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Vita metrica S. Willibrordi
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Vita metrica S. Willibrordi Praef

ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 1. Ecce tuis parui votis, venerande sacerdos, Ecce tuis parui uotis, uenerande sacerdos,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AbBVCa, pat: DDSS
Listen: I have obeyed your wishes, venerable priest,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 2. Cor quia de vero fervet amore mihi, Cor quia de uero feruet amore mihi,
fs: 2\2, pa: sv, ma: Y, ha: s, lowerha: v, pat: SD
because my heart glows with true love,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 3. Pontificis magni Wilbrordi et praesulis almi Pontificis magni Vuilbrordi et praesulis almi
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: DSSS
as I pass over in brief headings the famous deeds
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 4. Percurrens titulis inclyta gesta citis. Percurrens titulis inclyta gesta citis.
fs: 2\2, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, ha: V, lowerha: V, pat: DS
of that great bishop and gracious prelate, Willibrord, .
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 5. Sit licet inferior, strepitans cum murmure rauco, Sit licet inferior, strepitans cum murmure rauco,
caesura pattern: 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: pVc, oa: cp, ma: Y, e: ss, pat: DSSS
Although my speech, screeching with harsh babble,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 6. Illius egregiis sermo meus meritis: Illius egregiis sermo meus meritis:
fs: 2\2, ta: V, ma: Y, ha: V, lowerha: V, pat: DS
is not up to his outstanding merits:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 7. Protulit ad templum Christi, Wilbrorde sacerdos, Protulit ad templum Christi, Vuilbrorde sacerdos,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
yet my faith in you, priest Willibrord,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 8. Nostra fides vestrum parva minuta tamen, Nostra fides uestrum parua minuta tamen,
fs: 3\2, pat: DD
has produced these tiny trifles for Christ’s temple.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 9. Quae, rogo, suscipias clementer mente benigna, Quae, rogo, suscipias clementer mente benigna,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: m, pat: DSDS
and I ask that you generously accept them with a kindly mind,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 10. Criminibusque meis posce, precor, veniam. Criminibusque meis posce, precor, ueniam.
sa: 5\2, pa: c, oa: cs, ma: c, ha: Y, lowerha: cs, e: cs
and request pardon, I pray, for my offences.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 11. Non sunt digna tuis meritis mea munera, praesul, Non sunt digna tuis meritis mea munera, praesul,
fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabBV, pat: DSSS
My gifts are not worthy of your merits, prelate,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 12. Qui regnas summi dives in arce poli: Qui regnas summi diues in arce poli:
fs: 3\2, pa: Vf, ma: Y, lowerha: Vf, pat: DD
you who reigns as a wealthy man in the citadel of highest heaven.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 13. Ni pius in templo deus aera minuta ferentem Ni pius in templo deus aera minuta ferentem
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Nonetheless gracious God, when he was in the temple,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 14. Laudasset viduam, quae sua tota dedit. Laudasset uiduam, quae sua tota dedit.
fs: 3\2, lowerha: V, gl: VABba, pat: DS
praised the widow who, when she brought tiny bronze pieces, gave her all.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 15. Aera minuta duo diversi ponderis ista, Aera minuta duo diuersi ponderis ista,
fs: 3\2, ca: t, pat: SSDS
These two tiny bronze pieces of different weight,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 16. Sancte pater, supplex in tua templa fero. Sancte pater, supplex in tua templa fero.
fs: 3\4, lowerha: f, pat: SD
holy father, I bring as a suppliant into your temple.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 17. Sed prius aes retinet planis nummisma figuris, Sed prius aes retinet planis nummisma figuris,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, gl: AaBVvb, pat: DSSS
The first bronze coin consists of plain figures,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 18. Posterus sed iam Poerium rutilat. Posterus sed iam Poerium rutilat.
fs: 2\2, lowerha: V, e: s, gl: avABb, pat: SS
but the second shines in a Pierian way.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 19. Sunt qui in lege sacra pilos pellesque caprarum Sunt qui in lege sacra pilos pellesque caprarum
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fV, ta: f, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
There are those that are ordered in sacred law to bring as their burden
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 20. Ad pia tecta dei ferre iubentur onus. Ad pia tecta dei ferre iubentur onus.
fs: 2\2, lowerha: V, gl: AVbCBc, pat: DS
to the God’s gracious buildings the hair and skins of goats.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 21. Non tamen hos sperni iussit lex sancta tonantis, Non tamen hos sperni iussit lex sancta tonantis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDD
Nonetheless the Thunderer’s holy law ordered these not to be despised,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 22. Sed grate accipere, mens pia quae tulerit. Sed grate accipere, mens pia quae tulerit.
fs: 2\5, oa: c, ma: Y, ha: c, lowerha: m, gl: ABaVb, pat: DS
but what a gracious mind offered should be gratefully received.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 23. Sic non magniloquas quaeris, pater optime, gazas, Sic non magniloquas quaeris, pater optime, gazas,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDSS
So, most splendid father, you do not seek grandiloquent treasures,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord P 24. Sed vero calidum pectus amore meum. Sed uero calidum pectus amore meum.
fs: 2\2, ha: n, gl: VaBAb, pat: SS
but my heart, hot with true love.

