Number of occurrences in corpus: 126
Genesis B 389b | nū þrēa on helle, || þæt | sindon | þīestru and hǣtu, / grymme, |
Genesis A 1255a | and þā worde cwæþ: / ‘Ne | sindon | mē on ferhþe frēo || fram |
Genesis A 1424a | ōes, || þe Armēnia / hātene | sindon. | || Þǣr sē hālĝa bād, / su |
Genesis A 2133b | as, / earme widewan. || Eaforan | sindon | dēade, / folc-ġe·sīðas, || |
Genesis A 2168a | nd him tō reordode: / ‘Mēda | sindon | miċela þīna. || Ne lǣt þ |
Genesis A 2466a | snytra ġe·myndiġ: / ‘Hēr | sindon | inne || unwemme twā / dohtor m |
Exodus 283b | ter weall-fæsten%. || Weĝas | sindon | drīġe, / haswe here-strǣta, |
Exodus 297a | ēamas || in rand-ġe·beorh. / | Sindon | þā fore-weallas || fæġere |
Daniel 286a | dorfæst || ofer wer-þēode. / | Sindon | þīne dōmas || in daĝa ġe |
Daniel 289a | e, / swā þū ēac selfa eart. / | Sindon | þīne willan || on weorold-s |
Daniel 300a | hoĝodon || hālĝan līfes. / | Sindon | we tō·wrecene || ġond wīd |
Christ and Satan 103b | æste% ġe·bunden. || Fēond | sindon | rēðe, / dimne and% deorce. || |
Christ and Satan 149a | þone biteran grund. / Ealle we | sindon | || un-ġe·līċe / þonne þe |
Christ and Satan 30a | . || Gang recene tō, / ǣr twa | sindon% | || tīda ā·gangene, / þæt |
Andreas 201b | / ofer ċeald wæter || cūðe | sindon.’ | / Him þā andswarode || ēċe |
Andreas 264b | Wē of Marmedonia || mǣġþe | sindon | / feorran ġe·ferede. || Ūs m |
Andreas 344a | ēċe% drihten: / ‘Ġif ġē | sindon | þeġnas || þæs þe þrymm |
Andreas 676a | an on·blanden: / 'Hwæt, ġē | sindon | earme || ofer ealle menn. / Wad |
Andreas 686a | | mid his cnēo-māĝum. / Þus | sindon | hāten || hām-sittende, / fæd |
Andreas 689a | e·mynd, || Maria and Ioseph. / | Sindon | him on æðelum || ōðre tw |
Andreas 720b | / þā on swēġel-drēamum || | sindon | nemned. / Fore an-sīene || ē |
Andreas 973a | || īewed wierðeþ. / Maniġe | sindon | || on þisse mǣran byriġ / þ |
Andreas 1369b | ām gūþ-pleĝan || ġearwe | sindon, | / þā þe ǣninga || ellen-weo |
The Fates of the Apostles 112b | of% þisse% weorolde. || Wiċ | sindon | uncūþ, / eard and ēðel, || |
Dream of the Rood 46b | d deorcan næġlum. || on mē | sindon | þā dolh ġe·sīene, / opene |
Elene 315b | en, / tīre ġe·tācnod.’ || | Sindon | tū on þām, / siĝor-cynn on |
Elene 642b | n / dēope be·dolfen || dierne | sindon, | / heolstre be·hȳded. || Ā mi |
Christ B 694b | up, / sunne and mōna. || Hwæt | sindon | þā / ġimmas swā sċīene || |
Christ C 1049a | ende || wihte be·mīðan. / Ne | sindon | him dǣda dierne, || ac ðǣr |
Vainglory 22b | -sefan / dālum ġe·dǣled, || | sindon | dryht-guman / un-ġe·līċe. | |
Vainglory 25b | nnan / un-ġe·medemod mōd; || | sindon | tō maniġe þæt. / Biþ þæt |
The Riming Poem 82b | ·mun morða lisse, || ðǣr% | sindon | miltsa blisse / hyhtlīċe on h |
The Panther 1a | # The Panther / / Maniġe | sindon | || ġond middan-ġeard / unrīm |
Soul and Body II 69b | , / ġīfre and grǣdġe. || Ne | sindon | þīne ġe·ahþe wiht, / þā |
