Number of occurrences in corpus: 29
Genesis A 187b | ġearwod. || Hie on ġuĝuþe | bū | / wlite-beorht wǣron || on weo |
Genesis B 479b | bær biteres fela. || Sċolde | bū | witan / ielda ǣġhwelċ || yfe |
Genesis B 574b | rēost-cofan, || swā wit him | bū | tū / an spēd sprecaþ. || Spa |
Genesis B 751b | ostum, || for·þon hēr sint | bū | tū ġe·dōn: / ġe þæt hæl |
Genesis B 838b | Ac wit þus baru ne maĝon || | bū | tū æt·samne / wesan tō wiht |
Genesis B 847b | hīe on ġe·bēd fēollon || | bū | tū æt·samne / morĝena ġe· |
Genesis A 1699b | land-sōcne. || Him on lāste | bū | / stīðliċ stān-torr || and |
Genesis A 2258b | þē, || þenden wit libbaþ | bū, | / ārna lēase, || ac þū þī |
Genesis A 2603b | him fǣmnan tō brȳde || him | bū | wǣron, / on ferhþ-cofan || f |
Genesis A 2780b | hīe æt swǣsendum || sǣton | bū | tū, / hāliġ on hyġe, || and |
Genesis A 2799b | ere, / brȳde þīnre. || Hāt | bū | tū ā·weġ / Āĝar fēran || |
Elene 176a | lāf and stān / on ġe·sihþe | bū | || samod% ġe·weorðaþ, / str |
Elene 450b | ste ġe·ġearwod, || ġeador | bū | samod / līċ and sāwl. || Þ |
Christ C 1035b | angum, || hafaþ æt·gædere | bū, | / līċ and sāwle. || Sċeal o |
Christ C 1256b | lǣdes and blissa || þe hīe | bū | ġe·sēoþ, / þæt hē hīe |
Christ C 1325b | ūcan bysmerlēas, || þendan | bū | samod / līċ and sāwle || lib |
Maxims I 61a | þrīste mid cēnum, / sċulon | bū | recene || beadwe fremman. / Eor |
Maxims I 82b | ġan, / bunum and bēaĝum; || | bū | sċulon ǣrest / ġeofum god we |
Soul and Body II 82a | sċolde. / Þonne þū for unc | bū | || andwyrdan sċealt / on þām |
Guthlac A 380b | / Þēah min bān and blōd || | bū | tū ġe·weorðen / eorðan tō |
Guthlac B 928b | leþ hyġe-ġomre, || hǣlde | bū | tū / līċ and sāwle, || þen |
The Phoenix 402b | bēames blǣde, || þæt hīe | bū | þǣĝon / æppel unrǣdum || o |
Juliana 292b | æt ðǣr blōd and wæter || | bū | tu æt·gædere / eorðan sōht |
The Paris Psalter 101:25 1b | earn þīnra sċealca || hēr | bū | nāmon, / and ðǣr eardodon || |
The Paris Psalter 107:6 4b | rðan: / ‘And iċ blissie, || | bū | ġe·dǣle, / þā sele-ġe·s |
The Paris Psalter 118:74 3b | ġe·sēoþ / and blissiaþ, || | bū | ġe·þenċaþ, / þæt iċ þ |
The Paris Psalter 95:7 1b | . / / # / Bringaþ nū drihtne || | bū | æt·samne / wlite and āre, || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 31 4b | e; / habbaþ bleoh and fær, || | bū | unġelīċe, / and mǣġ-wlitas |
Solomon and Saturn 161b | ddan mid blisse, || þæt him | bū | ġiefe / feorh and folme, || þ |