Number of occurrences in corpus: 26
Genesis B 511a | . || Brāde sint on weorolde / | grēne | ġeardas, || and God siteþ / o |
Genesis A 1018a | e hroðra of·tīhþ, / glǣmes | grēne | folde. || Þū sċealt ġōmo |
Genesis A 1137a | a, || siþþan Ādam stōp / on | grēne | græs || gāste ġe·weorðod |
Genesis A 1474a | ames twiġ || ān tō handa, / | grēne | blǣde. || Þā on·ġeat hr |
Genesis A 1480a | n, || ac hēo land be·ġeat, / | grēne | bearwas; || nolde gladu ǣfre |
Genesis A 1561b | hte, / ġēar-torhte ġiefe, || | grēne | folde. / Þā þæt ġe·ēode, |
Genesis A 1657b | m mannum / hira ġār-daĝum || | grēne | wangas, / fæġere foldan, || h |
Genesis A 1921b | and sċēawian / be Iordane, || | grēne | eorðan. / Sēo wæs wæterum w |
Exodus 281a | h || and þēos swīðre hand / | grēne | tācne || gārseċġes dēop. |
Daniel 517a | stne, || oþ·þæt eft cyme / | grēne | blēda, || þonne God selle. / |
Christ and Satan 286b | earwian ūs tō·ġēanes || | grēne | strǣte / up tō englum, || ð |
Andreas 776a | rþ gān || fold-weġ tredan, / | grēne | grundas, || godes ǣrendu / lā |
Guthlac A 232b | ġas / of·ġiefan gnornende || | grēne | beorĝas. / Hwæðere hīe þā |
Riddles 12 2a | iċ fēre, || foldan slīte, / | grēne | wangas, || þenden iċ gǣst |
Riddles 15 6a | aĝum. || Ordum iċ steppe / on | grēne% | græs. || Mē biþ gryn witod |
Riddles 21 9b | a fela; / mē biþ gangendre || | grēne | on healfe / and min swæþ sweo |
Riddles 66 5a | m || and þēs% foldan bearm, / | grēne | wangas. || Grundum iċ hrīne |
The Phoenix 13b | t is wynsum wang, || wealdas | grēne, | / rūme under rodorum. || Ne m |
The Phoenix 36a | blǣde, || ac þā bēamas ā / | grēne | standaþ, || swā him god be |
The Phoenix 78b | tīd / on þām græs-wange || | grēne | standaþ, / ġe·hroden hyhtlī |
The Phoenix 154b | ra, / gamol, ġēarum frōd, || | grēne% | eorðan / ā·fliehþ, fuĝla w |
The Phoenix 293b | s him þæt hēafod || hindan | grēne, | / wrætlīċe wrixled% || wurma |
The Phoenix 298b | hindanweard || and sē heals | grēne | / neoðanweard and ufanweard || |
Solomon and Saturn 108b | Lȳtle hwīle || leaf bēoþ | grēne; | / þonne hīe eft fealwiaþ, || |
The Menologium 206b | s wunian ne mōton% || wangas | grēne, | / foldan frætwe. || Þæs ymb |
Maxims II 35a | . || Beorh sċeall on eorðan / | grēne | standan. || God sċeall on he |