Number of occurrences in corpus: 103
Genesis B 242a | || Stōd his hand-ġe·weorc / | samod | on sande, || niston sorĝa wi |
Genesis B 456b | e ġe·worht, || and his wīf | samod, | / frēo fæġroste, || swa hīe |
Genesis B 778a | e·bede fēollon / sīn-hīewan | samod, | || and siġe-drihten / gōdne g |
Genesis B 789a | hīe fela sprǣcon / sorh-worda | samod, | || sīn-hīewan twā. / Ādam |
Genesis A 1209b | ġe·nimeþ || and hira aldor | samod. | / Ac hē cwic ġe·wāt || mid |
Genesis A 1358b | wǣġ-þæl% || and hira wīf | samod. | / And eall þæt tō fæsle || |
Genesis A 1505b | e·blētsode || and his bearn | samod, | / þæt hē þæt ġyld on þan |
Genesis A 1680b | fæsten, || and þæt bēacen | samod, | / þe tō rodorum up || rǣran |
Genesis A 1701a | torr || and sēo stēape burh / | samod | sām-worht || on Sennar stōd |
Genesis A 1892b | ǣm lande || ne meahton lenġ | samod | / blǣdes brūcan || and hira b |
Genesis A 2279b | þe wulf / sāwle and sorĝe || | samod | ā·breġde’. / Hire þā sē |
Genesis A 2420b | der weallum, || and hira wīf | samod. | / Duĝuþum wlance || drihtne g |
Genesis A 2534b | bearn ġe·lǣde || and brȳd | samod’. | / Þā ōnette || Abrahames mǣ |
Genesis A 2594b | byrġ gangan || and his bearn | samod | / wæl-stōwe fierr || wīċ s |
Genesis A 2786b | d hīe. || Ne bēoþ we lenġ | samod | / willum mīnum, || ġif iċ we |
Exodus 214b | / eall sēo sibb-ġe·dryht || | samod | æt·gædere / māran mæġenes |
Daniel 374b | or / nerġend herġaþ! || Niht | samod | and dæġ, / and þeċ landa ġ |
Daniel 376b | īestru, / herġe on hāde, || | samod | hāt and ċeald! / And þeċ, f |
Daniel 620a | ġe·sċēode. / Seofon winter | samod | || sūsl þrōwode, / wild-dēo |
Daniel 638a | ǣm æðelinge, / seofon winter | samod, | || swā nō swīðrode / rīċe |
Andreas 1666a | | ġiehþu mǣnaþ / weras wīf | samod. | || Hira wōp be·cōm, / murnen |
The Fates of the Apostles 78b | adu-rōfe. || Him wearþ bām | samod | / ān ende-dæġ. || Æðele s |
Soul and Body I 4b | yndreþ þā sibbe || þe ǣr | samod | wǣron, / līċ and sāwle. || |
Elene 95b | t, / up sīðode || and sē ār | samod, | / on clǣnra ġe·mang. || Cyni |
Elene 176b | d stān / on ġe·sihþe bū || | samod% | ġe·weorðaþ, / strēac and h |
Elene 290b | ræce, / sǣs sīdne fæðm, || | samod | ealle ġe·sċeaft, / and þū |
Elene 450b | ġe·ġearwod, || ġeador bū | samod | / līċ and sāwl. || Þǣr wæ |
Christ A 91b | um mǣnaþ, / sunu Solimæ% || | samod | his dohtor? / Friċġaþ þurh |
Christ A 125b | / ġe·sewen būtan synnum; || | samod | eardodon / mehtiġ metodes bear |
Christ B 819a | on weorolde || wunian mōte, / | samod | sīðian || sāwol on līċe, |
Christ C 875b | ġeþ. / Swā on Syne beorh || | samod | up cymeþ / mæġen-folc miċel |
Christ C 968b | his tunglum. || Tēon-līeġ | samod | / þrȳðum bærneþ || þrīe |
Christ C 1120b | m-cwidum || and on his hlēor | samod | / hira spatl spēowdon. || Spr |
Christ C 1235a | eð-ġe·sīene / þrīe tācen | samod, | || þæt þe hīe hira þēod |
Christ C 1325b | n bysmerlēas, || þendan bū | samod | / līċ and sāwle || libban m |
Widsith 142a | ll sċæceþ, / lēoht and līf | samod; | || lof sē ġe·wyrċeþ, / haf |
Soul and Body II 4b | þā sibbe, || þā þe ǣr | samod | wǣron, / līċ and sāwle%. || |
