A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: crīstes

Number of occurrences in corpus: 37

Andreas 57b e, / of carc-ærne. || Him wæs Crīstes lof / on ferhþ-locan || fæste
Andreas 991a ðeling || inn ġe·þrungen, / Crīstes cempa, || carc-ærne nēah. /
Andreas 1337b Siþþan hīe on·cnēowon || Crīstes rōde% / on his mæġ-wlite, ||
Elene 103b m miċelum, / Constantīnus, || Crīstes rōde, / tir-ēadiġ cyning, ||
Elene 212a wierhþu drēoĝan. / þā wæs Crīstes lof || þām cāsere / on ferh
Elene 61b ndsċipe / tō cwale maniġe || Crīstes folces / dēmde tō dēaðe. ||
Elene 534b eastra ġe·hwǣre, || þæt Crīstes rōd%, / fyrn foldan be·græfe
Christ A 51b usālem, / cyne-stōla cyst, || Crīstes burĝ-land, / engla ēðel-stō
Christ A 65a || wordum% sæġdon, / cȳðdon Crīstes ġe·byrd, || cwǣdon þē t
Christ A 283a īehstan || on heofonum ēac, / Crīstes þeġnas, || cweðaþ and sin
Christ C 905b īeweþ. / Cymeþ wundorliċ || Crīstes ansīen, / æðel-cininges wlit
Christ C 1030a þonne ānra ġe·hwelċ / fore Crīstes cyme || cwic ā·rīsan, / lēo
Guthlac A 23b ter cwealme, || þā þe hēr Crīstes ǣ / lǣraþ and lǣstaþ || an
Guthlac A 38a orold is on·hrēred, / cōlaþ Crīstes lufu, || sindon costunga / ġon
Guthlac A 153a || siþþan fēond ofer·wann / Crīstes cempa. || Hē ġe·costod% we
Guthlac A 180a -stealle || ǣrest ā·rǣrde / Crīstes rōde, || ðǣr sē cempa ofe
Guthlac A 393b ċear-gǣsta ċierm. || Simle Crīstes lof / on Gūð·lāces || gōdu
The Phoenix 388b ċes / be þām ġe·cornum || Crīstes þeġnum / bēacnaþ on burgum,
Juliana 31a d || māna ġe·hwelċes / fore Crīstes lufan || clǣne ġe·hēolde.
Juliana 139b þū mec ā·ċierre || fram Crīstes lofe.’ / Þā wæs ellen-wōd
Juliana 233b d / tō carc-erne. || Hire wæs Crīstes lof / on ferhð-locan || fæste
Juliana 299b ann / wiþ þā ġe·corenan || Crīstes þeġnas, / and þā hālĝan w
Juliana 303b þæt hē ā·cwellan hēt || Crīstes þeġnas, / Petrus and Paulus.
Juliana 411b ċierred cūðlīċe || fram Crīstes ǣ, / mōd ġe·mierred || mē
The Paris Psalter 133:2 2b aþ, / and on ċeafor-tūnum || Crīstes hūses / ūres þæs hālĝan g
The Paris Psalter 134:2 2b daþ / and on ċeafor-tūnum || Crīstes hūses / þæs gōdan godes ||
The Paris Psalter 83:8 2b ūser; / on·cnāw ansīene || Crīstes þīnes. / / # / Betere is% miċe
Solomon and Saturn 10b þurh þæs cantices cwide || Crīstes līnan, / ġe·sēmeþ mec mid
Solomon and Saturn 42b fað sē cantic || ofer ealle Crīstes bēċ / wīd-mǣrost word; || h
Solomon and Saturn 132a , || enġel hine sċierpeþ, / Crīstes cempan, || on cwicum wǣdum / G
Solomon and Saturn 193b | Mesopotamie, / Cappadocia, || Crīstes ēðel, / Hieryhco, Galilea, ||
Solomon and Saturn 205a and hād || hālġes gāstes, / Crīstes ġe·cyndu; || hit þæt ġe
Maxims II 4b hlūdost. || Þrymmas sindon Crīstes miċele, / wyrd biþ swīðost.
The Judgment Day II 98a cn || fēran on·ġinnaþ / and Crīstes cyme || cȳðaþ on eorðan. /
The Gloria I 57b þīne cræftas. || Swelċ is Crīstes meaht.
The Seasons for Fasting 160b ēawan. / Hine costode ðǣr || Crīstes ġe·winna / on þǣm ānette |
Metrical Charm 11: A Journey Charm 17b harie and ec Marie, || mōdor Crīstes, / and ēac þe ġe·brōðru, |