Vita metrica S. Willibrordi

ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 1. Venerat occiduis quidam de finibus orbis Venerat occiduis quidam de finibus orbis
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, pa: fVcd, oa: fV, ma: Y, gl: VaBAC, pat: DDSS
A certain man came from the western edges of the world,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 2. Vir virtute potens, divino plenus amore, Vir uirtute potens, diuino plenus amore,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: pf, ma: Y, gl: ACabaB, pat: SDSS
a man powerful in virtue, filled with divine love,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 3. Ore sagax et mente vigil, et fervidus actu, Ore sagax et mente uigil, et feruidus actu,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3f | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbCbbD, pat: DSDS
shrewd in tongue, alert in mind, and fervent in action,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 4. Ad te temporibus Pippini, Francia felix; Ad te temporibus Pippini, Francia felix;
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: f, pa: tf, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
to you, happy France, in the time of Pepin:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 5. Quem tibi iam genuit fecunda Britannia mater, Quem tibi iam genuit fecunda Britannia mater,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: t, gl: BVaAa, pat: DDSD
and fertile Britain, his mother, already bore him for you,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 6. Doctaque nutrivit studiis sed Hibernia sacris, Doctaque nutriuit studiis sed Hibernia sacris,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4f, fs: 4\2, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, gl: aVBAb, pat: DSDD
while learned Ireland nourished him with her sacred studies.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 7. Nomine Wilbrordus, meritis vivacibus almus: Nomine Vuilbrordus, meritis uiuacibus almus:
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, gl: CBAab, pat: DSDS
He was named Willibrord, gracious in his spirited merits.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 8. Qui peregrina petens domini deductus amore, Qui peregrina petens domini deductus amore,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: d, ca: d, ta: d, pa: pd, ma: Y, gl: AbvCaD, pat: DDDS
Led by love of the Lord, he sought our foreign parts,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 9. Semina perpetuae cupiens caelestia vitae Semina perpetuae cupiens caelestia uitae
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pa: pc, gl: AbvaB, pat: DDDS
desiring to scatter the heavenly seeds of eternal life
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 10. Spargere, qua rarus fuerat prius accola verbi. Spargere, qua rarus fuerat prius accola uerbi.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fc, pa: pfc, ma: Y, gl: vCaVaaAB, pat: DSDD
where a cultivator of the word had been rare before.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 11. Quem Pippinus ovans Francorum rector honestus Quem Pippinus ouans Francorum rector honestus
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: BAvCAa, pat: SDSS
Pepin, the fine ruler of the Franks, received him joyfully,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 12. Suscipit, atque illum sitientia rura rigare Suscipit, atque illum sitientia rura rigare
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, pa: rVs, ma: Y, gl: VBaAv, pat: DSSD
and then asked him to water the parched fields
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 13. Per loca mandavit iam singula rore superno, Per loca mandauit iam singula rore superno,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sp, pa: sp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AVCBb, pat: DSSD
in every single place with heavenly dew;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 1 14. Auxiliisque dei famulum firmavit honestis. Auxiliisque dei famulum firmauit honestis.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, gl: ACBVa, pat: DDDS
he also supported God’s servant him with fine aid.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 2 1. Ille deo plenus, lumen de lumine Christo, Ille deo plenus, lumen de lumine Christo,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, ta: l, pa: dl, ma: Y, gl: ABaCDD, pat: DSSS
Then that man, filled by God, as a light from Christ the Light,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 2 2. Iam quascumque piis peragravit gressibus urbes, Iam quascumque piis peragrauit gressibus urbes,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: abVBA, pat: SDDS
travelled with pious steps throughout every city,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 2 3. Vel castella, casa, vel conpita, semper ubique Vel castella, casa, uel compita, semper ubique
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: c, pa: fc, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
or hamlets, homesteads, or cross-roads, and everywhere
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 2 4. Sparsit euangelicae radios per pectora lucis. Sparsit euangelicae radios per pectora lucis.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, ta: p, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: VaBCA, pat: DDDS
he always scattered the rays of light of the gospel throughout the hearts
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 2 5. Multorum donec fidei pia flamma reluxit, Multorum donec fidei pia flamma reluxit,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: l, ca: f, pa: fl, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: CAbBV, pat: SSDD
of many, until a pious flame of faith was lit again,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 2 6. Et nox caeca procul illo discessit ab orbe, Et nox caeca procul illo discessit ab orbe,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, gl: abVB, pat: SDSS
and dark night departed far from that part of the world,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 2 7. Cotidieque ruunt idolorum fana profana, Cotidieque ruunt idolorum fana profana,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: VBaA, pat: DDDS
and every day impious temples of idols were brought to ruin,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 2 8. Et populi Christus resonabat in ore fidelis. Et populi Christus resonabat in ore fidelis.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABVCa, pat: DSDD
and Christ resounded in the mouths of faithful people.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 3 1. Crescere Pippinus dum viderat inclytus auctor Crescere Pippinus dum uiderat inclytus auctor
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: c, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vAVaA, pat: DSSD
When Pepin, the famous authority, saw that the church of Christ
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 3 2. Ecclesiam Christi, fidei et venerabile donum, Ecclesiam Christi, fidei et uenerabile donum,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: ACDbB, pat: DSDD
was growing along with the venerable gift of faith,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 3 3. Congaudens nimium tali doctore salutis, Congaudens nimium tali doctore salutis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: t, gl: vaAB, pat: SDSS
he rejoiced greatly in such a teacher of salvation,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 3 4. Ac melius ratus, cicius se mittere Romam Ac melius ratus, cicius se mittere Romam
fs: 3\2, ca: rm, pa: rm, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
and he thought it better to send the outstanding preacher
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 3 5. Praecipuum fidei praeconem, quatenus illum Praecipuum fidei praeconem, quatenus illum
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aBAcB, pat: DDSS
of the faith quite quickly to Rome, in order that
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 3 6. Pastor apostolicus firmaret in ordine primo, Pastor apostolicus firmaret in ordine primo,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: AaVBb, pat: DDSD
the apostolic shepherd should confirm him in the first rank,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 3 7. Esset ut ecclesia praesul summusque sacerdos. Esset ut ecclesia praesul summusque sacerdos.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: sc, ta: sV, pa: sVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VACbB, pat: DDSS
so that he might be a bishop and highest priest in the church.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 1. Pontificalis apex, Petri dignissimus heres, Pontificalis apex, Petri dignissimus heres,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: aACbB, pat: DDSS
The pinnacle of the pontificate, Peter’s most worthy heir,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 2. Sanctus apostolicam tenuit tunc Sergius aulam, Sanctus apostolicam tenuit tunc Sergius aulam,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: sV, pa: sVt, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDDS
the saintly Sergius then held the apostolic hall,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 3. Vir bonus et prudens, nulli pietate secundus, Vir bonus et prudens, nulli pietate secundus,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: p, gl: AaaCBa, pat: DSSD
a good and wise man, second to none in piety.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 4. Ante diem quartam facta est cui visio nocte, Ante diem quartam facta est cui uisio nocte,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabVCBD, pat: DSSS
Before the fourth day, a vision came to him in the night,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 5. Quam vir venisset Romam praeclarus ad illum. Quam uir uenisset Romam praeclarus ad illum.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: c, pa: fVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AVCaB, pat: SSSS
that an outstanding man had come to Rome to see him.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 6. Angelus e caelo veniens praedixerat illi: Angelus e caelo ueniens praedixerat illi:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABaVC, pat: DSDS
An angel came from heaven and foretold to him,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 7. 'Ecce deo carus properat hanc hospes ad urbem, 'Ecce deo carus properat hanc hospes ad urbem,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: hV, ta: V, pa: hV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABVcbC, pat: DSDS
“Behold, a guest dear to God hastens to this city,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 8. A duce Francorum missus sub munere largo. A duce Francorum missus sub munere largo.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: m, gl: ACvBb, pat: DSSS
sent by the leader of the Franks with a generous gift.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 9. Hunc tu mente pia saltim tractare memento, Hunc tu mente pia saltim tractare memento,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: tm, ca: tm, ta: tm, pa: tm, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: CABbvV, pat: SDSS
At all costs, remember to treat him with a gracious mind,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 10. Et mox pontificem summo sacrabis honore, Et mox pontificem summo sacrabis honore,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, gl: AbVB, pat: SDSS
and soon you will consecrate him as a bishop with the highest honour.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 11. A te quae cupiet, capiat quoque dona sacerdos. A te quae cupiet, capiat quoque dona sacerdos.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: d, ca: c, ta: c, pa: dc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
Let him also, as a priest, take from you whatever gifts he desires.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 12. Iste deo sociat populorum milia multa'. Iste deo sociat populorum milia multa'.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: m, oa: m, ma: Y, gl: CBVDAa, pat: DDDS
He is bringing together many thousands of peoples to God.’
