Number of occurrences in corpus: 33
Christ A 143a | rcyme || swa him gehaten wæs / | ðætte | sunu meotudes || sylfa wolde / |
Christ A 417a | ræclic wrixl || in wera life / | ðætte | moncynnes || milde scyppend / o |
Christ B 451b | don / sægdon soðne gefean || | ðætte | sunu wære / in middangeard || |
Christ B 600b | ende / ðæt is ðæs wyrðe || | ðætte | werðeode / secgen dryhtne ðon |
Christ B 656b | edon / ond ðæt ne gelyfdon || | ðætte | liffruma / in monnes hiw || ofe |
Christ B 715b | ð / cuð ðæt geweorðeð || | ðætte | cyning engla / meotud meahtum s |
Christ C 1155a | ðrowade || ðeodwundor micel / | ðætte | eorðe ageaf || ða hyre on l |
Christ C 1588a | ces wlite || ond wuldres lean / | ðætte | heofones cyning || on ða hal |
Vainglory 58a | æs geara iu || in godes rice / | ðætte | mid englum || oferhygd astag / |
The Fortunes of Men 2a | egongeð || mid godes meahtum / | ðætte | wer ond wif || in woruld cenn |
The Panther 21b | secgað / gæsthalge guman || | ðætte | iosephes / tunece wære || telg |
The Panther 27b | ond scynra / wundrum lixeð || | ðætte | wrætlicra / æghwylc oðrum || |
The Whale 39b | cwicsusle / flah feond gemah || | ðætte | fira gehwylc / hæleða cynnes |
The Whale 55b | ynsum stenc / of his innoðe || | ðætte | oðre ðurh ðone / sæfisca cy |
Guthlac A 449a | cwidum || treow wæs gecyðed / | ðætte | guðlace || god leanode / ellen |
Guthlac B 820b | cneorissum / folcum gefræge || | ðætte | frymða god / ðone ærestan || |
Guthlac B 981a | loca || bryðen wæs ongunnen / | ðætte | adame || eue gebyrmde / æt fru |
Guthlac B 987b | lrædenne / ðurh ærgewyrht || | ðætte | ænig ne wæs / fyra cynnes || |
Guthlac B 989b | man siððan / mon on moldan || | ðætte | meahte him / gebeorgan ond bibu |
Wulf and Eadwacer 18b | / ðæt mon eaðe tosliteð || | ðætte | næfre gesomnad wæs / uncer gi |
The Judgment Day I 1b | ay I / / ðæt gelimpan sceal || | ðætte | lagu floweð / flod ofer foldan |
The Phoenix 1b | oenix / / hæbbe ic gefrugnen || | ðætte | is feor heonan / eastdælum on |
The Phoenix 69a | ce || is ðæt ðeodnes gebod / | ðætte | twelf siðum || ðæt tirfæs |
Juliana 2b | ð eahtian / deman dædhwate || | ðætte | in dagum gelamp / maximianes || |
Precepts 4a | m || ðæt he wel ðunge / do a | ðætte | duge || deag ðin gewyrhtu / go |
Precepts 67b | ran worn / nis nu fela folca || | ðætte | fyrngewritu / healdan wille || |
Beowulf 151b | ndyrne cuð / gyddum geomore || | ðætte | grendel wan / hwile wið hroðg |
Beowulf 858a | mæned || monig oft gecwæð / | ðætte | suð ne norð || be sæm tweo |
Beowulf 1256b | esyne wearð / widcuð werum || | ðætte | wrecend ða gyt / lifde æfter |
Beowulf 1942a | e || ðeah ðe hio ænlicu sy / | ðætte | freoðuwebbe || feores onsæc |
Beowulf 2924a | ne wene || ac wæs wide cuð / | ðætte | ongenðio || ealdre besnyðed |
Psalm 50 14a | geiode || swa ful oft gedeð / | ðætte | godferhte || gylt gefræmmað |
Psalm 50 132a | ðinum godan || gastes willan / | ðætte | sione dun || sigefest weorðe |