Number of occurrences in corpus: 48
Genesis A 1279b | þæt hē wolde || for wera | synnum | / eall ā·īeðan || þæt on |
Genesis A 1293b | n fulle, / sīde sǣl-wangas || | synnum | ġe·hladene, / wīdlum ġe·w |
Genesis A 1925a | þæt% nerġend God / for wera | synnum | || wielme ġe·sealde / Sōdoma |
Genesis A 1935b | e. / Wǣron Sōdomisċ cynn || | synnum | þrīste, / dǣdum ġe·dwolene |
Genesis A 2506b | hit wealdend hēt || for wera | synnum | / Sōdoma and Gōmorra || swear |
Genesis A 2682a | sċeare || facne be·sierwan, / | synnum | be·smītan, || sæġdest wor |
Exodus 336a | forht. || Hē his ealdor-dōm / | synnum | ā·swefede, || þæt hē sī |
Christ and Satan 130b | ġ / on þissum sīdan sele, || | synnum | for·wundod. / Hwæt, hēr hāt |
Andreas 407a | mor-mōde, || gode or-fierme, / | synnum | wunde, || ġif we swicaþ þ |
Andreas 1243a | æðele mōd / ā·sundrad fram | synnum, | || þēah hē sāres swā fel |
Soul and Body I 67a | ēah || nīede ġe·sēċan, / | synnum | ġe·sārĝod || and eft sōn |
Homiletic Fragment I 16a | || Wēa biþ on mōde, / sefa | synnum | fāh, || sāre ġe·blanden, / |
Dream of the Rood 13b | s sē siġebēam, || and iċ | synnum | fāh, / forwunded mid wammum. | |
Dream of the Rood 99b | de / for manncynnes || maniĝum | synnum | / and ādames || eald–ġe·wy |
Dream of the Rood 146b | ġe·algtrēowe || for guman | synnum. | / hē ūs onlīesde || and ūs |
Elene 239a | þeċ cwealm nime, / swylt for | synnum, | || þæt iċ hīe siþþan m |
Elene 805a | āh. || Iċ wæs weorcum fāh / | synnum | ā·sǣled, || sorĝum ġe·w |
Elene 871a | dene bēoþ, / ā·sundrod fram | synnum, | || swā smǣte gold / þæt on |
Christ A 117b | hēr, / sǣton sīn-nihtes; || | synnum | be·fealdne / deorc dēaðes s |
Christ A 125a | æs mid ūs / ġe·sewen būtan | synnum; | || samod eardodon / mehtiġ met |
Christ A 290a | tode brōhtes, / sealdes būtan | synnum. | || Nān swelċ ne cōm / ǣniġ |
Christ B 736a | rne || clammum ġe·fæstnod, / | synnum | ġe·sǣled. || Wæs sē siex |
Christ C 1060a | ġe·healdne sind / sāwle wiþ | synnum | || fore siġe-dēman. / Þonne |
Soul and Body II 62a | þeah || nīede ġe·sēċan, / | synnum | ġe·sarĝod || and eft sōna |
Guthlac A 515a | martire || fram mann-cynnes / | synnum | ā·sundrad. || Sċolde hē s |
Guthlac A 568a | ōþfæstra || sāwle willaþ / | synnum | be·swīcan || and searu-cræ |
Guthlac A 774a | dum on andan, / ġe·seted wiþ | synnum, | || ðǣr hē siþþan lȳt / w |
Guthlac A 810a | bedu sēċaþ, / swincaþ wiþ | synnum, | || healdaþ sōþ and riht. / H |
The Judgment Day I 28a | ndeþ / þām þe ðǣr for his | synnum | || on·sæġd weorðeþ, / and |
The Judgment Day I 88a | mor wearþ, / sāriġ fore his | synnum. | || Ne sċeall sē tō sǣne b |
Resignation 65a | þ. || Mīn is nū-þā / sefa | synnum | fāh || and iċ ymb sāwle eo |
The Phoenix 242a | ed-nīewe || eft ā·cenned, / | synnum | ā·sundrod, || sumes anlīċ |
Juliana 65a | an || Hǣðne wǣron% bēġen / | synnum | sēoce, || swēor and āðum. |
Juliana 372b | %. / Iċ hine þæs swīðe || | synnum | on·ǣle / þæt hē byrnende | |
Juliana 571a | olde || wendan meahte, / sōhte | synnum | fāh, || hū hē sārlīcost / |
Juliana 705b | e, / siĝora sellend, || þonne | synnum | fāh / //E// //W// and //U// || |
Beowulf 975a | leofaþ || lāþ-ġe·tēona, / | synnum | ġe·swenċed, || ac hine sā |
Beowulf 1255a | t ende be·cōm, / swylt aefter | synnum. | || Þæt ġe·sīene wearþ, / |
Beowulf 3071b | ydon, / þæt sē secg wǣre || | synnum | sċyldiġ, / hearĝum ġe·hea |
The Paris Psalter 78:11 1a | || libbende god; / weorþ ūrum | synnum | || sēfte and milde / for naman |
The Judgment Day II 78a | trum ā·fylled, / flǣsċ, mid | synnum? | || Hwȳ ne feormast þū / mid |
The Judgment Day II 87b | and þē selfum dēmst || for | synnum | on eorðan, / nē heofones God |
The Gloria I 10a | es wealdend, / ā·syndrod fram | synnum, | || swā þīn sunu mǣre / þur |
Psalm 50 38a | ste mīnum. / A·þweah mē of | synnum%, | || sāle fram wammum, / gasta s |
Psalm 50 60b | on unrihtum || ēac þon on | synnum | / ġe·ēacnod wæs. || Þū þ |
Psalm 50 64a | end min, / þæt iċ fram þǣm | synnum | || selfa ġe·ċierre, / þā |
Psalm 50 83a | le wǣron. / A·hweorf nū fram | synnum, | || sāwla nerġend, / and fram |
A Prayer 3b | end. / Iċ wāt mīne sāwle || | synnum | for·wundod; / ġe·hǣl þū h |