A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: nihte

Number of occurrences in corpus: 9

Genesis A 140a þe sē þēoden self / sċōp nihte naman. || Nerġend ūre / hīe
Dream of the Rood 2b mē ġe·mǣtte || tō midre nihte, / siþþan reordberend || ræst
The Order of the World 83a þe tela cūðe, / dæġ wiþ nihte, || dēop wiþ hēan, / lyft wi
The Phoenix 262a sē drēoseþ oft / æt middre nihte; || be þon sē mōdĝa his / fe
Judith 64a r·lēosan / ǣdre binnan ānre nihte; || hæfde þā his ende ġe·
The Paris Psalter 135:9 1a re sunnan. / / # / On% meahtmeht% nihte% || mōnan and steorran. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 138:9 3a earle for·grīpen / and mē on nihte || nīede on·līehte, / þæt
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 35a || emne ġe·dǣled / dæġ and nihte || dryhtnes meahtum, / sunna an
The Judgment Day II 110a meahte wiht, / þæt hē ðǣre nihte || ġe·nipu mæġe fleċġan