A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: bearwe

Number of occurrences in corpus: 12

Genesis A 902a ā hit riht ne wæs, / bēam on bearwe || and þā blǣda æt’. / Þ
Daniel 499b eorht on blǣdum. || Næs hē bearwe ġe·līċ, / ac hē hlīfode%
Guthlac A 148a æt metod on·wrāh / beorh on bearwe, || þā sē bytla cōm / sē ð
Guthlac A 429a t hē eft ġe·stāh / beorh on bearwe. || Banan gnornodon, / mǣndon m
Riddles 21 7a snȳþiġe forþ, / brungen of bearwe%, || bunden cræfte, / weġen on
Riddles 53 1a # Riddles 53 / / Iċ seah on bearwe || bēam hlīfian, / tānum tor
The Wife's Lament 27b ēt mec man wunian || on wuda bearwe, / under āc-trēo || on þām e
The Husband's Message 23b / galan ġōmorne || ġēac on bearwe. / Ne lǣt þū þeċ siþþan |
Riddles 80 6b bbe mē on bōsme || þæt on bearwe ġe·wēox. / Hwīlum iċ on wl
The Phoenix 432a || eard-wīc nīewe, / nest on bearwe. || Biþ him nēod miċel / þæ
Maxims II 18b ·wunian, || wulfe sċeall on bearwe, / earm% ān-haĝa, || eofor sċ
The Judgment Day II 1b / Hwæt. Iċ ana sæt || innan bearwe, / mid helme be·þeaht, || holt