A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hǣle

Number of occurrences in corpus: 19

Andreas 1002a ēode, || elnes ġe·myndiġ, / hǣle hilde-dēor. || Hǣðne swǣf
The Fortunes of Men 32b is wan-sċeaftum || winelēas hǣle. / Sum sċeall on ġēapum || g
The Order of the World 1a of the World / / Wilt þū, fūs hǣle, || fremdne mannan, / wīsne wō
Guthlac B 1145b ōht. || On·gann þā snotor hǣle, / ār, ambiht-þeġn, || æðel
Resignation 113a || ǣnġe þinga / fēasċeaft hǣle || foldan ...unian; / þonne i
The Phoenix 554a m neste || nēo-bedd ċēose, / hǣle hrā-wēriġ, || ġe·wīte h
Precepts 57b r-wyrde sċeall || wīsfæst hǣle / brēostum hyċġan, || nealle
Beowulf 719a m || ǣr ne siþþan / heardran hǣle, || heall-þeġnas fand. / Cōm
Beowulf 1217a Bēow·ulf lēofa, / hyse, mid hǣle || and þisses hræġles nēo
Beowulf 1646a mann || dōme ġe·weorðod, / hǣle hilde-dēor, || Hrōð·gār
Beowulf 2418a | nīþ-heard cyning, / þenden hǣle ā·bēad || heorð-ġe·nēa
The Paris Psalter 55:6 4b o / for nāhwæðer || nāwiht hǣle; / on ierre þū folc || eall ġ
The Paris Psalter 70:2 4b ōwe, || þæt% þū mē tela hǣle. / / # / For·þon þū mē, god,
The Paris Psalter 84:2 2b ce, / and hira firene || fæste hǣle. / / # / Eall þū þīn ierre ||
The Paris Psalter 84:6 2a htiġ drihten, / and ūs þīne hǣle sile || hēr tō ġe·nihte. /
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 53a ōca glēaw; || Bōitīus / sē hǣle hātte || sē þone hlisan ġ
The Rune Poem 28a ða bearnum / tō helpe and tō hǣle ġe·hwæðre, || ġif hīe h
The Judgment Day II 62a um || ac ġe·lēaffullum / his hǣle be·ġeat || and help recene,
The Lord's Prayer III 16b ū on·sendest || sāwlum tō hǣle / on middan-ġeard || manna cyn