Number of occurrences in corpus: 48
Genesis B 271b | e / folċ-ġe·stealna. || Fela | worda | ġe·spæc / sē enġel ofer-m |
Genesis B 446a | iste him sprǣca fela, / wōra% | worda%. | || Wand him up þanon, / hwearf |
Genesis B 534a | iċ þīnra bȳsna ne mæġ, / | worda | ne wīsna || wiht on·cnāwan |
Genesis B 580b | Ādam ġe·spræc, || earĝra | worda. | / Tīehþ mē un·trīewþa, || |
Daniel 594a | s drihtne ġe·spræc / sōðra | worda | || þurh snytru cræft, / þæt |
Daniel 722b | seld, / wrāt þā in wǣĝe || | worda | ġe·rȳnu, / baswe bōc-stafas |
Daniel 746a | ēapunga || or-læġ seċġe, / | worda | ġe·rȳnu, || þā þū wend |
Andreas 509a | dsware. || Ǣġhwelċes canst / | worda | for weorolde || wīsliċ and |
Andreas 904a | | Iċ on brim-strēame / spræc | worda | worn, || wāt aefter nū / hwā |
Andreas 923b | / on wæġ-fære, || ðǣr iċ | worda | ġe·spræc / mīnra for metode |
Andreas 1439b | dere, / ǣr ā·wǣġed sīe || | worda | ǣniġ / þe iċ þurh mīnne m |
Elene 106a | re. || Wisdōmes be·ðearf, / | worda | wǣrlicra || and witan snytru |
Elene 131a | hēo him tō sōhte, / ac hēo | worda | ġe·hwæs || wiðer-sæc fre |
Elene 846a | þurh þæs dēman mūþ, / and | worda | swā same || wedd ġe·sellan |
Christ C 1037b | an / sīnra weorca wlite || and | worda | ġe·mynd / and heortan ġe·hy |
Christ C 1367b | maþ / werum be ġe·wyrhtum || | worda | and dǣda, / reord-berendum; || |
Christ C 1582b | willan, / and wǣr% weorðe || | worda | and dǣda, / þēawa and ġe· |
The Fortunes of Men 50b | e wīn-sadum; || biþ ǣr his | worda | tō hrǣd. / Sum sċeall on bē |
Guthlac B 1016a | || Meaht þū mæðel-cwidum / | worda | ġe·wealdan? || Is mē on w |
Guthlac B 1094b | .’ / Þā sē wuldor-maĝa || | worda | ġe·stilde, / rōf rūn-wita; |
Guthlac B 1161a | lum ġe·cȳðde, / on·wrīġe | worda | gangum, || hū hē his wīsna |
Guthlac B 1169b | n sċealt / on weorold-līfe || | worda | mīnra, / nǣfre lēana be·lor |
Riddles 32 14a | | Rece, ġif þū cunne, / wīs | worda | glēaw, || hwæt sēo wiht s |
The Phoenix 659a | ðǣr hīe drihtne tō ġiefe / | worda | and weorca || wynsumne stenċ |
Juliana 57b | , / þæt þū mec on·wende || | worda | þissa. / Þā sē æðeling we |
Juliana 193b | þū ǣr fela / unwǣrlicra || | worda | ġe·sprǣċe, / on·sōce tō |
Precepts 42b | da wīs, / wǣr wiþ willan, || | worda | hīerde.’ / Siextan sīðe || |
Precepts 79b | e lufan / warnaþ him wammas || | worda | and dǣda / on sefan simle || a |
Beowulf 289a | d-wiĝa || ġe·sċād witan, / | worda | and weorca, || sē þe wēl |
Beowulf 398b | dan, / wudu, wæl-sċeaftas, || | worda | ġe·þinġes.’ / A·rās þ |
Beowulf 2246b | dæl, / fǣttan goldes, || fēa | worda | cwæþ: / ‘Heald þū nū, hr |
Beowulf 2662b | ær / frēan on fultum, || fēa | worda | cwæþ: / ‘Lēofa Bēow·ulf, |
Beowulf 3030a | || hē ne lēah fela / wyrda ne | worda. | || Weorod eall ā·rās; / ēod |
The Paris Psalter 104:15 6a | t hine hāliġ god / þurh his | worda | || wīsdōm ā·hōf. / / # / Sen |
The Paris Psalter 104:23 2a | īe selfe || sōðne wīsdōm / | worda | and weorca || wunder-tācna / a |
The Paris Psalter 104:37 1a | efter. / / # / Ac hē wæs þāra | worda | || wēl ġe·myndiġ, / hāliġ |
The Paris Psalter 108:2 2b | an, / and mē wrāðra wearn || | worda | sprǣcon, / fǣcne firenlicu || |
The Paris Psalter 118:15 2b | ewe, / þæt iċ ne weorðe || | worda | þīnra / ealra ofer-ġietel || |
The Paris Psalter 118:17 3a | ĝum || lustum healde / þīnra | worda | waru || mid wīsdōme / / # / On |
The Paris Psalter 118:32 2b | / # / Nū iċ on wīsne weġ || | worda | þīnra / rēðne rinne || and |
The Paris Psalter 118:130 2a | || and sēċeþ ġeorne. / / # / | Worda | mē þīnra || wīse on·līe |
The Paris Psalter 118:139 3a | on, || þā mē grame wǣron, / | worda | þīnra || and mē wā dydon. |
The Paris Psalter 118:160 2b | / Þæt is wierðliċ fruma || | worda | þīnra, / þæt ðǣr biþ sō |
The Paris Psalter 118:167 3b | den / þīnre ġe·witnesse% || | worda | ǣġhwelċ, / and iċ þā lust |
The Paris Psalter 76:4 4b | ded swīðe; || ne spræc iċ | worda | fela. / / # / Þā iċ ealde daĝ |
The Paris Psalter 78:9 4b | ryhtnes, / weorca wræclicra || | worda | ġe·myndiġ, / þæt hē æt f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 81b | ēoll on þā flōre, || fela | worda | spræc, / forþoht þearle; || |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 12a | || Ælfred cyning / ā·wende | worda | ġe·hwelċ || and mē his wr |