Number of occurrences in corpus: 26
Exodus 96b | e·dǣlde / hēah-þeġnunga || | hālġes | gāstes, / dēor-mōdra sīþ | |
Exodus 307b | ealles hyġe ġe·hīerdon || | hālġes | lāre, / siþþan lēofes lēo |
Exodus 385a | e·lǣde% || lēofost fēora / | hālġes | hǣsum; || hēah-land stiĝon |
Daniel 155b | onum / þurh hlēoðor-cwide || | hālġes | gāstes, / þæt him enġel God |
Daniel 732b | dum, / hwæt sēo hand write || | hālġes | gāstes. / Ne mihton ā·rǣdan |
Andreas 531a | || þæt þū ġiefe hæfdes / | hālġes | gæstes. || Hærn eft on·wan |
Andreas 654b | me, / ðǣr hīe heorcnodon || | hālġes | lāre. / Þonne eft ġe·wāt | |
Andreas 709b | stāh / ġond hēah-reċed. || | Hālġes | lāre / synniġe ne swulĝon, | |
Andreas 819b | ġ / herede hlēoðor-cwidum || | hālġes | lāre, / oþ·þæt hine samnun |
Andreas 893a | sefa || miċelum ġe·blissod / | hālġes | on hreðere, || siþþan hleo |
Andreas 1000b | on·arn / þurh handhrīne% || | hālġes | gæstes, / and ðǣr in·ēode, |
Andreas 1389b | r-dæġe / hǣðenra hlōþ || | hālġes | nēosan / lēoda weorode. || H |
Andreas 1478b | um. / Hwæt%, iċ hwīle nū || | hālġes | lāre, / lēoð-ġieddunga, || |
Andreas 1586a | . || Ġeofon% sweðrode / þurh | hālġes | hǣs, || hlyst ȳst for·ġea |
Andreas 1621b | ode / aefter hleoðor-cwidum || | hālġes | gæstes / wæs on þanc sprecen |
Christ B 737a | d. || Wæs sē siexta hlīep, / | hālġes | hiht-pleĝa, || þā hē tō |
Guthlac B 842a | tan dēaðe forþ, / ġif hīe | hālġes | word || healdan woldon / beorht |
Guthlac B 1006b | sprǣċe, / wolde heorcnian || | hālġes | lāra, / mildes mæðel-cwida. |
Resignation 30a | þæt iċ þīne sē·þeah, / | hālġes | heofon-cininges, || hyldu ġe |
The Phoenix 79b | þ, / ġe·hroden hyhtlīċe || | hālġes | meahtum, / beorhtost bearwa. || |
The Phoenix 399a | īen, || þenden ēċes word, / | hālġes | hlēoðor-cwide, || healdan w |
The Paris Psalter 113:2 2b | æt hīe hǣl ġe·hluton || | hālġes | siþþan; / hæfdon ealdor-dōm |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 54b | nnan hire / hēold and hȳde || | hālġes | meahtum. / Be þæs cininges ġ |
Solomon and Saturn 204b | oht hafaþ hēow and hād || | hālġes | gāstes, / Crīstes ġe·cyndu; |
The Gloria I 43b | corenan, / hēah-þrymnesse || | hālġes | gāstes, / wlitiġe englas || a |
The Kentish Hymn 42b | nd, / heofona hēah-cyning%, || | hālġes | gāstes / fæġere ġe·felled |