Number of occurrences in corpus: 15
Genesis A 37b | wræclicne hām || weorce tō | lēane, | / helle-hēafas, || hearde nī |
Genesis A 2820b | fǣle frēond || fremena tō | lēane, | / þāra þe iċ tō duĝuþum |
The Fates of the Apostles 62b | e ġe·sōhte || siĝores tō | lēane. | / Hwæt, we þæt ġe·hīerdon |
The Fates of the Apostles 74b | wuldor-cyning, || wīġes tō | lēane. | / Nǣron þā twēġen || tohta |
Widsith 67a | glædlicne māðum / sanges tō | lēane. | || Næs þæt sǣne cyning. / M |
Widsith 95a | ō hām be·cōm, / lēofum tō | lēane, | || þæs þe hē mē land for |
The Fortunes of Men 76a | hē him brād sileþ / land tō | lēane. | || Hē hit on lust þiġeþ. / |
Resignation 116a | æs ā cearu simle / lufena tō | lēane, | || swā iċ ā·lifde nū. / G |
The Phoenix 386b | nian on wuldre% || weorca tō | lēane. | / Þisses fuĝoles ġe·cynd || |
The Phoenix 475b | wuldres byriġ || weorca tō | lēane, | / þæs þe hīe ġe·hēoldon |
Juliana 708a | um || dēman wille / līfes tō | lēane. | || //L// //F// bifaþ, / seoma |
Beowulf 1021b | en ġyldenne || siĝores tō | lēane; | / hroden hilde-cumbₒr%, || he |
The Menologium 147b | d wuldor-fæder || weorca tō | lēane. | / Swelċe þæs ymb fīf niht | |
The Judgment Day II 184b | ĝedum gāstum, || wēana tō | lēane? | / Þā ofer·swīðaþ || sefan |
The Seasons for Fasting 13b | æs of heofonum || hearm tō | lēane | / ā·sende siĝora% God || and |