Number of occurrences in corpus: 11
Exodus 44a | htorsmiþum || handa belocene / | alyfed | laþsiþ || leode gretan / folc |
Exodus 533b | eam / wommum awyrged || wreccum | alyfed | / earmra anbid || eþellease / þ |
Christ C 1572a | e bið ðæt sorga tid / leodum | alyfed | || ðæt ðær læcedom / finda |
Christ C 1637b | ode / liðes lifes || ðæs ðe | alyfed | bið / haligra gehwam || on heo |
Maxims I 109b | yttað || ðonne him bið wic | alyfed | / mete bygeð gif he maran ðea |
Guthlac A 423a | e || gebrocen hæfdon / ðe him | alyfed | wæs || lytle hwile / ðæt hy |
Guthlac A 612b | æt eow æfre ne bið || ufan | alyfed | / leohtes lissum || ðæt ge lo |
Guthlac B 1248b | on wite / in life her || ðe me | alyfed | nis / to gecyðenne || cwicra |
The Phoenix 667a | ære wlitigan byrig / hafað us | alyfed | || [lucis auctor] / ðæt we mo |
Beowulf 3089b | æs / nealles swæslice || sið | alyfed | / inn under eorðweall || ic on |
The Judgment Day II 144a | allum || open ætsomne / gelice | alyfed | || ðæt man lange hæl / ufena |