A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: tacne

Number of occurrences in corpus: 9

Genesis A 2322b þ / ymb seofon niht || sigores tacne / geagnod me || oþþe of eorþ
Genesis A 2377a and þa seolf onfeng / torhtum tacne || a his tir metod / domfæst c
Exodus 281a and þeos swiþre hand / grene tacne || garsecges deop / yþ up fær
The Phoenix 450a nan || atre sceððan / facnes tacne || on ðas frecnan tid / ðær
Juliana 491a sume ða ic funde / butan godes tacne || gymelease / ungebletsade ||
Beowulf 141b gesægd soðlice || sweotolan tacne / healðegnes hete || heold hyn
Beowulf 1654a ga || lustum brohton / tires to tacne || ðe ðu her to locast / ic
The Seasons for Fasting 29b amb oððe styrc || leofum to tacne / ðe for worulde wæs || womma
The Seasons for Fasting 115b n / elda orðancum || eallum to tacne / ðæt we mid fæstene magon |