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 4 13. Angelus his dictis caeli remeavit ad aulam. Angelus his dictis caeli remeauit ad aulam.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABbCVD, pat: DSSD
After he had said these things, the angel returned to the hall of heaven.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 5 1. Annuit angelicis monitis mox papa beatus, Annuit angelicis monitis mox papa beatus,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaABb, pat: DDDS
The blessed pope straightaway assented to the angelic advice,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 5 2. Atque dei famulum tractavit mente benigna: Atque dei famulum tractauit mente benigna:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: CAVBb, pat: DDSS
and treated the servant of God with a kindly mind.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 5 3. Ut fuerat iussus, conpleverat omnia prumptus, Vt fuerat iussus, compleuerat omnia prumptus,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: VaVba, pat: DSSD
He readily completed everything, as he had been ordered:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 5 4. Pontificemque illum magno sacravit honore, Pontificemque illum magno sacrauit honore,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, e: s, gl: AabVB, pat: DSSS
he consecrated him as bishop with great honour;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 5 5. Nomine Clementem patrio iussitque vocari, Nomine Clementem patrio iussitque uocari,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSDS
he ordered him to be called by the fatherly name Clement;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 5 6. Et quaecumque petit sanctus sibi, tradidit illi, Et quaecumque petit sanctus sibi, tradidit illi,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: sVc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
and handed over to him whatever the saint wanted for himself,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 5 7. Plurima sanctorum praestans ei dona piorum. Plurima sanctorum praestans ei dona piorum.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, ta: p, pa: ps, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aBvCAb, pat: DSSS
providing him with very many gifts of pious saints.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 1. His actis domini famulus remeavit ad orbem His actis domini famulus remeauit ad orbem
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBCVD, pat: SDDD
After these things had been done, the servant of the Lord
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 2. Francorum, veniens firmatus munere summo, Francorum, ueniens firmatus munere summo,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: f, gl: CaABb, pat: SDSS
returned to the land of the Franks, coming strengthened by the highest gift,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 3. Et totus gaudens populus tunc accipit illum, Et totus gaudens populus tunc accipit illum,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vt, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: avAVB, pat: SSDS
and the whole people received him then rejoicing,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 4. Flumina mellifluae cupiens haurire salutis: Flumina mellifluae cupiens haurire salutis:
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: DDDS
desiring to drain the rivers of salvation flowing with honey,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 5. Quae pater egregius cunctis inpenderat ultro, Quae pater egregius cunctis impenderat ultro,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CAaBV, pat: DDSS
and these the splendid father freely granted to them all,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 6. Rore rigans supero cunctorum pectora Christi, Rore rigans supero cunctorum pectora Christi,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: rc, ma: Y, gl: AvaBDC, pat: DDSS
watering the hearts of all with the heavenly dew of Christ,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 7. Et quocumque pius veniebat forte sacerdos, Et quocumque pius ueniebat forte sacerdos,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fc, ta: c, pa: fc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aVA, pat: SDDS
and wherever the pious priest came by chance,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 8. Auxiliante deo fructus carpebat amoenos, Auxiliante deo fructus carpebat amoenos,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, gl: aABVb, pat: DDSS
with God’s help he plucked the pleasant fruits
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 9. Catholicae fidei donec impleverat urbes Catholicae fidei donec impleuerat urbes
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, gl: aAVB, pat: DDSS
of the Catholic faith, until he had filled with the knowledge of God
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 6 10. Agnitione dei, villas, atque oppida, rura. Agnitione dei, uillas, atque oppida, rura.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, pat: DDSS
the cities, the villages and towns, the countryside.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 7 1. Nec his contentus Francorum finibus, ultra Nec his contentus Francorum finibus, ultra
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, gl: abCA, pat: SSSS
Nor was he confined by the borders of the Franks,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 7 2. Spargere sed temptans divini semina verbi, Spargere sed temptans diuini semina uerbi,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: s, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: vvbAB, pat: DSSS
but he sought to scatter the seeds of the divine word further,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 7 3. Gentibus antiquo captis errore Fresonum, Gentibus antiquo captis errore Fresonum,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, gl: AbaBC, pat: DSSS
among the tribes of the Frisians, who had been captured by an ancient error,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 7 4. Vel Danais, multum populo per saecla feroci, Vel Danais, multum populo per saecla feroci,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pa: pf, ma: Y, gl: CBAb, pat: DSDS
or among the Danes, a mighty ferocious people for centuries.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 7 5. Quos tunc haud potuit, reges quia forte scelestos Quos tunc haud potuit, reges quia forte scelestos
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: AVAa, pat: SDSD
He could not then convert them to the gift of faith, indeed,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 7 6. Ille habuere quidem, ad fidei convertere donum. Ille habuere quidem, ad fidei conuertere donum.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: cf, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: m, pat: DDDS
because they happened to have wicked kings.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 8 1. Sed deus omnipotens animas donaverat illi Sed deus omnipotens animas donauerat illi
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVC, pat: DDDS
But God almighty had given to him some souls
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 8 2. Gentibus ex ipsis aliquas, et mira peregit Gentibus ex ipsis aliquas, et mira peregit
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaCBV, pat: DSDS
from those very nations, and he performed certain miracles
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 8 3. Perque suum servum quaedam: qui in pace reversus, Perque suum seruum quaedam: qui in pace reuersus,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: psc, oa: p, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aABCb, pat: DSSS
through his servant, and after he returned in peace,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 8 4. Ad populum domini spectans regionibus istis, Ad populum domini spectans regionibus istis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CBvAa, pat: DDSD
keeping watch on the Lord’s people in those regions,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 8 5. Ianua perpetuae Christo pandente salutis Ianua perpetuae Christo pandente salutis
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: p, ta: p, ma: Y, gl: AbCcB, pat: DDSS
while the door of eternal salvation was open, with Christ
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 8 6. Dum esset aperta piis monitis, sed semper ubique Dum esset aperta piis monitis, sed semper ubique
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, e: m, gl: VabB, pat: DDDS
making it accessible, but always and everywhere he encouraged everyone
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 8 7. Firmabat cunctos; Pippinus tempora vitae Firmabat cunctos; Pippinus tempora uitae
caesura pattern: | Pīppī́nūs | tḗmpŏră vī́tæ | 2m | 3m | 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: f, ma: f, ha: Y
with pious advice; and when Pepin completed
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 8 8. Praesentis conplens, Carolo sua regna relinquit. Praesentis complens, Carolo sua regna relinquit.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, pa: prcs, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: avCbBV, pat: SSDD
the time of his present life, he left his realms to Charles.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 9 1. Qui mox nobiliter regales rexit habenas, Qui mox nobiliter regales rexit habenas,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: r, gl: aVA, pat: SDSS
And he soon nobly ruled the royal reins,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 9 2. Amplificans fines, gentes superando triumphis Amplificans fines, gentes superando triumphis
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
extending the borders by conquering foreign nations
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 9 3. Externas, etiam bello vicitque Fresones, Externas, etiam bello uicitque Fresones,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
through triumphs, and he even beat the Frisians in battle:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 9 4. Et ferrata super illos carpenta subegit, Et ferrata super illos carpenta subegit,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: sV, ta: V, pa: sV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBAV, pat: SDSS
he drove his iron chariots over them,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 9 5. De manibus tulerat horum quoque frena tributi. De manibus tulerat horum quoque frena tributi.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: t, pat: DDSD
and he also took control of their taxes from their hands .