Guthlac A 8a | ċ lǣdan sċeall. / Weĝas þe | sindon | wēðe || and wuldres lēoht / |
Guthlac A 30a | on ġe·weald cuman. / Maniġe | sindon | || ġond middan-ġeard / hādas |
Guthlac A 38b | ed, / cōlaþ Crīstes lufu, || | sindon | costunga / ġond middan-ġeard |
Guthlac A 298a | as on-hǣle || earmra gǣsta. / | Sindon | wǣr-loĝan || þe þā wīċ |
Guthlac A 623a | s weorcum || willan ræfnaþ. / | Sindon | ġē wǣr-loĝan, || swā ġ |
Guthlac A 752b | e þissa wundra || ġe·witan | sindon. | / Eall þās ġe·ēodon || on |
Guthlac B 1223b | e þīnne, || hwonan his cyme | sindon.’ | / Þā sē ēadĝa wer || ā· |
Wulf and Eadwacer 6a | eġland, || fenne be·worpen. / | Sindon | wæl-rēowe || weras ðǣr on |
Riddles 42 17b | s, / hēan-mōde twa, || hātne | sindon. | |
Riddles 55 10b | d sē fealwa holen; || frēan | sindon | ealle / nytt æt·gædere, || n |
The Wife's Lament 30a | , || eall iċ eom of·langod, / | sindon | dena dimme, || dūna up-hēa, |
Resignation 4a | wunder-cyning, / þe% ðǣr inn | sindon, | || ēċe drihten, / miċel and |
Azarias 8a | dorfæst || ofer wer-þēode. / | Sindon | þīne dōmas || on dǣda ġe |
Riddles 65 6a | te, || nemþe hē mē bīte; / | sindon | þāra maniġe || þe mec bī |
The Phoenix 71a | ·lāce || laĝu-flōda wynn. / | Sindon | þā bearwas || blǣdum ġe· |
The Phoenix 297b | tum / searulīċe be·seted. || | Sindon | þā fiðeru / hwīt hindanwear |
The Phoenix 310a | || ofer þæs fuĝoles bæc. / | Sindon | þā sċancan || sċiellum be |
The Phoenix 626b | ēah and hāliġ. || Heofonas | sindon | / fæġere ġe·fylled, || fæd |
The Phoenix 655a | þonne ā·fȳsed biþ. / Þæt | sindon | þā word, || swā ūs ġe·w |
The Wanderer 93b | m symbla ġe·setu? || Hwǣr | sindon | sele-drēamas? / Ēa-lā beorht |
Beowulf 237a | ðel-wordum fræġn: / ‘Hwæt | sindon | ġē || searu-hæbbendra, / byr |
Beowulf 257b | ðanne || hwonan ēowre cyme | sindon.’ | / Him sē ieldesta || andswarod |
Beowulf 361a | tō his wine-drihtne: / ‘Hēr | sindon | ġe·ferede, || feorran cumen |
Beowulf 393a | er æðelu cann, / and ġē him | sindon | || ofer sǣ-wielmas / heard-hy |
Beowulf 1230a | mann-drihtne hold%; / þeġnas | sindon | ġe·þwǣre, || þēod eall- |
Judith 195b | fǣġe frum-gāras. || Fīend | sindon | ēowre / ġe·dēmed tō dēað |
The Paris Psalter 101:3 1b | n daĝas mīne || ġe·droren | sindon | / smīeċe ġe·līċe || and f |
The Paris Psalter 101:16 2b | nd on cnēo-rissum || cȳðed | sindon, | / þæt hē folc ġe·sċōp; | |
The Paris Psalter 102:14 4b | swā his līf-daĝas || lǣne | sindon. | / / # / Þonne hē gāst of·ġie |
The Paris Psalter 106:26 1b | / Ġe·drēfde þā || dēope | sindon, | / hearde on·hrērde || hēr an |
The Paris Psalter 107:8 2a | tō cyninge || cenne Iudas, / | sindon | mē Moabitingas || māĝas sw |
The Paris Psalter 107:8 5a | ōs þider || sendan þenċe; / | sindon | mē fremde cynn || fæste und |
The Paris Psalter 115:8 3b | e ymb dryhtnes hūs || dēore | sindon, | / ðǣr hit ēaĝum folc || eal |
The Paris Psalter 118:150 2a | um || dō mē hālne. / / # / Mē | sindon | ēhtend || unġemete nēah ā |
