Number of occurrences in corpus: 29
Exodus 67a | æl-fare || Ǣthānes% byrġ, / | mæġenes | mǣste || mearc-landum inn. / N |
Exodus 215a | || samod æt·gædere / māran | mæġenes, | || oþ Moyses be·bēad / eorla |
Exodus 245b | / mōd mid āran, || ēac þon | mæġenes | cræft, / gār-bēames fenġ. / |
Daniel 702b | um, / ðǣr medu-gāl wearþ || | mæġenes | wīsa. / Hēt þǣm æðelum% b |
The Phoenix 625b | hwelċes. / Miċel, unmǣte || | mæġenes | strengþu%, / hēah and hāliġ |
Juliana 392b | ǣnan, / þæt iċ ne meahte || | mæġenes | cræfte / gūðe wiþ·gangan. |
Beowulf 155b | ne wolde / wiþ manna hwone || | mæġenes | Deniġa, / feorh-bealu fierran, |
Beowulf 196b | ǣda; / sē wæs mann-cynnes || | mæġenes | strenġest / on þǣm dæġe || |
Beowulf 418a | þē sōhte, / for·þon hīe | mæġenes | cræft || mīnne% cūðon, / se |
Beowulf 1270b | ; / hwæðre hē ġe·munde || | mæġenes | strenġe, / ġin-fæste ġiefe |
Beowulf 1534a | ġe ġe·truwode, / mund-grīpe | mæġenes. | || Swā sċeall man dôn, / þo |
Beowulf 1716b | ēah þe hine mehtiġ god || | mæġenes | wynnum, / eafoþum stīepte, || |
Beowulf 1761b | ǣre cempa. || Nū is þīnes | mæġenes | blǣd / āne hwīle. || Eft sō |
Beowulf 1835a | ō ġēoce || gār-holt bere, / | mæġenes | fultum, || ðǣr þe biþ man |
Beowulf 1844a | || guman þingian. / Þū eart | mæġenes | strang || and on mōde frōd, |
Beowulf 1887a | oþ·þæt hine ieldu be·nam / | mæġenes | wynnum, || sē þe oft maniĝ |
Beowulf 2084a | -sele || gangan wolde, / ac hē | mæġenes | rōf || min costode, / grāpode |
Beowulf 2146a | lēanum || for·loren hæfde, / | mæġenes | mēde, || ac hē mē māðmas |
Beowulf 2647b | en / þæt ūre mann-drihten || | mæġenes | be·hōfaþ, / gōdra gūð-rin |
The Paris Psalter 107:12 1a | ġene īdel. / / # / Ūs% sċeall | mæġenes | ġe·met || mehtiġ drihten / s |
The Paris Psalter 137:4 3b | le mīne sāwle || on þīnes | mæġenes | spēd. / / # / Ealle þē andetta |
The Paris Psalter 144:3 3b | ðe; / nis his miċel-mōdes || | mæġenes | ende. / / # / Cnēo-rissa cynn || |
The Paris Psalter 150:1 2a | drihten, / herġaþ hine on his | mæġenes | || mǣre hǣlu. / / # / Herġaþ |
The Paris Psalter 54:7 4b | % eft / mōdes% min-dōm || and | mæġenes | hrēoh. / / # / Hāt nū tō·dǣ |
The Paris Psalter 59:11 1a | ġene īdel. / / # / Ūs sċeall | mæġenes | ġe·met || mehtiġ drihten / s |
The Paris Psalter 65:2 3b | rðan, / and ēac on meniġu || | mæġenes | þīnes / þīne fēondas þē |
The Paris Psalter 67:7 1a | þ blisse. / / # / Sē þe on his | mæġenes | || meahte ġe·lǣdeþ / þæt |
The Paris Psalter 73:12 1a | en-midre. / / # / Þū on þīnes | mæġenes | || meahte spēdum / sǣ ġe·se |
The Paris Psalter 88:15 1a | ǣr%. / / # / For·þon þū hira | mæġenes | eart || mǣrost wuldor, / and w |