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 10 1. Tunc vir euangelicus remeans Wilbrordus et illis Tunc uir euangelicus remeans Vuilbrordus et illis
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: AavAB, pat: DDDS
Then Willibrord the evangelical man came back,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 10 2. Verba ferens vitae, sacro et baptismate tincxit, Verba ferens uitae, sacro et baptismate tincxit,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, ta: f, pa: tf, oa: t, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AvBcCV, pat: DSSS
bringing them the words of life, and he dipped in holy baptism
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 10 3. Quos fidei donis primo sacer inbuit almis, Quos fidei donis primo sacer inbuit almis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CDAbVa, pat: DSSD
those whom the holy man had first filled with the nourishing gifts of faith,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 10 4. Et lux orta fuit residenti mortis in umbra Et lux orta fuit residenti mortis in umbra
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaVbCB, pat: SDDS
and the light had risen on a people who had for a long time
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 10 5. Iamque diu populo; verus sol Christus ubique, Iamque diu populo; uerus sol Christus ubique,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, gl: BaAA, pat: DDSS
been residing in the shadow of death; the true sun, Christ, shone
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 10 6. Eluxit, subito tenebris cedentibus atris. Eluxit, subito tenebris cedentibus atris.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Vava, pat: SDDS
everywhere, as the black darkness suddenly gave way.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 1. Tunc data pontifice est Traiecto sedis in urbe, Tunc data pontifice est Traiecto sedis in urbe,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: tV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
Then the bishop was granted a see in the city of Utrecht,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 2. Et gens tota simul Fresonum subditur illi, Et gens tota simul Fresonum subditur illi,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vs, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVC, pat: SDSS
and the whole nation of the Frisians at once become subject to him
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 3. Disceret ut magno fidei documenta magistro. Disceret ut magno fidei documenta magistro.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: m, ca: m, ta: m, ma: Y, gl: VaBCA, pat: DSDD
in order to learn the doctrines of faith from a great master.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 4. Mox constructa deo viguerunt templa perenni, Mox constructa deo uiguerunt templa perenni,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aBVAb, pat: SDDS
Straightaway temples to eternal God were built and flourished,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 5. Per loca sunt positi et doctores multa fideles, Per loca sunt positi et doctores multa fideles,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: d, pa: dp, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AVbBab, pat: DDSS
and faithful teachers were established in many places,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 6. Qui regerent populum, vitae qui verba docerent, Qui regerent populum, uitae qui uerba docerent,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fc, ta: c, pa: cf, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
to direct the people, to teach the words of life,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 7. Qui baptisma darent, caeli qui pane cibarent, Qui baptisma darent, caeli qui pane cibarent,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: bc, ta: c, pa: cb, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
to offer baptism, to feed with the bread of heaven,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 8. Ne plebs esuriens a se ieiuna rediret, Ne plebs esuriens a se ieiuna rediret,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBCV, pat: SDSS
lest the people go away from them starved with hungry ,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 9. Sed cunctis Christus potus, cibus esset habundans. Sed cunctis Christus potus, cibus esset habundans.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: c, gl: ABCDVb, pat: SSSD
but that Christ might be abundant food and drink for all.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 11 10. Hoc opus, hoc fuerat praeclaro praesule semper, Hoc opus, hoc fuerat praeclaro praesule semper,
This, this was always the splendid bishop’s work,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 12 1. Plurima quod ferret animarum lucra tonanti, Plurima quod ferret animarum lucra tonanti,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: s, ca: p, pa: sph, oa: h, ma: Y, gl: aAaVbB, pat: DDSS
that he should bring a very great gain of souls to the Thunderer,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 12 2. Et domino ad servos remeanti occurreret ultro. Et domino ad seruos remeanti occurreret ultro.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: aVBAC, pat: DSDS
and that he might go willingly to meet the Lord returning to his servants,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 12 3. Multiplicata ferens manibus utrisque talenta. Multiplicata ferens manibus utrisque talenta.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: hh, gl: ABaV, pat: DSDS
carrying multiplied talents in both hands.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 12 4. Circuit idcirco vigili tutamine mandras, Circuit idcirco uigili tutamine mandras,
fs: 3\3, sa: t, pa: mt, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: avBbA, pat: DDDS
For this reason, he travelled round the sheep with watchful protection,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 12 5. Nominibus meritis ut Christi augeret ovile, Nominibus meritis ut Christi augeret ouile,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, pa: ct, ma: Y, gl: VaAB, pat: DSDS
in order that he might increase Christ’s sheepfold with deserved names,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 12 6. Et quocumque pius perrexit praeco salutis, Et quocumque pius perrexit praeco salutis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: AaBVC, pat: DDSS
and wherever the pious preacher of salvation proceeded,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 12 7. Gratia celsithroni semper praevenit euntem, Gratia celsithroni semper praeuenit euntem,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pc, ta: pc, pa: pc, ma: Y, gl: aVAB, pat: SDSS
the grace of the high-throned one always went before him,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 12 8. Effectum tribuens factis verbisque docentis. Effectum tribuens factis uerbisque docentis.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, pat: DDSS
granting fulfilment to the teacher’s deeds and words.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 1. Plurima perque suum fecit miracula servum, Plurima perque suum fecit miracula seruum,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: s, pa: ps, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: DDSS
He performed very many miracles through his servant,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 2. Quae nunc non libuit versu percurrere cuncta, Quae nunc non libuit uersu percurrere cuncta,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: nc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AVBva, pat: SDSS
and it is not desirable to run through all of them in verse,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 3. Sed strictim quaedam properanti tangere plectro, Sed strictim quaedam properanti tangere plectro,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: AbvB, pat: SSDS
but instead to touch briefly on certain details with a hastening plectrum,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 4. Et gestis titulos paucis praefigere musis, Et gestis titulos paucis praefigere musis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: p, gl: ABavC, pat: SDSS
and attach headings to a few of his deeds in poetry,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 5. Ad prosamque meum lectorem mittere primam; Ad prosamque meum lectorem mittere primam;
