Number of occurrences in corpus: 28
Genesis B 257a | wyrcean / dyran sceolde he his | dreamas | on heofonum || and sceolde hi |
Genesis B 485a | ne yldo beniman || ellendæda / | dreamas | and drihtscipes || and him be |
Daniel 30a | t hie langung beswac / eorþan | dreamas | || eces rædes / þæt hie æt |
Daniel 115a | eþe sceolde gelimpan / eorþan | dreamas | || ende wurþan / þa onwoc wul |
Daniel 440b | se engel up || secan him ece | dreamas | / on heanne hrof || heofona ric |
Christ and Satan 19a | þonc clene || nymþe ece god / | dreamas | he gedelde || duguþe and ge |
Christ and Satan 44b | n / hwæt we for dryhtene iu || | dreamas | hefdon / song on swegle || selr |
Christ and Satan 181b | æt biþ alles leas || æcan | dreamas | / se þe heofencyninge || heran |
Christ and Satan 510b | r / and ic eft up becom || ece | dreamas | / to haligum drihtne # || / swa |
Christ and Satan 678b | ende / on heofenrice || halige | dreamas | / # þa he mid hondum genom || |
Andreas 641b | n / sohton siþfrome || swegles | dreamas | / engla eþel || þurh þa æþ |
Andreas 809b | e / secan mid sybbe || swegles | dreamas | / ond þæs to widan feore || w |
The Fates of the Apostles 32b | s weg / siþe gesohte || swegle | dreamas | / beorhtne boldwelan || næs hi |
Soul and Body I 65b | umb ond deaf || ne synt þine | dreamas | awiht / sceal ic þe nihtes swa |
Christ C 1245b | t hi on heofonrice || hlutre | dreamas | / eadge mid englum || agan motu |
Christ C 1258b | cwale / ond eac forgeaf || ece | dreamas | / bið him hel bilocen || heofo |
The Riming Poem 55a | linneð || lustum ne tinneð / | dreamas | swa her gedreosað || dryhtsc |
Soul and Body II 60b | b ond deaf || ne sindan ðine | dreamas | wiht / sceal ic ðe nihtes seð |
Guthlac A 3a | wynne / forlæteð ðas lænan | dreamas | || ond hio wið ðam lice ged |
Guthlac A 123a | ð || in sigorwuldre / dryhtnes | dreamas | || he him dæda lean / georne g |
Homiletic Fragment II 11a | as foldan gesceop / duguðe ond | dreamas | || dom siððan weox / ðeah ð |
The Phoenix 560a | e / æfter æriste || agan mote / | dreamas | mid dryhten || ðær seo deor |
The Seafarer 65a | rðon me hatran sind / dryhtnes | dreamas | || ðonne ðis deade lif / læn |
The Seafarer 86b | droren is ðeos duguð eal || | dreamas | sind gewitene / wuniað ða wac |
Judith 349a | ac reðe streamas / ond swegles | dreamas | || ðurh his sylfes miltse |
The Death of Edgar 1b | dgar / / her geendode || eorþan | dreamas | / eadgar engla cyning || ceas h |
The Gloria I 36b | e / ealle ðe heriað || halige | dreamas | / clænre stefne || and cristen |
Psalm 50 156b | nnan / and us geearnian || æce | dreamas | / an lifigendra || landes wenne |