Number of occurrences in corpus: 29
Christ and Satan 138b | burga ne bolda, || ne on þā | beorhtan | ġe·sċæft / ne mōt iċ ǣfr |
Christ and Satan 482a | ǣron, || and ġit ǣton þā / | beorhtan | blǣda, || swā inċ sē beal |
Andreas 96b | fre / beadu-rōfum ā·bēad || | beorhtan | stefne: / ‘Iċ þe, Matheus, |
Andreas 1649a | || wordes glēawne, / on ðǣre | beorhtan | byriġ || bisċop þām lēod |
The Fates of the Apostles 116b | sendan ūsse bēne || on þā | beorhtan | ġe·sċeaft, / þæt we þæs |
Dream of the Rood 66b | hþe; || curfon hīe þæt of | beorhtan | stāne, / ġesetton hīe ðǣr |
Elene 344a | ē on wuldre þīn / þurh þā | beorhtan | || bearn ne wǣre), / ġe·dō |
Elene 383a | a || hlīete wunian / on ðǣre | beorhtan | byriġ, || ðǣr is brōðor |
Elene 650b | ne bēne on·send || on þā | beorhtan | ġe·sċeaft, / on wuldres wynn |
Elene 816a | on·wriġen hæfde / ymb þone | beorhtan | bēam, || swā iċ on bōcum |
Christ A 113b | h bieldu%, || þæt þū þā | beorhtan | ūs / sunnan on·sende || and |
Christ A 292b | d bēaĝa hroden, || þe þā | beorhtan | lāc / tō heofon-hāme || hlū |
Christ B 510a | ætlicum || ofer wera meniġu / | beorhtan | reorde: || ‘Hwæt bīdaþ |
Christ B 519a | | hālford ferĝan / tō ðǣre | beorhtan | byrġ || mid þās blīðan |
The Panther 7a | ā wæter be·būĝeþ / þisne | beorhtan | bōsm, || brim grymettende, / s |
Guthlac A 777b | ēt his bēn cuman || on þā | beorhtan | ġe·sċeaft, / þancode þēod |
Guthlac B 1106a | n þā æðelan tīd / on þone | beorhtan | dæġ || blissum hrēmiġ, / mi |
Guthlac B 1191a | ðǣr wit wilna ā / on ðǣre | beorhtan | byriġ || brūcan mōton, / ēa |
The Ruin 37a | || on eorcan-stān, / on þās | beorhtan | burh || brādan rīċes. / Stā |
The Ruin 40a | elme; || weall eall be·fēng / | beorhtan | bōsme, || ðǣr þā baðu w |
The Phoenix 128a | wōþ-cræfte || wundorlīcor / | beorhtan | reorde, || þonne ǣfre byre |
Beowulf 1199a | þan Hāma æt·wæġ / ðǣre% | beorhtan | byriġ || Brōsinga mene, / si |
Beowulf 1243a | on || hilde-randas, / bord-wudu | beorhtan; | || ðǣr on benċe wæs / ofer |
Judith 58b | burga ealdor, || þōhte þā | beorhtan | idese / mid wīdle and mid wamm |
Judith 326a | ǣĝon and lǣddon / tō ðǣre | beorhtan | byriġ, || Bethuliam, / helmas |
Judith 340b | mādma, || hīe þæt ðǣre | beorhtan | idese / ā·ġēafon ġearu-þa |
The Paris Psalter 67:13 3b | s / and hire bæc sċīeneþ || | beorhtan | golde. / / # / Þonne hīe sē he |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 11a | sunnan || sīnes be·rēafaþ / | beorhtan | lēohtes, || þonne hit ġe· |
Solomon and Saturn 36a | elċe þū meahtmeht mid þȳ | beorhtan | ġe·bede || blōd on·hǣtan |