A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wann

Number of occurrences in corpus: 28

Genesis A 110a ihte || sweart under rodorum, / wann and wēste, || oþþæt þēo
Genesis A 214a mne grund || reġnas bǣron, / wann mid winde, || hwæðere wæst
Genesis B 303b elle-wītes, || þæs þe hē wann wiþ heofones wealdend. / A·cw
Genesis B 490b fles boda || þe wiþ drihten wann. / Wearp hine þā on wyrmes lī
Genesis A 1558a eorðan him || ǣtes tilian; / wann and worhte, || wīn-ġeard se
Exodus 164a -feðere || ofer dryht-nēum, / wann wæl-ċēasĝa. || Wulfas sun
Andreas 837a īnan. || Sċeadu sweðrodon, / wann under wolcnum. || Þā cōm w
Andreas 1169a uþe || dēoful æt·īewde, / wann and wlitelēas, || hæfde wē
Dream of the Rood 55a man, || sċeadu forþ ēode, / wann under wolcnum. || wēop eall
Elene 53a hilde. || Hræfen uppe gōl, / wann and wæl-fell. || Weorod wæs
Christ C 1427b for·þon iċ þæt earfoþe wann. / Næs mē for mōde, || ac iċ
Christ C 1564a ġe·þrǣd, || andweard gode / wann and wlitelēas || hafaþ wēr
Guthlac A 399a m. || Hē wæs þāra sum; / ne wann hē aefter weorolde, || ac h
Guthlac B 1280a sōhte, || swearc norð-rodor / wann under wolcnum, || weorold mis
Riddles 11 8a e·dwolene, || dēoraþ mīne / wann wīsan ġe·hwǣm. || Wā him
Riddles 3 20b winneþ / wǣġ wiþ wealle, || wann ā·rīseþ / dūn ofer dīepe;
Riddles 3 37a || þæt mē on bæce rīdeþ / wann wǣġ-fatu, || wīde tō·þr
The Wife's Lament 5a mā þonne nū. / Ā iċ wīte wann || mīnra wræc-sīða. / Ǣres
Riddles 88 19a rðan; || is min āĝen% bæc / wann and wundorliċ. || Iċ on wud
The Phoenix 99a -red || and sēo deorce niht / wann ġe·wīteþ; || þonne wāð
The Wanderer 103b eþ, / wintres wōma, || þonne wann cymeþ, / nīpeþ niht-sċua, |
Beowulf 144b wā rīxode || and wiþ rihte wann, / ana wiþ eallum, || oþ·þæ
Beowulf 151b m ġōmre, || þætte Grendel wann / hwīle wiþ Hrōð·gār, ||
Beowulf 651a sċeapu || sċrīðan cōmon, / wann under wolcnum. || Weorod eall
Beowulf 1132a efnan; || holm storme wēoll, / wann wiþ winde, || winter ȳðe b
Beowulf 1374a e·bland || up ā·stīĝeþ / wann tō wolcnum, || þonne wind s
The Paris Psalter 108:18 4a is innaþ || īeðde% swelċe / wann wætere ġelīċ || and wynn-
The Paris Psalter 68:3 1b / # / Þǣr iċ wēriġ-mōd || wann and clipode, / þæt mē grame