Number of occurrences in corpus: 65
Genesis A 1121a | ] and% [C] || þisses līfes, / | wintra | on weorolde. || Ūs ġe·writ |
Genesis A 1125b | ; || ealra hæfde / niĝun-hund | wintra | / and [XXX] ēac, || þā hē |
Genesis A 1130b | ēold / and wīf be·ġēat. || | Wintra | hæfde / fīf and hund-tēonti |
Genesis A 1147a | lēof Gode || and lifde hēr / | wintra | hund-niĝuntiġ || ær hē be |
Genesis A 1157b | or-dēma, / weard and wīsa. || | Wintra | hæfde / efene hund-seofontiġ |
Genesis A 1164a | es sunu. || Ealra niĝun-hund / | wintra | hæfde || þā hē weorold of |
Genesis A 1170a | um-gāra || fīf and siextiġ / | wintra | hæfde || þā hē be wīfe o |
Genesis A 1177b | r, / weorold-ġe·strēona. || | Wintra | hæfde / fīf and hund-niĝunti |
Genesis A 1185a | -tēontiġ || on fēore lifde / | wintra | ġe·bidenra || on weorold-r |
Genesis A 1202a | bearna strīende / þrīe-hund | wintra. | || Him wæs þēoden hold, / ro |
Genesis A 1216a | m-bearne; || [V] and siextiġ / | wintra | hæfde || þā hē weorold of |
Genesis A 1223b | ðum hweorfan, || niġon-hund | wintra | / and hund-seofontiġ tō. || S |
Genesis A 1226b | siþþan / weorold bryttode. || | Wintra | hæfde / twā and hund-teontiġ |
Genesis A 1231a | iġ, || frēa maniġes brēac / | wintra | under wolcnum, || weorodes ea |
Genesis A 1238a | inga || ealdor-wīsa / [V] hund | wintra | || þā hē furðum on·gann / |
Genesis A 1264a | twelftiġ || ġe·teled rīme / | wintra | on weorolde || wræce bisiĝo |
Genesis A 1320a | ton þæs. / Ġe·seah þā ymb | wintra | worn || wǣrfæst metod / ġeof |
Genesis A 1368b | / sunu Lāmeches, || siex-hund | wintra | / þā hē mid bearnum || under |
Genesis A 1600a | || sīdan rīċes / þrīe-hund | wintra | || þisses līfes, / frēo-menn |
Genesis A 1724a | s seċġaþ bēċ. / Hīe þā | wintra | fela || weorold bryttodon, / si |
Genesis A 1740b | ·sealde, / wǣrfæst hæle; || | wintra | hæfde / twā hund-tēontiġ, | |
Genesis A 1776b | s suhtrian / wīf on willan. || | Wintra | hæfde / fīf and hund-seofonti |
Genesis A 1976b | urh / wrāðum werġan. || Þā | wintra | [XII] / norð-mannum ǣr || nī |
Genesis A 2201b | m sē wealdend || sē þe for | wintra | fela / of Caldea || ċeastre ā |
Genesis A 2300b | efene þā hē on weorolde || | wintra | hæfde / [VI] and [LXXX]. || Su |
Genesis A 2345b | rwe / þæt þæt wīf hūru || | wintra | hæfde / efne [C], || ġe·tele |
Genesis A 2774a | am ieldrum. || Abraham hæfde / | wintra | hund-tēontiġ% || þā him w |
Daniel 324a | , || þæt his unrīm% ā% / in | wintra | worn || weorðan sċolde. / Fyl |
Christ and Satan 418a | æf || hweorfan sċoldon, / and | wintra | rīm || wunian siþþan, / þū |
Christ and Satan 475a | % || meniġu on·wōcon%, / and | wintra | fela || wunian mōston, / eorla |
Christ and Satan 500b | gan / þæt on weorolde wæs || | wintra | ġe·rīmes / þrīe and þritt |
Soul and Body I 12a | ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe hund | wintra, | || būtan ǣr þēod-cyning, / |
