Number of occurrences in corpus: 71
Genesis A 93b | ance, || hū hē þā mǣran | ġe·sċeaft, | / ēðel-staðolas || eft ġe· |
Genesis A 131a | ġ ġe·nemned, / wlite-beorhte | ġe·sċeaft%. | || Wēl līcode / frēan æt fr |
Genesis A 199b | ·wealde || and eall weorolde | ġe·sċeaft | / brūcaþ blǣd-daĝa || and b |
Genesis B 675a | orold ealle / ofer þās sīdan | ġe·sċeaft, | || iċ mæġ sweġles gamen / |
Daniel 132a | þē swefnode, / oþþe wyrda | ġe·sċeaft | || wīsdōm bude, / ġif þū h |
Daniel 365b | e ofer% rodorum || on rihtne | ġe·sċeaft | / wuniaþ in wuldre, || þā þ |
Christ and Satan 559b | e%, || ǣr hē in þā mǣran | ġe·sċeaft, | / burĝ–lēoda fruma, || brin |
Christ and Satan 662b | ealdor%, || in ðǣre ēċan | ġe·sċeaft. | / Þæt is sē drihten, || sē |
Andreas 1437b | ðeþ, || þæt þēos wlitie | ġe·sċeaft, | / heofon and eorðe, || hrēosa |
The Fates of the Apostles 116b | sse bēne || on þā beorhtan | ġe·sċeaft, | / þæt we þæs boldes || brū |
The Fates of the Apostles 122a | e and ed-ġung, || ofer ealle | ġe·sċeaft. | || Finit. |
Dream of the Rood 12b | dan, || and eall þēos mǣre | ġe·sċeaft. | / syl·līċ wæs sē siġebēa |
Dream of the Rood 55b | under wolcnum. || wēop eall | ġe·sċeaft, | / cwīðdon cininges fiell. || |
Dream of the Rood 82b | dan, || and eall þēos mǣre | ġe·sċeaft, | / ġebiddaþ him tō þissum b |
Elene 183a | iefe sealde / þurh þā īlcan | ġe·sċeaft | || þe him ġe·īewed wearþ |
Elene 290b | sīdne fæðm, || samod ealle | ġe·sċeaft, | / and þū ā·mǣte || mundum |
Elene 593a | na ðǣr / þurh þā hālĝan | ġe·sċeaft | || helpe findaþ, / godcunde ġ |
Elene 650b | on·send || on þā beorhtan | ġe·sċeaft, | / on wuldres wynn%. || Bide wi |
Christ A 59b | fa þē ġond || þās sīdan | ġe·sċeaft, | / swelċe rodores hrōf || rūm |
Christ A 239b | o snytru || þe þās sīdan | ġe·sċeaft | / mid þȳ wealdende || worhtes |
Christ A 356b | self settende || þās sīdan | ġe·sċeaft, | / brāde bryten-grundas. || Bǣ |
Christ B 672a | ryne tungla / seċġan, sīde | ġe·sċeaft. | || Sum mæġ searulīċe / word |
Christ B 842b | e || þonne eall þēos lǣne | ġe·sċeaft, | / ðǣr hē hine selfne || on |
Christ C 885b | an and westan, || ofer ealle% | ġe·sċeaft. | / Weċċaþ of dēaðe || dryht |
Christ C 930a | um ġe·nēahhe. / Dyneþ dēop | ġe·sċeaft | || and fore drihtne færeþ / w |
Christ C 991a | o strange lyft / brecaþ brāde | ġe·sċeaft. | || Beornas grētaþ, / wēpaþ |
Christ C 1087b | id swāte || þæt ofer sīde | ġe·sċeaft | / sċīre sċīeneþ. || Sċadu |
Christ C 1127b | . || Ġe·sǣĝon þā dumban | ġe·sċeaft, | / eorðan eall-grēne || and up |
The Order of the World 74b | l / sċīr ġe·sċyndeþ || on | ġe·sċeaft | godes / under foldan fæðm, || |
Guthlac A 371b | ċ-hama || wiþ þās lǣnan | ġe·sċeaft | / dēaþ ġe·dǣlan, || ac hē |
Guthlac A 629a | e fundon. / Ġē þā fǣġeran | ġe·sċeaft | || on fyrn-daĝum, / gǣstlicne |
Guthlac A 777b | ēn cuman || on þā beorhtan | ġe·sċeaft, | / þancode þēodne || þæs þ |
Guthlac B 1117b | wuldre || on þā wlitiĝan | ġe·sċeaft | / tō ēad-welan, || swā hē |
Riddles 33 8b | -cræftiġ || ymb hire selfre | ġe·sċeaft: | / ‘Is min mōdor || mæġþa% |
The Judgment Day I 26b | || Ne cann hē þā mierċan | ġe·sċeaft, | / hū hīe būtan ende || ēċe |
The Judgment Day I 58a | s þrēa; / bifaþ eall beorhte | ġe·sċeaft, | || brandas lācaþ / on þām d |
The Judgment Day I 65b | metod, || þurh þā mǣstan | ġe·sċeaft | / on full blācne bēam || bund |
The Phoenix 660a | ynsumne stenċ / on þā mǣran | ġe·sċeaft | || metode bringaþ, / on þæt |
Juliana 562a | siĝora ġe·hwæs / ofer ealle | ġe·sċeaft | || ana weolde%, / ēcra ēad-ġ |
