Number of occurrences in corpus: 38
Genesis A 122b | īfes brytta, || lēoht forþ | cuman | / ofer rūmne grund. || Ræðe |
Genesis B 416a | t hē up heonan || ūte mihte / | cuman | þurh þās clūstru, || and |
Genesis A 2233b | ld lǣtan || þurh þæt wīf | cuman’. | / Þā sē ēadĝa wer || idese |
Genesis A 2433a | ·ġēanes, || grētan ēode / | cuman% | cūðlīċe, || cynna ġe·mu |
Genesis A 2455b | unlēofe / corðrum miċelum || | cuman | ācsian, / þæt hīe be·hæfd |
Genesis A 2488a | , || and hine of gramra þā, / | cuman | ārfæste, || clammum ā·bru |
Daniel 552b | ū ġe·sāwe || þurh swefn | cuman, | / heofon-hēahne bēam || and |
Daniel 721a | enġel dryhtnes / lēt his hand | cuman | || in þæt hêa seld, / wrāt |
Andreas 783b | de, / ed-nīewunga || andweard | cuman, | / frōde fyrn-witan, || folce |
Soul and Body I 9a | ġe·worhte. / Sċeal sē gāst | cuman | || ġīehþum hrēmiġ, / simle |
Soul and Body I 33b | nan. || Ne meahte iċ þē of | cuman, | / flǣsċe be·fangen || and m |
Elene 279b | l-hīeġende%, || on ġe·mot | cuman, | / þā þe dēoplicost || dryht |
Elene 766a | || tō ðǣre hālĝan byriġ / | cuman | on þā ċeastre. || Þā sē |
Christ A 267b | te ā·rīsan || and on riht | cuman | / tō þām up-cundan || æðel |
Christ C 942b | yninga metod, || on ġe·mōt | cuman, | / þrymfæst þēoden. || Biþ |
Christ C 1026a | m, || folc ānra ġe·hwelċ, / | cuman | tō ġe·mōte || mann-cynnes |
Christ C 1036b | d sāwle. || Sċeal on lēoht | cuman | / sīnra weorca wlite || and wo |
Maxims I 76b | ll ġe·weorpan, || weder eft | cuman, | / sumor sweġle hāt, || sund u |
Soul and Body II 9a | ġe·worhte. / Sċeal sē gǣst | cuman | || ġīehþum hrēmiġ, / simle |
Guthlac A 23a | sōþfæstra || sāwla mōton / | cuman | aefter cwealme, || þā þe h |
Guthlac A 29b | amma clǣne, || on ġe·weald | cuman. | / Maniġe sindon || ġond midda |
Guthlac A 366b | is metode. || Hū sċeall min | cuman | / gǣst tō ġēoce, || nefne i |
Guthlac A 777a | | up on·sende, / lēt his bēn | cuman | || on þā beorhtan ġe·sċe |
Guthlac B 951a | ē æl-mihtĝa% / lēt his hand | cuman | || ðǣr sē hālĝa þēow, / |
The Descent into Hell 51b | odes / mid þȳ cyne-þrymme || | cuman | tō helle, / on·ġeat þā ġ |
Riddles 88 16a | māĝas uncre / sċulon aefter | cuman, | || eard oþ·þringan / ġingra |
The Phoenix 91a | þ be·healdan / and on·ġēan | cuman | || godes candelle, / glǣdum ġ |
Beowulf 244b | eahte. / Nā hēr cūðlicor || | cuman | on·gunnon / lind-hæbbende; || |
Beowulf 281b | e / bealwa bisiĝu, || bōt eft | cuman, | / and þā ċear-wielmas || cō |
Beowulf 1869b | on ġe·syntum, || snūde-eft | cuman. | / Ġe·cyste þā || cyning æ |
The Paris Psalter 138:4 3b | iċ him on nīede || ā nēah | cuman. | / / # / Hwider mæġ iċ fram þ |
The Paris Psalter 73:7 1b | ǣdan on heortan: || ‘Wuton | cuman | ealle / and ūre māĝas mid ū |
The Paris Psalter 82:4 1b | don cūðlīċe: || ‘Wuton | cuman | ealle / and hīe tō·wyrpan || |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 1 83a | rle; || ne wende þonan ǣfre / | cuman | of þǣm clammum. || Clipode |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 69b | ne wilnie || þæt hēo wolde | cuman | / tō þām earde || þe hēo o |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 256b | þēoda wealdend, || tō þē | cuman, | / and þonne mid openum || ēa |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 83b | ne hē% sendeþ, || hǣt% eft | cuman. | / Ġif hē swā ġe·stæþþi |
Maxims II 41b | blanden, || on þās weorold | cuman. | / Þēof sċeall gangan þīest |