sa: 3\2, ta: mp, oa: mp, ha: Y, pat: AbBva
and send my reader to the prose first;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 6. Illic inveniet iam plenius omnia gesta Illic inueniet iam plenius omnia gesta
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VbB, pat: SDSD
there they will already find more fully all the deeds
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 7. Pontificis magni, studium, documenta magistri, Pontificis magni, studium, documenta magistri,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: m, ca: m, ta: m, ma: Y, gl: AaBCA, pat: DSDD
of the great bishop , the learning,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 8. Progeniem, vitam, mores, mentemque benignam, Progeniem, uitam, mores, mentemque benignam,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: m, gl: CBDAa, pat: DSSS
the doctrines of the master, his ancestry, life, habits, and kind mind,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 9. Devotumque deo semper cor omnibus horis, Deuotumque deo semper cor omnibus horis,
fs: 3\2, gl: aCAbB, pat: SDSS
and a heart, always devoted to God at all hours,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 13 10. Legibus in sacris meditans noctesque diesque. Legibus in sacris meditans noctesque diesque.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AavBC, pat: DSDS
meditating night and day on holy Law.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 1. Ecce deo carus praesul iam tempore quodam Ecce deo carus praesul iam tempore quodam
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cd, pa: dVc, ma: Y, gl: BaACc, pat: DSSS
Behold, once at a certain time, the bishop, dear to God,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 2. Temptabat per se quoddam confringere fanum. Temptabat per se quoddam coffringere fanum.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: c, pa: cf, oa: f, ma: Y, pat: SSSS
was trying to break down a certain temple by himself.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 3. Hoc cernens idoli custos, succensus in ira, Hoc cernens idoli custos, succensus in ira,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: c, ta: cV, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: avABbC, pat: SDSS
The guard of the idol, seeing this, was inflamed with anger,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 4. Pontificisque caput gladio percussit acuto, Pontificisque caput gladio percussit acuto,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: cp, ta: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ACBVb, pat: DDDS
and he struck the bishop’s head with a sharp sword;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 5. Sed nihil ex ictu sensit vir vulneris almus. Sed nihil ex ictu sensit uir uulneris almus.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBCb, pat: DSSS
but the blessed man felt no wound from the blow.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 6. Quem voluere sui comites occidere statim: Quem uoluere sui comites occidere statim:
fs: 4\2, ca: cs, ta: c, pa: cs, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: BVaAv, pat: DDDS
His companions immediately wanted to kill the man,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 7. Hunc tamen eripuit mitis de morte sacerdos. Hunc tamen eripuit mitis de morte sacerdos.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: md, pa: md, ma: Y, gl: AVbCB, pat: DDSS
but the gentle priest snatched him from death.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 8. Qui luit arreptus miseras mox denique poenas, Qui luit arreptus miseras mox denique poenas,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: AVabB, pat: DSDS
He was seized and, soon after, he finally suffered wretched punishments;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 9. Postque dies ternas vitam finivit amaram. Postque dies ternas uitam finiuit amaram.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: f, gl: AaBVb, pat: DSSS
and after three days he ended a bitter life.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 14 10. Sicque suos sanctos Christus ulciscitur ultro. Sicque suos sanctos Christus ulciscitur ultro.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: c, ta: s, pa: sVc, ma: Y, gl: AaBV, pat: DSSS
In this way Christ avenges his saints of his own accord.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 1. Egit iter quondam venerandus forte viator, Egit iter quondam uenerandus forte uiator,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VBaA, pat: DSDS
Once by chance, the venerable traveller took a trip
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 2. Qua se per segetes propior iam semita duxit Qua se per segetes propior iam semita duxit
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, ta: s, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: BCaAV, pat: SDDS
where the nearer path led him, as well as his companions,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 3. Cum sociis etiam, tenuit quas dives avarus: Cum sociis etiam, tenuit quas diues auarus:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: AVBbc, pat: DDDS
through fields which a greedy rich man owned.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 4. Cui segetum custos callem prohibere volebat, Cui segetum custos callem prohibere uolebat,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ta: c, pat: DSSD
The fields’ guardian wanted to stop them from continuing,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 5. Plurima conclamans sancto convicia verbis, Plurima conclamans sancto conuicia uerbis,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: c, ta: c, pa: cf, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: avbAC, pat: DSSS
and shouting out very many insults against the saint;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 6. Nec non augebat factis obprobia diris. Nec non augebat factis opprobia diris.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: Vn, ma: Y, gl: Vaba, pat: SSSS
and he also increased the offence with dreadful deeds.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 7. Qui divertit iter, qua se via publica monstrat: Qui diuertit iter, qua se uia publica monstrat:
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: cf, ma: Y, gl: AVBCcV, pat: SDSD
He turned them from the way where the public path indicated;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 8. Mox perit infelix delusor luce secunda, Mox perit infelix delusor luce secunda,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: l, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: VaABb, pat: DSSS
but soon the unhappy deceiver perished on the second day,,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 15 9. Iam quia non timuit servo maledicere Christi. Iam quia non timuit seruo maledicere Christi.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: c, pat: DDSD
because he did not then fear to curse Christ’s servant.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 1. Dum divina pius caelestis semina vitae Dum diuina pius caelestis semina uitae
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abcAC, pat: SDSS
While the pious inhabitant hurried to scatter
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 2. Spargere per multas properaverat accola terras, Spargere per multas properauerat accola terras,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: vaVBA, pat: DSDD
the divine seeds of heavenly life through many lands,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 3. Pervenit qua nil steriles nisi gignit harenas Peruenit qua nil steriles nisi gignit harenas
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: VAbVB, pat: SSDD
he reached a place where the infertile type of soil by the sea-shore
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 4. Infecunda soli species prope litora ponti, Infecunda soli species prope litora ponti,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: aBACD, pat: SDDD
was producing nothing but barren sand,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 5. Qua nec dulcis aquae inventa est sitientibus unda. Qua nec dulcis aquae inuenta est sitientibus unda.
caesura pattern: 2f | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: aBaVCA, pat: SDSD
and where no sweet stream of water could be found for the thirsty .