Guthlac B 838a | hweorfan mōston, / limu līċ | samod | || and līfes gǣst, / and ðǣ |
Riddles 16 2a | an || and wiþ winde feohtan, / | samod | wiþ þām sæċċe, || þonn |
Riddles 22 9b | ġn weras || and hira wiċġ | samod | / hlōdan under hrunge. || Þā |
Riddles 51 2a | wrætlīċe || wihte fēower / | samod | sīðian; || swearte wǣron l |
Riddles 60 13b | les inn-ġe·þanc || and ord | samod, | / þingum ġe·þīedan, || þ |
The Phoenix 513a | ġe·ġædra%ð, / leomu līċ | samod | || and līfes% gǣst, / fore Cr |
The Phoenix 584a | aðe || þurh dryhtnes meaht / | samod | sīðiaþ% || sāwla mid lī |
The Phoenix 629b | mid englum || and on eorðan | samod. | / Ġe·friða ūsiċ, frymþa s |
The Wanderer 39b | ian, / þonne sorh and slǣp || | samod | æt·gædere / earmne ān-hoĝa |
Beowulf 329b | stōdon, / sǣ-manna searu, || | samod | æt·gædere, / ǣsċ-holt ufan |
Beowulf 387b | ān / sêon sibbe-ġe·dryht || | samod | æt·gædere; / ġe·sæġe him |
Beowulf 729b | e, / swefan sibbe-ġe·dryht || | samod | æt·gædere, / maĝu-rinca hē |
Beowulf 1063b | Þǣr wæs sang and swēġ || | samod | æt·gædere / fore Healf·dene |
Beowulf 1211b | t-ġe·wǣdu || and sē bēah | samod; | / wiersan wīġ-frecan || wæl |
Beowulf 1311b | etod, / siĝor-ēadiġ secg. || | Samod | ǣr-dæġe / ēode eorla sum, | |
Beowulf 1614b | one hafolan || and þā hilt | samod | / sinċe fāĝe. || Sweord ǣr |
Beowulf 2174b | nes% dohtor, || þrīe wiċġ | samod | / swancor and sadol-beorht; || |
Beowulf 2196b | reĝu-stōl. || Him wæs bǣm | samod | / on þǣm lēodsċipe || land |
Beowulf 2343b | orolde līfes || and sē wyrm | samod, | / þēah þe hord-welan || hēo |
Beowulf 2942b | t ġe·lamp / sāriġ-mōdum || | samod | ǣr-dæġe, / siþþan hīe Hy |
Beowulf 2987b | sweord hilted || and his helm | samod, | / hāres hyrste || Hyġe·lāce |
Judith 163a | s || folc ōnette, / weras wīf | samod, | || wornum and hēapum, / þrēa |
Judith 269b | eorcend-ferhþe. || Hīe þā | samod | ealle / on·gunnon cohhetan, || |
Judith 282b | h on mōde || and his hræġl | samod, | / and þæt word ā·cwæþ || |
Judith 288a | e we sċulon nīede% losian, / | samod | æt sæċċe for·weorðan. | |
The Paris Psalter 104:22 2b | sende, / his selfes sċealc, || | samod | æt·gædere / and Aaron ēac, |
The Paris Psalter 110:2 2b | e ġeorne / swīðe sēċan, || | samod | andettan, / hū his mæġen-þr |
The Paris Psalter 113:10 2b | or þīnre sōþfæstnesse || | samod | æt·gædere, / þȳ læs þæt |
The Paris Psalter 117:12 1b | Þā hīe mē ymb·sealdon || | samod | anlīċe / swā bēon bitere, | |
The Paris Psalter 123:6 1b | on. / / # / Wǣron ūre sāwla || | samod | anlīċe / niþa ġe·nerede, | |
The Paris Psalter 127:4 1b | / Sind þīne bearn swelċe || | samod | anlīcost, / swā ele-bēamas | |
The Paris Psalter 127:7 2a | || bearn sċēawie, / ġe·sēo | samod | gangan || sibb ofer Israhel. |
The Paris Psalter 134:9 4b | cȳðde / and his sċealcum || | samod | æt·gædere. / / # / Sē slōh |
The Paris Psalter 137:3 2b | tnesse / and sōþfæstnesse || | samod | æt·gædere, / þū þīnne þ |
The Paris Psalter 142:4 2b | e stōwe / settan sārlīċe || | samod | anlīċe, / swā þū weorold-d |
