Number of occurrences in corpus: 29
Genesis B 333a | sohton oþer land / þæt wæs | leohtes | leas || and wæs liges full / f |
Genesis B 392b | n || he hæfþ us þeah þæs | leohtes | bescyrede / beworpen on ealra w |
Genesis B 394b | e || þæt he us hafaþ þæs | leohtes | bescyrede / he hæfþ nu gemear |
Genesis B 401a | ncan / ne gelyfe ic me nu þæs | leohtes | furþor || þæs þe he him |
Genesis B 619b | a || þonne gife ic him þæs | leohtes | genog / þæs ic þe swa godes |
The Fates of the Apostles 66a | dom godes || dæges or onwoc / | leohtes | geleafan || land wæs gefæls |
Elene 47a | þa þy þriddan dæg / ealles | leohtes | leoht || lifgende aras / þeode |
Christ B 585b | lufu lifes hyht || ond ealles | leohtes | gefea / hwæt we nu gehyrdan || |
The Order of the World 80a | tra geðring / oððe hwa ðæs | leohtes | || londbuende / brucan mote || |
Guthlac A 613a | æfre ne bið || ufan alyfed / | leohtes | lissum || ðæt ge lof moten / |
Guthlac A 659a | r eow næfre || fore nergende / | leohtes | leoma || ne lifes hyht / in god |
The Judgment Day I 53b | g on ðissum life || siððan | leohtes | weard / ofer ealne foldan fæð |
Resignation 8b | dryhten / ond eal min leoðo || | leohtes | hyrde / ond ða manigfealdan || |
Azarias 121b | wudige moras / lofe leanige || | leohtes | hyrde / bletsige ðec soðfæst |
Azarias 129b | e dryhten / lagufloda bigong || | leohtes | hyrde / on ðam wuniað || widf |
Homiletic Fragment II 20b | an / se wæs ordfruma || ealles | leohtes | |
The Phoenix 116a | r holmðræce || hædre blice / | leohtes | leoma || lond beoð gefrætwa |
The Phoenix 563a | fre to ealdre || ende gebidan / | leohtes | ond lissa || ðeah min lic sc |
Juliana 161b | ringe / gelædan het || æfter | leohtes | cyme / to his domsetle || dugu |
Juliana 378a | de || ðam ðe ic lifes ofonn / | leohtes | geleafan || ond he larum wile |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 270a | rhtu || bilewit fæder / soþes | leohtes | || and þu selfa eart / sio fæ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 39a | || mæg æfre ofsion / hiofones | leohtes | || hlutre beorhto / þonne wile |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 24 30b | meaht þu siþþan || soþes | leohtes | / habban þinne dæl || þonan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 11a | n || sines bereafaþ / beorhtan | leohtes | || þonne hit gebyrigan mæg / |
The Judgment Day II 219a | telan synd || ecan witu / ðær | leohtes | ne leoht || lytel sperca / earm |
The Judgment Day II 255b | eostrum / ðæs heofenlican || | leohtes | sciman / ne cymð ðær sorh ne |
The Rewards of Piety 35b | / ceapa ðe mid æhtum || eces | leohtes | / ðy læs ðu forweorðe || ð |
The Gloria I 9b | d feorhhyrde / lifes latteow || | leohtes | wealdend / asyndrod fram synnum |
A Prayer 21a | eawne || ende gedreogeð / æla | leohtes | leoht || æla lyfes wynn / geti |