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 6. Vir cupiens sanctus sociis succurrere fessis, Vir cupiens sanctus sociis succurrere fessis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: sc, ta: s, pa: scf, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: AvaBvb, pat: DSDS
The holy man, desiring to help his tired companions,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 7. Iusserat ut facerent intra tentoria fossam. Iusserat ut facerent intra tentoria fossam.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, ca: f, ta: V, pa: ftV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
ordered them to dig a trench inside the tents.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 8. Quo facto praesul solum se clauserat intus, Quo facto praesul solum se clauserat intus,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: s, pa: cs, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AaCbBV, pat: SSSS
When it was done, the bishop shut himself inside alone,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 9. Et genibus fixis lacrimas fundebat Amaras Et genibus fixis lacrimas fundebat Amaras
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: fV, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: BbAVa, pat: DSDS
and, kneeling, poured out bitter tears
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 10. Ante deum, dulcem quae mox meruere sed undam. Ante deum, dulcem quae mox meruere sed undam.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: mV, ta: V, pa: mVd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbcVB, pat: DSSD
before God, but straightaway they merited a sweet stream.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 11. Produxit subito fontem prius arida tellus, Produxit subito fontem prius arida tellus,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: VAbB, pat: SDSD
Suddenly the previously dry ground , brought forth a spring,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 12. De quo potabant socii secumque ferebant, De quo potabant socii secumque ferebant,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: sc, pa: sc, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
from which the companions drank, and carried with them
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 16 13. Indiguit quantum steriles via cepta per agros. Indiguit quantum steriles uia cepta per agros.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, ca: cV, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaBbA, pat: DSDD
as much as the path they had begun through barren fields required.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 17 1. Occurrere dei famulo ter forte quaterni Occurrere dei famulo ter forte quaterni
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fct, pa: fct, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
There came by chance to the servant of God
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 17 2. Iam miseri pannis vestiti et panis egeni; Iam miseri pannis uestiti et panis egeni;
sa: 2\3, ta: pV, pa: V, oa: pV, ha: Y, h: h, pat: ABaCa
twelve wretches in rags and lacking bread;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 17 3. Quos pius ut videt motus pietate sacerdos: Quos pius ut uidet motus pietate sacerdos:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: pc, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abVaCA, pat: DSSD
and when he saw them, the pious priest, moved by piety, said,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 17 4. 'Ferte meam', dixit, 'flasconem, ferte ministri, 'Ferte meam', dixit, 'flasconem, ferte ministri,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fm, ta: f, pa: fm, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: vaVAvB, pat: DSSS
“Bring my flask, attendants, bring it,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 17 5. Et miscete viris illam: benedictio Christi Et miscete uiris illam: benedictio Christi
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, pat: SDSD
and mix it for the men: the most generous blessing of Christ
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 17 6. Sufficere in totos faciat largissima, credo'. Sufficere in totos faciat largissima, credo'.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, pat: DSDS
will I believe make it enough for all of them.”
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 17 7. Turba bibebat ovans quantum sibi quisque volebat Turba bibebat ouans quantum sibi quisque uolebat
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, ma: Y, gl: AVaBV, pat: DDSD
The crowd drank joyfully as much as each one wanted,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 17 8. Flasco tamen fuerat meliori plena falerno. Flasco tamen fuerat meliori plena falerno.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: f, gl: AVbaB, pat: DDDS
yet the flask was full of fabulous Falernian wine.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 1. Venerat ad quandam cellam venerabilis hospes. Venerat ad quandam cellam uenerabilis hospes.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: fV, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VaAbB, pat: DSSD
The venerable one came as a guest to a certain religious house.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 2. Omnibus ecclesiae rebus iam rite peractis, Omnibus ecclesiae rebus iam rite peractis,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: r, ca: rV, ta: Vr, pa: Vr, oa: Vr, ma: Y, gl: aBAa, pat: DDSS
When all the work of the church had been properly completed
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 3. Fratribus et solito mandata more salute, Fratribus et solito mandata more salute,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: ms, pa: ms, ma: Y, gl: AbcBC, pat: DDSS
and a greeting had been sent in the usual way to the brothers,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 4. Omnia perspiciens sacrae sedilia cellae; Omnia perspiciens sacrae sedilia cellae;
sa: 4\2, ta: s, pa: s, ha: Y, pat: avbAB
he inspected all the seats of the holy house,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 5. Ingrediens etiam sociis cellaria paucis, Ingrediens etiam sociis cellaria paucis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: vABa, pat: DDDS
and also entered the store-room, with a few companions, ,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 6. In qua sola parum vini vix tunna tenebat, In qua sola parum uini uix tunna tenebat,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: t, pa: tf, ma: Y, gl: aBCAV, pat: SDSS
in which a single barrel contained hardly any wine,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 7. Quam Christi famulus baculo benedixit honesto, Quam Christi famulus baculo benedixit honesto,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: b, pa: bc, ma: Y, gl: DBCAVa, pat: SDDD
and the servant of Christ blessed it with the splendid staff
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 8. Quem manibus semper sanctus portare solebat. Quem manibus semper sanctus portare solebat.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, ta: s, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
which the saintly man was always accustomed to carry in his hands.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 9. Nocte sequente merum sed mox, mirabile dictu, Nocte sequente merum sed mox, mirabile dictu,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: m, ta: m, pa: sm, ma: Y, gl: AaB, pat: DDSS
But soon, on the following night, amazing to say,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 10. Solus in aede manens servator crescere vidit, Solus in aede manens seruator crescere uidit,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aBvAvV, pat: DDSS
the lone guard staying in the building, saw the wine increase
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 11. Donec mellifluo completa est nectare tunna. Donec mellifluo completa est nectare tunna.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: abVAB, pat: SDSS
until the barrel was full with nectar flowing with honey.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 12. Hoc laetus retulit venerando patri silenter, Hoc laetus retulit uenerando patri silenter,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: l, gl: AcVbB, pat: SDDS
He happily reported this quietly to the venerable father,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 13. Cui pius antistes dederat praecepta tacendi Cui pius antistes dederat praecepta tacendi
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: p, ta: c, pa: pc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CaAVBv, pat: DSDS
and the pious bishop gave him orders to stay silent
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 18 14. Usque diem mortis, nolens sibi quaerere laudem. Vsque diem mortis, nolens sibi quaerere laudem.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSD
until the day he died, since he did not want to seek praise for himself.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 1. Vir fuit in populo largus pergentibus hospes, Vir fuit in populo largus pergentibus hospes,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: p, pa: pf, ma: Y, gl: AVBaCA, pat: DDSS
There was a man among the people who was a generous host to travellers:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 2. Saepius hospitium cuius intrare solebat Saepius hospitium cuius intrare solebat
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pat: DDSS
quite often the outstanding bishop was accustomed
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 3. Egregius praesul, partes dum venit in illas. Egregius praesul, partes dum uenit in illas.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: DSSS
to stay with him when he came into those parts.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 4. Ecce die quadam veniens, nil praescius ante Ecce die quadam ueniens, nil praescius ante
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Aavb, pat: DSDS
Behold, when he came on a certain day, the man knew nothing beforehand
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 5. Vir fuit adventus; quapropter pocula vini Vir fuit aduentus; quapropter pocula uini
caesura pattern: | quāprṓptēr | pṓcŭlă vī́ni | 3m | 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: pf, pa: f, oa: pf, ma: pf, ha: Y, pat: AVaBC
about his arrival, and so he did not have any cups of wine,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 6. Non habuit caro veniente repente magistro. Non habuit caro ueniente repente magistro.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, gl: VAbB, pat: DSDD
for the dear teacher who had suddenly come.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 7. Hoc pater agnoscens, iussit sibi ferre quaternas, Hoc pater agnoscens, iussit sibi ferre quaternas,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: bAaVvc, pat: DSSD
When the father was aware of this, he ordered to be brought to him
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 8. Per loca quas pueri secum portare solebant, Per loca quas pueri secum portare solebant,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: psl, ta: p, pa: lpcs, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
four flasks all of moderate size, which the boys usually carried with them.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 9. Flascones pariter modicas, benedixit et inquit: Flascones pariter modicas, benedixit et inquit:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, gl: AaVV, pat: SDDD
to various places, and he blessed them, and said,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 10. 'Nunc miscete citi nobis, benedictio Christi 'Nunc miscete citi nobis, benedictio Christi
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: c, pa: nc, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
“Now quickly mix them for us: the blessing of Christ will,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 11. Augebit vinum, credo, pietate benigna'. Augebit uinum, credo, pietate benigna'.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, gl: VAVBb, pat: SSSD
I believe, with kindly mercy increase the wine.”
