Number of occurrences in corpus: 50
Genesis B 408a | hīe ūs tō ġungrum habban, / | fīra | bearn on þissum fæstum clam |
Exodus 396a | t, || þāra þe manna bearn, / | fīra | aefter foldan, || folmum ġe |
Andreas 24a | , || āh hīe blōd and fell, / | fīra | flǣsċ-haman, || feorran-cum |
Andreas 160a | ruĝdon || blōdĝum ċeaflum / | fīra | flǣsċ-haman || him tō fōd |
Andreas 291a | e || engla þēoden, / nerġend | fīra, | || of nacan stefne: / ‘Wē þ |
Andreas 409b | m, / folcum fracuþe, || þonne | fīra | bearn, / ellen-rōfe, || eaht b |
Andreas 590b | twǣm / and of fīf hlāfum || | fīra | cynnes / fīf þūsendu. || Fē |
Andreas 920b | worhte iċ þæt, || wealdend | fīra, | / synniġ wiþ selfne, || sāwl |
Andreas 961a | || hū þæt maniĝum wearþ / | fīra | ġe·frǣġe || ġond fela la |
Andreas 980a | up, || ðǣr is ār ġe·lang / | fīra | ġe·hwelcum, || þām þe h |
Andreas 1286a | num mæġen-spēdum, / nerġend | fīra, | || nǣfre wille%, / ēċe eall- |
Elene 459b | oda drihten / tō feorh-nere || | fīra | cynne, / līfes lāttēow. || |
Elene 639a | godes āĝen bearn, / nerġend | fīra. | || Meċ þāra næġla ġīen |
Elene 734a | | and snytru cræft, / nerġend | fīra. | || Þū þās næġlas hāt / |
Christ A 35a | for·hwierfed wæs, / frum-cynn | fīra. | || Wæs sēo fǣmne ġung, / m |
Christ A 242b | þe þīn fram-cynn mæġe || | fīra | bearnum / sweotole ġe·sēðan |
Christ C 1592a | and hell || hæleþa bearnum, / | fīra | ēorum, || fylde weorðeþ. / G |
The Fortunes of Men 63a | -burĝe inn, / þæs þe ǣniġ | fīra | mæġe || forþ% ġe·healdan |
Maxims I 32b | rðeþ on foldan swā fela || | fīra | cynnes, / ne sīe þæs maĝu-t |
Maxims I 143a | s || and calc-randes; / nǣniġ | fīra | || tō fela ġe·strīeneþ. / |
Maxims I 192a | ā·rǣd. || / Wearð% fǣhþu | fīra | cynne, || siþþan furðum sw |
The Order of the World 14b | ecan, / þæt ā friċġende || | fīra | cynnes / and seċġende || sear |
The Order of the World 76a | nde tungol. / For·þon nǣniġ | fīra | || þæs frōd leofaþ / þæt |
The Whale 39b | fēond ġe·māh, || þætte | fīra | ġe·hwelċ / hæleþa cynnes | |
Guthlac B 864a | na. || Dēaþ inn ġe·þrang / | fīra | cynne, || fēond rīxode / ġon |
Guthlac B 988a | ht, || þætte ǣniġ ne wæs / | fīra | cynnes || fram fruman siþþa |
Guthlac B 1250b | wicra ǣngum / on fold-weġe || | fīra | cynnes, / þæt mē ne meahte | |
Riddles 67 4a | snytt[] hēo simle dēþ || / | fīra | ġe·hw[] || / [] wīsdōme. | |
The Phoenix 396b | an / foldan sċēata%, || þone | fīra | bearn / nemnaþ neorxna-wang, | |
The Phoenix 492a | ēoþ || on ġe·mōt lǣded% / | fīra | cynnes; || wile fæder engla, |
The Phoenix 535b | hwelċ / flǣsċe be·fangen || | fīra | cynnes, / ǣnliċ and ed-ġung, |
Juliana 218b | fe, / ne ðǣr freme meteþ% || | fīra | ǣniġ / sōðe sibbe, || þēa |
Juliana 509b | ēore / fram fruman weorolde || | fīra | cynne, / eorlum on eorðan. || |
Beowulf 91a | e sē þe cūðe / frum-sċeaft | fīra | || feorran reċċan, / cwæþ |
Beowulf 2001b | el% ġe·mēting, || maniĝum | fīra, | / hwelċ orleġ-hwīl% || uncer |
Beowulf 2250b | ·nam, / feorh-bealu frecne, || | fīra% | ġe·hwelcne / lēoda mīnra, | |
Beowulf 2286a | tum menn. || Frēa sċēawode / | fīra | fyrn-ġe·weorc || forman sī |
Beowulf 2741b | wītan ne ðearf || wealdend | fīra | / morðₒr-bealu māĝa, || þ |
Judith 24a | ede and dynede, / þæt meahton | fīra | bearn || feorran ġe·hīeran |
Judith 33b | lett-sittendum, || oþ·þæt | fīra | bearnum / nēa-lǣhte niht sēo |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 11b | ste healle? || Ne mæġ ēac | fīra | nan / wīsdōm timbran || ðǣr |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 32a | lcas% ne hīerdon, / ne furðum | fīra | nan || ymb ġe·feoht sprecan |
The Rune Poem 1b | m / / //F// feoh biþ frōfor || | fīra | ġe·hwelcum. / Sċeal þēah m |
Solomon and Saturn 40a | gripu, / þonne hēo for [XII] | fīra | || tȳdernessum / ofer glēda g |
Solomon and Saturn 5a | ram þǣm lande / ðǣr nǣniġ | fīra | ne mæġ || fōtum ġe·stepp |
Solomon and Saturn 11b | þon þā foldan ne mæġ || | fīra | ǣniġ, / þone mearc-stede, || |
Solomon and Saturn 68b | iste hine on ðǣre foldan || | fīra | ǣniġ / eorðan cynnes, || ǣr |
Solomon and Saturn 271b | Is þonne on þisse foldan || | fīra | ǣniġ / eorðan cynnes, || þ |
The Seasons for Fasting 64b | hwelċes / fæsten on foldan || | fīra | bearnum / dihte ġe·līcum || |
The Metrical Epilogue to MS. 41, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge 3b | de / and þā bredu be·fō, || | fīra | ealdor, / þæt ġe·fyrðriġe |