Number of occurrences in corpus: 47
Genesis A 185a | | Feorh inn ġe·dyde%, / ēċe | sāwla%. | || Hēo wǣron englum ġe·l |
Exodus 544b | , / þonne hē sōþfæstra || | sāwla | lǣdeþ, / ēadġe gāstas, || |
Daniel 401b | htiġ, / sōþ sunu metodes, || | sāwla | nerġend, / hæleþa helpend, | |
Christ and Satan 396a | drihten. || Wile uppe heonan / | sāwla | lǣdan, || and we siþþan ā |
Christ and Satan 572b | e. / Hæfde þā ġe·sette% || | sāwla | unrīm / God libbende. || Þā |
Christ and Satan 651b | / engla gāstas || and ēadġe | sāwla, | / þā þe heonan fēraþ. / Þǣ |
Andreas 228b | n hām, / ðǣr sōþfæstra || | sāwla | mōton / aefter līċes hryre | |
Andreas 549b | lest. / Huru is ġe·sīene, || | sāwla | nerġend, / þæt þū þissum |
Andreas 921b | īra, / synniġ wiþ selfne, || | sāwla | nerġend, / þæt iċ þe swā |
Andreas 1417a | mīnne || ā·ġiefan mōte, / | sāwla | simble-ġiefa, || on þīnes |
Elene 23b | derum, / sōþ sunu metodes, || | sāwla | nerġend?’ / þā mē ieldra |
Elene 126b | e, / sōþ sunu metodes, || for | sāwla | lufan. / Hēo wǣron stearce, | |
Elene 360b | þæt hē sīe sōðlīċe || | sāwla | nerġend, / ēċe æl-mehtiġ, |
Elene 467b | eþ? / Þis is singāl sacu. || | Sāwla | ne mōton / mān-fremmende || o |
Christ B 571b | aþ. / Wile nū ġe·sēċan || | sāwla | nerġend / gǣsta ġief-stōl, |
Christ C 1067a | ht wera || be·foran bannaþ, / | sāwla | ġe·hwelċe || þāra þe s |
Christ C 1518b | / cwiþ tō þāra synfulra || | sāwla | fēðan: / ‘Faraþ nū, ā·w |
Maxims I 134b | e god, / self sōþ-cyning, || | sāwla | nerġend, / sē ūs eall for· |
Guthlac A 12b | bb and ġe·sǣlĝness || and | sāwla | ræst, / and ðǣr ā tō fēor |
Guthlac A 22b | iltsa. / Þider sōþfæstra || | sāwla | mōton / cuman aefter cwealme, |
Guthlac A 122a | heofonum, || ðǣr hāliġra / | sāwla | ġe·sittaþ || on siĝor-wul |
Guthlac A 332b | dǣlde, / ac ġe·synta bæd || | sāwla | ġe·hwelcre, / þonne hē tō |
Guthlac A 347a | ndan || þām þe eahtan wile / | sāwla | ġe·hwelcre || ðǣr hē ġe |
Guthlac A 790b | s weard. / Swā sōþfæstra || | sāwla | mōton / on ēċne ġeard || up |
Alms-Giving 9b | ō·sċūfeþ / synna wunde, || | sāwla | lācnaþ. |
The Phoenix 498b | n stefe / ofer sīdne grund, || | sāwla | nerġend. / Biþ sē deorca dē |
The Phoenix 540a | oðriaþ || hālġe gæstas, / | sāwla | sōþfæste, || sang ā·hebb |
The Phoenix 584b | nes meaht / samod sīðiaþ% || | sāwla | mid līċe, / fæġere ġe·fr |
Juliana 348a | mē furður sċealt / seċġan, | sāwla | fēond, || hū þū sōþfæs |
Juliana 555b | nēosan / on sweartne grund, || | sāwla | ġe·winnan%, / on wita for·wy |
The Paris Psalter 120:7 2a | and in-gang || ēċe drihten, / | sāwla | sōþ-cyning, || simle ġe·h |
The Paris Psalter 123:6 1a | tēon woldon. / / # / Wǣron ūre | sāwla | || samod anlīċe / niþa ġe· |
The Paris Psalter 71:13 2b | dlan, / and hē þearfiendra || | sāwla | ġe·hǣleþ. / / # / Hē of mān |
The Paris Psalter 73:17 1b | e sile% þū unsċyldiġra || | sāwla | dēorum / þe þe andettaþ || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 18 8a | wuht stinġeþ. / Swā sċeall | sāwla | ġe·hwelċ || siþþan losia |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 236a | cundan || hider wiþ eorðan, / | sāwla | wiþ līċe; || siþþan wuni |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 9b | me / tō þǣm ġe·sǣlþum || | sāwla | rǣdes. / For·þǣm þæt is s |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 35a | | þæt for·weorðan sċylen / | sāwla | ūsse, || ac hē hīe selfa w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 23 11b | on þone ēċan eard || ūssa | sāwla. | |
Solomon and Saturn 164b | īte, / þæt þā synfullan || | sāwla | sticien / mid hettendum || hell |
The Judgment Day II 167b | līċe || bærnþ þā earman | sāwla, | / and hira heortan || horsclī |
The Gloria I 45b | ldor-ġiefe, / sōðe sibbe, || | sāwla | þancung, / mōdes miltse. || |
The Creed 31b | ette, / of þǣm sūsl-hofe, || | sāwla | meniġu, / hēt þā uplicne || |
Psalm 50 16b | mp þæt him man on·sende || | sāwla | nerġend, / wītĝan mid wordum |
Psalm 50 59b | ðdest% / ealra synna cynn, || | sāwla | nerġend. / Iċ on unrihtum || |
Psalm 50 83b | A·hweorf nū fram synnum, || | sāwla | nerġend, / and fram mis-dǣdum |
Psalm 50 107b | e·cierdon / tō hira selfra || | sāwla | heorde, / God selfa, tō þē | |