Juliana 728a | lda cynne / þurh þā sċīran | ġe·sċeaft | || sċrīfeþ be ġe·wyrhtum |
The Wanderer 107a | an rīċe, / on·wendeþ wyrda | ġe·sċeaft | || weorold under heofonum. / H |
Beowulf 1622b | f-daĝas || and þās lǣnan | ġe·sċeaft. | / Cōm þā tō lande || lid-ma |
The Paris Psalter 143:5 1a | æfdest? / / # / Man% biþ mearwe | ġe·sċeaft, | || meahtum īdel; / bēoþ his |
The Paris Psalter 89:2 1a | ēo-risse. / / # / Ær-þon munta | ġe·sċeaft | || ofer middan-ġeard / oþþe |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 41b | tte winnende || wiðer-weard | ġe·sċeaft | / fæste sibbe || forða on·he |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 44a | aĝu-strēam, / maniĝu% ōðru | ġe·sċeaft | || efn-swīðe him / ġond þā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 49a | wā ēaðe mæġ / wiðer-weard | ġe·sċeaft | || wesan æt·gædere / simble |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 63b | inġeþ || ġond þās sīdan | ġe·sċeaft. | / Hæfþ sē ilca god || eorða |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 73a | n hē wile / ġond þās mǣran | ġe·sċeaft | || mearce healden. / Ac þonne |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 64a | d ġe·cynde. / Swā swā ǣlċ | ġe·sċeaft | || ealle mæġene / ġond þās |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 68b | is nū ofer eorðan || ǣnĝu | ġe·sċeaft | / þe ne wilnie || þæt hēo w |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 73b | is nū ofer eorðan || ǣnĝu | ġe·sċeaft | / þe ne hwearfie, || swā swā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 19a | an mǣrra / ne ġond ealle þā | ġe·sċeaft | || efenlica þīn, / ne þe ǣn |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 41b | . / Næs ǣror% þē% || ǣnĝu | ġe·sċeaft | / þe āuht oþþe nāuht || ā |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 119a | d ēĝor-strēam, / swā ċeald | ġe·sċeaft, | || cræfta nāne / ealles ā·d |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 136b | m rodore, || þe þās rūman | ġe·sċeaft | / ǣĝgwelċe dæġe || ūtan y |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 142a | ah ġe·hwæðer. / Ǣġhwelċ | ġe·sċeaft | || þe we ymb sprecaþ / hafaþ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 157b | for·lǣteþ || þās lǣnan | ġe·sċeaft, | / mid ċiele ofer·cumen, || ġ |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 183a | sēo sāwl wǣre / þrīefeald | ġe·sċeaft | || þeġna ġe·hwelċes, / for |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 281b | n of moldan || on þā mǣran | ġe·sċeaft. | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 74b | lf cyning || and þēos sīde | ġe·sċeaft | / þeġnaþ and þēowaþ. || H |
The Battle of Brunanburh 16b | dryhtnes, || oþ sēo æðele | ġe·sċeaft | / sāh tō setle. || Þǣr læ |
Solomon and Saturn 23b | || þonne eall þēos lēohte | ġe·sċeaft, | / ġe·goten fram þǣm grunde |
Solomon and Saturn 43b | es and nihtes || þurh dēop | ġe·sċeaft; | / ġōmrende gāst || dēþ nū |
Solomon and Saturn 122a | est / libbaþ on þisse lǣnan | ġe·sċeaft. | || Ġō þæt þīne lēod ġ |
Solomon and Saturn 181b | efter ānum; || þæt is eald | ġe·sċeaft%.’ | / ‘Ac for·hwon nele mann him |
Solomon and Saturn 189a | rold-rīċe, / drēoĝeþ dēop | ġe·sċeaft? | || Ne mōt on dæġ restan, / n |
The Menologium 227b | sunu sende || on þās sīdan | ġe·sċeaft | / folcum tō frōfre. || Nū ġ |
Maxims II 65b | eċġe || hwelċ sīe metodes | ġe·sċeaft, | / siġe-folca ġe·setu, || ð |
The Creed 2a | on rodore, / þe þā sċīran | ġe·sċeaft | || sċōpe and worhtest / and e |
The Creed 47b | and siġefæst || ofer sīde | ġe·sċeaft, | / weoroda wuldor-ġiefa, || wla |