Number of occurrences in corpus: 37
Genesis A 1460b | terum. || Ġe·wāt sē wilda | fuĝol | / on ǣfenne || earce sēċan / o |
Genesis A 1983b | l-herġas. || Sang sē wanna | fuĝol | / under daroþ-sċeaftum, || d |
Soul and Body I 79a | / ðǣr þū wurde æt frymþe | fuĝol | || oþþe fisċ on sǣ, / oþþ |
Christ B 636b | frēo-naman cende || and hine | fuĝol | nemde, / þone Iūdēas || on· |
Christ B 645a | middan-ġeard. / Swā sē fǣla | fuĝol | || flyġes cunnode; / hwīlum e |
The Fortunes of Men 85a | od miċel. / Sum sċeall wildne | fuĝol | || wlancne ā·temian, / hafoc |
Soul and Body II 74a | r þū wurde æt frumsċeafte | fuĝol | || oþþe fisċ ōl sǣ, / oþ |
Riddles 36 9b | -weĝas; || ne wæs þæt nā | fuĝol | ana, / ac ðǣr wæs ǣġhwelċ |
The Phoenix 86a | u weardaþ || wundrum fǣġer / | fuĝol | feðerum strang, || sē is fe |
The Phoenix 100a | eþ; || þonne wāðum strang / | fuĝol | feðerum wlanc || on firġen- |
The Phoenix 104a | les lēoma. / Swā sē æðela | fuĝol | || æt þām ǣ-springe / wliti |
The Phoenix 121b | ·hlīfaþ, || swā sē haswa | fuĝol | / beorht of þæs bearwes || b |
The Phoenix 145b | ceþ / feðere flyht-hwate; || | fuĝol | biþ ġe·swīġed. / Simle hē |
The Phoenix 201a | rhte frætwe; / ðǣr sē wilda | fuĝol | || on þām wēstenne / ofer h |
The Phoenix 215b | byrneþ / þurh fȳres fēng || | fuĝol | mid neste. / Bǣl biþ on·ǣle |
The Phoenix 257b | , / foldan frætwe. || Swā sē | fuĝol | weorðeþ, / gamol aefter ġēa |
The Phoenix 266a | xen || wyrtum on ġe·maniġe / | fuĝol | feðerum deall. || feorh biþ |
The Phoenix 291a | nn, || ēastan lixeþ. / Is sē | fuĝol | fǣġer || for-weard hīewe, / |
The Phoenix 311b | weaxen, / fealwe fōtas. || Sē | fuĝol | is on hīewe / ǣġhwæs ǣnli |
The Phoenix 322a | þisse ēðel-turf. / Swā sē | fuĝol | flēoġeþ, || folcum oþ·ī |
The Phoenix 466b | tma blǣde, || þā sē wilda | fuĝol | / samnaþ under sweġle || sīd |
The Phoenix 529b | nsume, || mid þām sē wilda | fuĝol | / his selfes nest || be·seteþ |
The Phoenix 558a | urh dryhtnes ġiefe / swā sē | fuĝol | fenix || feorh ed-nīewe / aeft |
The Phoenix 574b | st tācen || þæt sē torhta | fuĝol | / þurh bryne bēacnaþ. || Bā |
The Phoenix 578a | ġ-bryne, || lǣdeþ siþþan / | fuĝol | on fōtum || tō frēan ġear |
The Phoenix 597a | || lēohte weorode, / swā sē | fuĝol | fenix, || on friðu dryhtnes, |
The Phoenix 652a | || līf būtan ende, / swā sē | fuĝol | swēotum || his fiðeru tū / a |
The Wanderer 81b | rede on forþ-weġe, || sumne | fuĝol | oþ·bær / ofer hēanne holm, |
Judith 207a | ē wanna hræfn, / wæl-ġīfre | fuĝol. | || Wisson% bēġen / þæt him |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 27 24b | oġe on ferhþe, || swā swā | fuĝol | oþþe dēor, / ac þæt wǣre |
Solomon and Saturn 13a | c-stede, || man ġe·sēċan, / | fuĝol | ġe·flēoĝan, || ne þon m |
Solomon and Saturn 49a | þæt iċ þē seċġe? / Ān | fuĝol | siteþ || on Filistina% / midde |
Solomon and Saturn 57a | ealfa || tū hund wearda. / Sē | fuĝol | hafaþ || [IIII] heafdu / medum |
Solomon and Saturn 74a | an || wiþ lēod-gryre. / Þone | fuĝol | hātaþ || feorr-būende, / Fil |
Solomon and Saturn 93a | | friteþ aefter þǣm / wildne | fuĝol. | || Hēo ofer·wiġeþ wul |
Solomon and Saturn 216a | e·cynd || cwic-libbende, / ne | fuĝol | ne fisċ || ne foldan stān, / |
Maxims II 38b | , / fæst fingra ġe·beorh. || | Fuĝol | uppe sċeall / lācan on lyfte. |