A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: herbs

Number of occurrences in corpus: 11

A.3.4 194 e gathers and collects lovely herbs / and forest fruits to the dwe
A.3.4 197 those noble perfumes, / lovely herbs, that the king of glory, / the
A.3.4 212 he clearness of the sky. / The herbs grow warm; the chosen dwellin
A.3.4 267 athers is grown up / among the herbs; his life is renewed, / young,
A.3.4 274 s that slaughter-plunder with herbs. Then he is eager to be away,
A.3.4 466 actor of hosts. These are the herbs, / the fruits of plants, that t
A.3.4 474 ly with a reward. / From those herbs a dwelling shall be establish
A.3.4 530 these are the noble, / lovely herbs with which the wild bird / sur
A.3.4 543 y, / beautifully bedecked with herbs with their good deeds. / The s
A.3.4 653 eathers with sweet and joyous herbs, / with the fair fruits of the
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 47 en unable to relieve with any herbs’. / The guest leaps down from hi