The Paris Psalter 118:150 3b | ah ā / and þā synfullan; || | sindon | ealle hīe / fram ǣ þīnre || |
The Paris Psalter 118:168 4b | n ealle mīne weĝas || wīse | sindon | / on þīnre ġe·sihþe || sō |
The Paris Psalter 121:1 2b | cūðlīċe tō || ā·cweden | sindon, | / and on godes hūs || gange si |
The Paris Psalter 121:3 3a | ċeaster ġe·timbred, / ðǣr | sindon | dǣlas || on selfre hire. / / # |
The Paris Psalter 121:6 2b | þe on Hierusālem || gōde | sindon; | / and ġe·niht% āgon, || þā |
The Paris Psalter 127:1 1a | alter: Psalm 127 / / # / Ēadġe% | sindon% | ealle || þe him ēċne god / d |
The Paris Psalter 134:2 3b | þæs gōdan godes || ġearwe | sindon | / / # / lofiaþ ġē drihten, || |
The Paris Psalter 138:15 1a | ·writen standeþ. / / # / Daĝas | sindon | trymede, || swā hīe drihten |
The Paris Psalter 140:8 3a | sum is || wēl līciendlīċe / | sindon | hīe æt strangum || stāne f |
The Paris Psalter 140:9 2a | unefne is || eorðe þicce, / | sindon | þās mōras || miċelum ā· |
The Paris Psalter 140:9 3a | ā·sprotene, / swā ūre bān | sindon | || bitere tō·worpene / be hel |
The Paris Psalter 143:12 3b | ā mē fremde bearn || fǣcne | sindon. | / / # / Þāra mūðas sprecaþ | |
The Paris Psalter 143:16 1b | # / Hira frum-wæstme || fulle | sindon, | / þæt hīe rūmlīċe || roce |
The Paris Psalter 144:9 3a | a cynne || milde and blīðe; / | sindon% | his miltsa || ofer ūs mǣre |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 3b | e þā þe him inn || āhwǣr | sindon. | / / # / Hē his sōþfæst word | |
The Paris Psalter 148:11 3b | en / and ealdor-menn || āhwǣr | sindon, | / and ealle þe þās eorðan | |
The Paris Psalter 52:1 3b | ; / hēo on·sċeoniendliċe || | sindon | ġe·wordene% / and hira willan |
The Paris Psalter 58:10 2b | num fēondum, || þe mē fela | sindon; | / ne dō hīe tō dēadan, || |
The Paris Psalter 62:9 5a | seald || under sweordes hand, / | sindon | fracuþe nū || foxes dǣlas. |
The Paris Psalter 63:7 1a | feþ || hǣlend% drihten. / / # / | Sindon | hira wīta || sċytelum ċild |
The Paris Psalter 64:6 2b | e on þisse eorðan || ūtan | sindon | / oþþe feorr on sǣ || foldum |
The Paris Psalter 65:2 2a | || hū his þā gōdan weorc / | sindon | wundorlīċe || wīde ġond e |
The Paris Psalter 68:3 2a | and clipode, / þæt mē grame | sindon | || gōman hāse; / biþ mē æt |
The Paris Psalter 68:5 1a | nga || ealle fēoġe / Ofer mē | sindon | || þā þe mē ehton, / fæstu |
The Paris Psalter 68:20 4b | for þīnre ansīene || ealle | sindon | / þe fēondas mē || fǣcne wu |
The Paris Psalter 68:36 2b | e sǣ-flōdas || and þā him | sindon | inn. / / # / Þǣr hīe ierfe-st |
The Paris Psalter 70:3 5a | e þīne ǣ || efnan nellaþ; / | sindon | unryhtes || ealle wyrċende. / |
The Paris Psalter 71:11 2b | / þā on eorð-weġe || ealle | sindon; | / ealle þēoda hine || weorði |
The Paris Psalter 72:1 3a | ċġaþ rihte; / mē for·nēan | sindon | || losode nū-þā / ealle on f |