Soul and Body I 36b | hit wǣre% [XXX] || þūsend | wintra | / tō þīnum dēað-dæġe. || |
Elene 4a | ēac, || þinġ-ġe·mearces, / | wintra | for weorolde, || þæs þe we |
Elene 195a | | þæt swā fyrn ġe·wearþ / | wintra | gangum? || Is nū worn sċace |
Soul and Body II 12a | ǣr lange wæġ, / þrīe hund | wintra, | || / būtan ǣr wyrċe || ēċ |
Soul and Body II 33b | t wǣre þrītiġ || þūsend | wintra | / tō þīnum dēað-dæġe. || |
Guthlac A 498b | eorolde wynnum, || oþ·þæt | wintra | rīm / ġe·ġæþ on þā ġu |
Deor 18b | od·rīċ āhte || þrītiġ | wintra | / Mǣringa burg; || þæt wæs |
Deor 38a | s Dēor nama. / Āhte iċ fela | wintra | || folgoþ tilne, / holdne hāl |
Azarias 41a | nd, || þæt swā unrīme / ymb | wintra | hwearft || weorðan sċolde. / |
The Phoenix 152b | īfes, / wudu-bearwes weard, || | wintra | ġe·bīdeþ. / Þonne biþ ġe |
The Phoenix 363b | unian on wange, || oþ·þæt | wintra | biþ / þūsend urnen. || Þonn |
The Phoenix 420a | es searu || fæste be·tȳned / | wintra | meniġu, || oþ·þæt wuldor |
The Phoenix 580a | r hīe siþþan forþ / wuniaþ | wintra | fela, || wæstmum ġe·nīewo |
The Wanderer 64b | an% wīs wer, || ǣr hē āge | wintra | dæl / on weorold-rīċe. || Wi |
Beowulf 147a | Wæs sēo hwīl miċel; / [XII] | wintra | tīd || torn ġe·þolode / win |
Beowulf 264a | ġ·þēow hāten. / Ġe·bād | wintra | worn, || ǣr hē on weġ hwur |
Beowulf 1927b | , wēl-þungen, || þēah þe | wintra | lȳt / under burh-locan || ġe |
Beowulf 2209a | hē ġe·hēold tela / fīftiġ | wintra | || wæs þā frōd cyning, / ea |
Beowulf 2278b | þēod-sċaða || þrīe-hund | wintra | / hēold on hrūsan% || hord-æ |
Beowulf 2733a | þās lēode hēold / fīftiġ | wintra; | || næs sē folc-cyning, / ymb |
Beowulf 3050a | wiþ eorðan fæðm / þūsend | wintra | || ðǣr eardodon. / Þonne wæ |
The Paris Psalter 89:4 2a | m, || ēċe drihten, / þūsend | wintra | biþ || þon anlīcost, / swā |
The Paris Psalter 89:11 4a | r bēoþ || ǣfre ġe·tealde / | wintra | on weorolde, || þā bēoþ |
The Paris Psalter 94:10 2a | fēower-tiġ || folce þissum / | wintra | rīmes || wunode nēah, / ā an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 29a | m. || Þēod wæs ġe·wunnen / | wintra | meniġu, || oþ·þæt wyrd |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 16 14b | umera / ne wihte þon mā || on | wintra | dæġ / tō·teled tīdum, || |
Metrical Psalm 94:10 2a | fēowertiġ || folce þissum / | wintra | rīmes || wunode nēah / ā an |
The Coronation of Edgar 11a | ā ā·gangen wæs / tīen hund | wintra | || ġe·teled rīmes / fram ġe |
The Coronation of Edgar 19a | [XX], || nīþ-weorca heard, / | wintra | on weorolde, || þā% þis ġ |
The Death of Edward 7a | XIIII], || freoliċ wealdend, / | wintra | ġe·rīmes, || welan brytnod |
The Death of Edward 21a | ċe / Engla landes || [XXVIII] / | wintra | ġe·rīmes, || welan brytnod |
Solomon and Saturn 42b | ā mē fyr-witt bræc || [L] | wintra | / dæġes and nihtes || þurh d |
Solomon and Saturn 66b | sīe þria [XXX] || þūsend | wintra | / ǣr hē dōm-dæġes || dynn |