Number of occurrences in corpus: 35
Genesis A 1812a | a || þrāĝe siþþan / wīcum | wunode | || and wilna brēac, / beorn mi |
Genesis A 1931b | rēon, / welan, wunden gold. || | Wunode | siþþan / be Iordane || ġēar |
Genesis A 1945a | wæt þā cynn dydon. / Abraham | wunode | || ēðel-eardum / Cananēa for |
Genesis A 2569a | | þæt is mǣre spell / stille | wunode, | || ðǣr hīe strang be·ġea |
Genesis A 2598a | r sē ēadĝa Lōth / wǣrfæst | wunode, | || wealdende lēof, / dæġ-rī |
Genesis A 2867a | a weardes / eġesa on brēostum | wunode. | || On·gann þā his esolas b |
Daniel 123b | enden reord-berend || ræste | wunode. | / Wearð hē on þǣm eġesan | |
Andreas 163b | on ell-þēodĝum || iermþum | wunode, | / be·locen liðu-bendum, || þ |
Andreas 1262b | ce brim-rāde. || Bliþ-heort | wunode | / eorl unforcūþ, || elnes ġe |
Elene 285a | ġere fæst || lēodum dierne / | wunode | wæl-ræste. || Word stunde |
Elene 589b | est siġe-bēama, || siþþan | wunode | / æðelum% anbræce%. || Þǣr |
Christ A 83a | uru trēow on þē / weorðlicu | wunode, | || nū þū wuldres þrymm / b |
Guthlac A 395a | ces || gōdum mōde / wēox and | wunode | || and hine weoroda god / freo |
Guthlac A 438b | costung ofer·cumen. || Cempa | wunode | / blīðe on beorĝe, || wæs h |
Guthlac A 545b | c sē hearda hyġe || hāliġ | wunode, | / oþ·þæt hē þā bisiĝu | |
Guthlac B 999b | , / wiĝa wæl-ġīfre. || Hine | wunode | mid / ān ambiht-þeġn, || sē |
Riddles 73 1b | 3 / / Iċ on wange ā·wēox, || | wunode% | ðǣr mec fēddon / hrūse and |
The Phoenix 641b | ēah ofer heofonum || hāliġ | wunode, | / dōm unbryċe. || Þeah hē d |
Juliana 37b | n þæs æðelinges || ǣhtum | wunode. | / Þā wæs sē weleĝa || þā |
Juliana 238a | | Haliġ ðǣr inne / wǣrfæst | wunode. | || Simle hēo wuldor-cyning / h |
The Seafarer 15a | ġ || īs-ċealdne sǣ / winter | wunode | || wreċċan lāstum, / wine-m |
Beowulf 1128b | īet / wæl-fāĝne wintₑr || | wunode | mid Finne / eall% unhlytme. || |
Beowulf 2242a | mōste. || Beorh eall-ġearu / | wunode | on wange || wæter-ȳðum nē |
Judith 67a | enden hē on þisse weorolde / | wunode | under wolcna hrōfe. || Ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 54:7 2b | me dǣle, / and on wēstenne || | wunode | lange, / bīde þæs beornes || |
The Paris Psalter 83:1 3b | illum hæfde, || þet iċ him | wunode | inn. / / # / Heorte min and flǣs |
The Paris Psalter 94:10 2b | olce þissum / wintra rīmes || | wunode | nēah, / ā and simle cwæþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 33a | land || ðǣr Apolines / dohtor | wunode | || dæġ-rīmes worn. / Wæs s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 61b | ǣre maniġe || þe hire mid | wunode | / æðelinges sīþ. || Hēo mi |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 26 68b | ge; / ac hē mid þǣm wīfe || | wunode | siþþan, / oþ·þæt him ne m |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 28 80b | æt hit ofer·wriġen mid || | wunode | lange, / þonne iċ wāt ġeare |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 38a | fācnes and searwa / wæl-rēow | wunode. | || Wēold emne swā þēah / ea |
Metrical Psalm 94:10 2b | lce þissum / wintra rīmes || | wunode | nēah / ā and simble cwæþ | |
The Death of Edward 4b | ġne. / Hē on weorolda hēr || | wunode | þraĝe / on cyne-þrymme, || c |
The Death of Edward 17a | || ǣr, || lande be·rēafod, / | wunode | wræc-lāstum || wīde ġond |