The Paris Psalter 72:15 1a | lāðum wiþ-ferede. / / # / Nū | sindon | hīe ġe·wordene || wrāðe |
The Paris Psalter 75:8 3b | e on ymb·hwyrfte || āhwǣr | sindon, | / him ġiefe bringen || gode an |
The Paris Psalter 78:4 3b | ūs āhwǣr nēah || nū-þā | sindon. | / / # / Hū% wilt þū, wuldres g |
The Paris Psalter 78:8 4b | þon we þearfende || þearle | sindon. | / / # / And iċ selfa cwæþ: || |
The Paris Psalter 82:7 2b | / ealle on weĝum || ǣġhwǣr | sindon | / on lēod-stefnum || Lōðes b |
The Paris Psalter 87:9 1a | can ne mæġ. / / # / Ēaĝan mē | sindon | || unhāle nū / ġe·worden fo |
The Paris Psalter 88:6 4b | on ymb·hwyrfte || āhwǣr | sindon. | / / # / Þū eart mæġena god, | |
The Paris Psalter 88:21 2b | ā þe him fēondas || fǣcne | sindon, | / and his ēhtendas || ealle ġ |
The Paris Psalter 91:13 1a | ġe·blōwen. / / # / Nū-ġīet | sindon | maniġe || manna swelċe, / þe |
The Paris Psalter 92:6 1a | īdra maniġra. / / # / Wræclice | sindon | || wǣġa% gangas%, / þonne s |
The Paris Psalter 93:8 2b | folce nū / unwīseste || ealra | sindon; | / dysġe hwæt-hweĝu || dēope |
The Paris Psalter 95:5 1a | e godu || eorð-būendra. / / # / | Sindon | ealle hǣðnu godu || hilde-d |
The Paris Psalter 99:2 3b | ūs ġe·worhte || and we his | sindon. | / / # / Wē his folc sindon || an |
The Paris Psalter 99:3 1a | his sindon. / / # / Wē his folc | sindon | || and his fǣle sċēap, / þ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 53b | nǣniġ man || hwǣr hīe nū | sindon. | / Hwæt is hira here || būtan |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 58b | d þās eorðan || ǣg·hwǣr | sindon | / hira ġe·līċan || hwon ymb |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 11b | e þæs þēodnes || þēowas | sindon. | / Sē ūs ġe·sette || sidu an |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 32b | god, / sōða ġe·sǣlþa, || | sindon | ġe·hȳda. / For·þǣm hīe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 149a | wuniaþ on fȳre, / þēah hīe | sindon% | || sweotole þǣm wīsum. / Is |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 29b | ardan / līfe līċaþ || lǣnu | sindon, | / eorðlicu þinġ || ā flēon |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 44b | baþ on hospe || þā þe him | sindon | / rihtes wīsran, || rīċes wi |
Metrical Psalm 93:8 2b | lce nū / un-wīseste || ealre | sindon | / dysġe hwæt-hwuĝu || dēop |
Solomon and Saturn 32a | a hwæt iċ mǣne’. / ‘Beċ | sindon | brēme, || bodiaþ ġe·nēah |
Solomon and Saturn 254b | fæste ġe·bindan. || Þæt | sindon | þā ūsiċ feohtaþ inn. / For |
Maxims II 2b | || þā þe on þisse eorðan | sindon, | / wrǣtliċ weall-stāna ġe·w |
Maxims II 4b | rāĝum hlūdost. || Þrymmas | sindon | Crīstes miċele, / wyrd biþ s |
The Gloria I 47b | u; / hāliġ-dōmes || heofonas | sindon | / þurh þīne ēċan word || |
The Gloria I 49a | word || ǣghwǣr fulle, / swā | sindon | þīne meahta || ofer middan- |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 19b | ynd hēr inn || ġe·mearcode | sindon, | / and þæt him God æl-mehtiġ |