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 12. Sic fuit et factum, iam bis simul ecce viceni Sic fuit et factum, iam bis simul ecce uiceni
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fVs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
It was done and turned out so, and behold, there were forty men
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 13. Namque fuere viri convivae, vina bibentes. Namque fuere uiri conuiuae, uina bibentes.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: b, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fb, oa: f, ma: Y, gl: VABCa, pat: DDSS
all together as dining-companions, drinking wine.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 19 14. Sufficit his Christi per donum potio cunctis. Sufficit his Christi per donum potio cunctis.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pc, pa: pc, ma: Y, gl: VACBDa, pat: DSSS
Through the gift of Christ there was enough drink for them all.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 1. Lassus iter domini famulus faciebat amatum, Lassus iter domini famulus faciebat amatum,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: aBCAVb, pat: DDDD
The weary servant of the Lord, was making a beloved journey,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 2. Imbribus aetheriis cupiens sata lata rigare. Imbribus aetheriis cupiens sata lata rigare.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, oa: V, gl: AavBbv, pat: DDDD
desiring to water broad fields with heavenly showers.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 3. Prata pius praesul cuiusdam divitis intrat, Prata pius praesul cuiusdam diuitis intrat,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: d, ta: p, pa: dp, ma: Y, gl: BaACV, pat: DSSS
The pious prelate entered the meadows of a certain rich man
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 4. Cum sociis modicum lassis requiescere tempus. Cum sociis modicum lassis requiescere tempus.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: c, gl: AbavB, pat: DDSD
to rest a little while with his weary companions.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 5. Cedere caepit equos vir his, et abigere pratis. Cedere caepit equos uir his, et abigere pratis.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4f, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DDSD
That man began to beat the horses and force them from the meadows,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 6. Quem pius alloquitur blando sermone sacerdos: Quem pius alloquitur blando sermone sacerdos:
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: c, pa: sc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CaVbBA, pat: DDSS
and the pious priest spoke to him with soothing speech,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 7. 'Desine, quaeso, tuis nos nunc depellere pratis, 'Desine, quaeso, tuis nos nunc depellere pratis,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: p, ca: d, pa: ndp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: VvaBvA, pat: DDSS
“I ask you, stop now driving us out of your meadows,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 8. Sed magis ad nostras epulas conviva venito, Sed magis ad nostras epulas conuiua uenito,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: n, pa: fVn, ma: Y, gl: aABv, pat: DSDS
but instead come as a guest at our banquets,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 9. Et bibe nobiscum, simus quoque semper amici'. Et bibe nobiscum, simus quoque semper amici'.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sV, pa: sVc, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
and drink with us, and let us always be friends.”
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 10. Respondit dives furiosa mente superbus: Respondit diues furiosa mente superbus:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, gl: VAbBa, pat: SSDS
The rich man proudly responded with a furious mind,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 11. 'Nolo tuas epulas, tecum potare recuso'. 'Nolo tuas epulas, tecum potare recuso'.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: tc, ta: t, pa: tc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: VaAvV, pat: DDSS
“I do not want your banquets; I refuse to drink with you.”
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 12. Mox rapuit praesul verbum de voce loquentis: Mox rapuit praesul uerbum de uoce loquentis:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, pat: DSSS
The bishop straightaway seized upon the word that he had said,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 13. 'Si potare negas mecum, modo non bibe, quaeso'. 'Si potare negas mecum, modo non bibe, quaeso'.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\2, ca: nc, pa: ncm, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
“If you do not want to drink with me, then please simply do not drink.”
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 14. His dictis domini famulus perrexerat ultro, His dictis domini famulus perrexerat ultro,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: AaBCV, pat: SDDS
After these words were spoken, the servant of the Lord proceeded willingly,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 15. Atque domum dives propriam repedavit iniquus; Atque domum diues propriam repedauit iniquus;
sa: 4\3, ca: V, ta: pVd, pa: d, oa: pVd, ma: V, ha: Y, pat: ABaVb
and the wicked rich man returned to his own home;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 16. Quem sitis inflammat nimio fervore repente. Quem sitis inflammat nimio feruore repente.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, gl: CBVaA, pat: DSDS
and suddenly, thirst inflamed him with overwhelming heat,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 17. Qui miscere furens famulos sibi vina rogabat, Qui miscere furens famulos sibi uina rogabat,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, pat: SDDD
and he furiously asked his servants to mix wine for him,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 18. Accipiens calicem sed nil sorbere valebat. Accipiens calicem sed nil sorbere ualebat.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, pa: sc, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
but when he took a cup, he could not swallow anything.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 19. Ardebat sitiens stomachus, sed pocula Bachi Ardebat sitiens stomachus, sed pocula Bachi
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: s, gl: VaABC, pat: SDDS
His thirsty stomach burned, but he spat out
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 20. Respuit, et totus flammis ardebat anhelis. Respuit, et totus flammis ardebat anhelis.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: VaBVb, pat: DSSS
the drink of Bacchus, and he burned all over with breathless flames.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 21. Nec valuit quisquam medicus relevare laborem, Nec ualuit quisquam medicus releuare laborem,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: l, ca: f, pa: lfc, ma: Y, gl: VaBvA, pat: DSDD
Nor could any doctor relieve his pain,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 22. Donec ipse miser culpam cognovit iniquam, Donec ipse miser culpam cognouit iniquam,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: nV, ca: Vc, ta: V, pa: cVn, oa: nV, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: SDSS
until the wretch himself recognized his wicked offence
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 23. Atque dei famuli ex dicto tormenta luisse, Atque dei famuli ex dicto tormenta luisse,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: DDSS
and that he was suffering torments because of the words of God’s servant;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 24. Optabat reditum quapropter praesulis almi. Optabat reditum quapropter praesulis almi.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, pa: pV, oa: pV, ma: Y, gl: VABb, pat: SDSS
for that reason he hoped for the return of the gracious bishop.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 25. Venerat ipse senex, alter dum venerat annus. Venerat ipse senex, alter dum uenerat annus.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: fV, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: fV, ma: Y, gl: VaAbVB, pat: DDSS
The old man came himself when the following year arrived,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 26. Cui miser occurrit, poenam confessus amaram, Cui miser occurrit, poenam coffessus amaram,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: cVm, pa: cVm, ma: Y, gl: CAVBab, pat: DSSS
and the wretch came up to him and confessed his bitter punishment,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 27. Cui pius indulsit quicquid commiserat in se, Cui pius indulsit quicquid commiserat in se,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\1, ca: V, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: Vc, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and the pious man forgave him for whatever he had done against him
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 28. Atque manu propria potum porrexerat ipse. Atque manu propria potum porrexerat ipse.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: pV, ta: p, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBVC, pat: DDSS
and offered him a drink himself with his own hand,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 29. Qui mox sanatus, fastidia longa relinquens, Qui mox sanatus, fastidia longa relinquens,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: l, gl: AaBbv, pat: SSSD