The Paris Psalter 143:14 2b | m% æðelum / settum bēamum || | samod | anlīċe, / standaþ% on staðo |
The Paris Psalter 145:5 2b | san swelċe / and sīdne sǣ || | samod | æt·gædere, / and ealle þā |
The Paris Psalter 147:5 1b | ome. / / # / Hē snāw sendeþ || | samod | anlīċe / swā þū wulle flī |
The Paris Psalter 54:12 4b | me ēac / ǣton swētne mete || | samod | æt·gædere, / and on godes h |
The Paris Psalter 56:4 3b | d / and his sōþfæst mōd || | samod | æt·gædere, / and mīne sāwl |
The Paris Psalter 58:12 6b | nd hīe siþþan ne bēoþ || | samod | æt·gædere. / / # / Siþþan h |
The Paris Psalter 59:5 5b | Sicimam et Conuallem, || þā | samod | wǣron / on% Metiboris || meaht |
The Paris Psalter 67:13 1b | þ. / / # / Ġif ġē slǣpaþ || | samod | on clēro, / fiðeru bēoþ cul |
The Paris Psalter 78:2 1b | on. / / # / Setton Hierusālem || | samod | an·līcost / swā on% æppel-b |
The Paris Psalter 81:7 1b | . / / # / Ġē þonne sweltaþ || | samod | mid mannum, / swā ealdor-mann |
The Paris Psalter 82:7 1a | || folce on Tyrum. / / # / Cwōm | samod | mid þǣm || swelċe Assur; / e |
The Paris Psalter 82:10 1b | # / Sete hīe nū, min god, || | samod | anlīċe / swā sē wæġnes hw |
The Paris Psalter 84:10 2b | a, / be·seah sōþfæstnes || | samod | of heofonum. / / # / Sileþ ūs f |
The Paris Psalter 88:22 1b | / # / Hine sōþfæstnes min || | samod | æt·gædere / and mild-heortne |
The Paris Psalter 89:10 5b | ēah þe hira hundred sēo || | samod | æt·gædere. / / # / Ġif on mih |
The Paris Psalter 91:11 1b | elċe. / / # / Sē sōþfæsta || | samod | anlīcost / beorht on blǣdum | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 146b | on. / Þēah hīe unsweotole || | samod | eardien, / swā nū eorðe and |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 20 237b | orðlīċe || and þæt ēċe | samod, | / sāwl on flǣsċe. || Hwæt, |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 15b | ran / sīĝaþ aefter sunnan || | samod | mid rodore / under eorðan grun |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 24b | aefter / sweġel-torht sunne || | samod | eallum dæġ. / Is sē fore-ryn |
Solomon and Saturn 142b | n bēoþ þā ġe·sīðas || | samod | æt·gædere, / wōp and hleaht |
Solomon and Saturn 150b | tes ċiele, / snāw ne sunne || | samod | eardian, / ealdor ġe·efnan, | |
The Menologium 188b | ealdaþ / and seofon% nihtum || | samod | æt·gædere / on ānne dæġ. |
The Judgment Day II 127a | eahtlēas, ā·fǣred. / Þonne | samod | be·cumaþ || of sweġeles% h |
The Judgment Day II 251a | ġ || wēl for·būĝon, / and | samod | blīðe || on weorold ealle / h |
The Judgment Day II 268a | ne ǣngu% gnornung, / ac ðǣr | samod | rīcsaþ || sibb mid spēde, / |
The Seasons for Fasting 10b | -cininges || and þā hǣleþ | samod, | / swā hīe on lēodsċipe || l |
The Seasons for Fasting 80a | sē feorþa dæġ / and siexta | samod | || seofoþa% ġe·tynġe / tō |
The Seasons for Fasting 109a | | fēowertiġ daĝa / and nihta | samod, | || swā hē nāhtes on·bāt% |
The Seasons for Fasting 122b | e, / ðǣr him simble-brēad || | samod | mid wætere / dryhtnes engla su |
The Seasons for Fasting 126a | | fēowertiġ daĝa / and nihta | samod, | || swā hē nāhtes on·bāt / |