhtest / and eorðan wang || | ealne | ġe·settest, / iċ þē ēċne |
Psalm 50 73b | and blīðe / þurh ȳsopan || | ealne | ā·hlūtra, / þonne iċ ġe· |
A Prayer 32b | d, / menn ofer moldan, || ġond | ealne | middan-ġeard, / ne mæġe we n |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 13b | ow and þearfa || þæs þ[] | ealne | þrymm ā·ōf, / and ēac weal |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 4b | / sēo is ġe·mǣrsod || ofer | ealne | middan-ġeard; / swā þēos d |