A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġeofenes

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Exodus 581a fynde || Āfrisċ mēowle% / on ġeofenes stæðe || golde ġe·weorðo
Andreas 852b t ūs ġiestran-dæġe% || on ġeofenes strēam / ofer ār-welan || æ
Elene 227a san. || Faroþ-henġestas / ymb ġeofenes stæþ || ġearwe stōdon, / s
Elene 762a suna || sende tō lāce / ofer ġeofenes strēam || ġiefe unsċende. /
The Phoenix 118a | siþþan wuldres ġimm / ofer ġeofenes gang || grund ġe·sċīeneþ
Beowulf 362a erede, || feorran cumene / ofer ġeofenes be·gang || Ġeata lēode; / þ
Beowulf 1394a || ne on fierġen-holt, / ne on ġeofenes grund, || gā ðǣr hē wille