and he was soon healed, abandoning is long lack of appetite,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 20 30. Accipiens calicem pleno se et proluit ore. Accipiens calicem pleno se et proluit ore.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pVc, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, gl: vAbCVB, pat: DDSS
taking the cup, he swallowed a full draught.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 1. Est antiqua, potens muris et turribus ampla Est antiqua, potens muris et turribus ampla
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VavBCa, pat: SDSS
There is an ancient city well-armed with walls thick with towers,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 2. Urbs Treveris, nec non sacris circumdata cellis, Vrbs Treueris, nec non sacris circumdata cellis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: nc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AabvB, pat: DSSS
Trier, and it is also surrounded with holy religious houses,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 3. In quibus unatim populorum turba piorum In quibus unatim populorum turba piorum
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABCb, pat: DSDS
in which a multitude of pious peoples keep watch
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 4. Laudibus invigilant domino nocteque dieque. Laudibus inuigilant domino nocteque dieque.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vd, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDDS
as one day and night with praises of the Lord.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 5. Has inter fuerat sacrarum cella sororum, Has inter fuerat sacrarum cella sororum,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, gl: BVaCA, pat: SDSS
Among these was a house of holy sisters,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 6. Quas subito nimium quassavit pestis acerba, Quas subito nimium quassauit pestis acerba,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: BVAa, pat: DDSS
whom a bitter plague had suddenly afflicted very greatly,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 7. Ex vita hac rapuit per quam mors ultima multas; Ex uita hac rapuit per quam mors ultima multas;
fs: 4d, sa: 3\2, ta: Vm, oa: Vm, ma: V, ha: Y, h: h, pat: AaVABbC
and through it final death had snatched many from this life;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 8. Semineces quaedam longo iacuere dolore, Semineces quaedam longo iacuere dolore,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: V, ca: cl, pa: cVl, ma: Y, gl: CBaVA, pat: DSSD
some lay half-dead in prolonged pain;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 9. Terror mortis erat nimius sed et omnibus idem. Terror mortis erat nimius sed et omnibus idem.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4f4d, fs: 3\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABVaca, pat: SDDD
but they all had the same excessive terror of death.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 10. Spes fuit in famulo Christi, vocatus et ille Spes fuit in famulo Christi, uocatus et ille
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: fVc, ta: fV, pa: fVc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBCdD, pat: DDSS
They had hope in the servant of Christ, and they summoned him
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 11. Cum lacrimis citius fessis succurrere rebus. Cum lacrimis citius fessis succurrere rebus.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AbvB, pat: DDSS
with tears to help quite quickly their exhausted situation.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 12. At pius ille pater conplevit vota sororum At pius ille pater compleuit uota sororum
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ta: p, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aaAVBC, pat: DDSS
But that pious father came and fulfilled the women’s wishes,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 13. Adveniens, illas iam nec spes alma fefellit, Adueniens, illas iam nec spes alma fefellit,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vBAaV, pat: DSSS
and their nourishing hope did not deceive them then,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 14. Sed precibus sancti mox pestis acerba recessit, Sed precibus sancti mox pestis acerba recessit,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: c, pa: psc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CBAaV, pat: DSSD
but through the prayers of the saint the bitter plague straightaway receded,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 21 15. Et domino laudem reddunt pro sospite vita. Et domino laudem reddunt pro sospite uita.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pat: DSSS
and they rendered praise to the Lord for their saved lives.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 1. Tota domus patris cuiusdam tempore multo Tota domus patris cuiusdam tempore multo
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, pa: td, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: aABbCc, pat: DSSS
The whole house of a certain father was vexed
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 2. Saepius incursu vexatur daemonis atri, Saepius incursu uexatur daemonis atri,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVBb, pat: DSSS
for a long time by the rather frequent incursions of a dark demon,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 3. Spiritus et variis dirus terroribus illam Spiritus et uariis dirus terroribus illam
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbaBC, pat: DDSS
and a dread spirit tormented it with various terrors,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 4. Torquebat, vano nec iam phantasmate tantum Torquebat, uano nec iam phantasmate tantum
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, ca: t, ta: t, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: VaA, pat: SSSS
and not only with an empty illusion,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 5. Sed nocuit multum manifestis publice gestis, Sed nocuit multum manifestis publice gestis,
fs: 3\2, gl: VBb, pat: DSDS
but it also caused great harm with publicly visible deeds..
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 6. Multoties manibus raptas vestesque cibosque Multoties manibus raptas uestesque cibosque
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: AbBC, pat: DDSS
Many times it snatched clothes and food from hands
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 7. Iniciens flammis; infantem nocte iacentem Iniciens flammis; infantem nocte iacentem
caesura pattern: | īnfā́ntēm | nṓctĕ iăcḗntem | 2m | 3m | 4d, sa: 2\3, ta: V, pa: V, oa: fV, ha: Y, pat: vABcb
and cast them into flames; the dread force bore away by night
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 8. Amplexus inter tulerat vis dira parentum, Amplexus inter tulerat uis dira parentum,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: BVAaC, pat: SSDS
an infant lying in its parents’ arms,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 9. Nisus in ardentem plorantem mittere pyram, Nisus in ardentem plorantem mittere pyram,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: AbvvB, pat: DSSS
and tried to send it, screaming, into the burning fire,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 10. Sed vix ereptus manibus de morte suorum. Sed uix ereptus manibus de morte suorum.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: sVm, pa: sVm, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SSDS
but it was barely snatched from death by family hands.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 11. Hanc pestem nullus potuit sanare sacerdos, Hanc pestem nullus potuit sanare sacerdos,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, pa: ps, ma: Y, gl: aAbVvB, pat: SSDS
No priest was able to purge this plague,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 12. Donec ipse dei famulus a patre rogatus Donec ipse dei famulus a patre rogatus
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: Vd, gl: aBACv, pat: SDDS
until the servant of God himself, summoned by the father,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 13. Hanc precibus pestem sanctis purgavit, et illis Hanc precibus pestem sanctis purgauit, et illis
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: p, ta: p, pa: pV, ma: Y, gl: aBAbVC, pat: DSSS
expelled this plague by holy prayers
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 14. Nomine sub Christi benedictam miserat undam. Nomine sub Christi benedictam miserat undam.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: ACbVB, pat: DSDS
and sent a blessed stream upon them in the name of Christ.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 15. Praescius et rerum praesul praedixerat atque, Praescius et rerum praesul praedixerat atque,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: pV, ta: p, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBAV, pat: DSSS
The prelate, prescient about events, also prophesied
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 16. Quod domus illa vetus flammis ab hoste fuisset Quod domus illa uetus flammis ab hoste fuisset
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: fV, ta: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaaBCV, pat: DDSD
that that ancient house was to be consumed by flames :
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 17. Consumenda prius: 'Ne te, rogo, terreat ignis; Consumenda prius: 'Ne te, rogo, terreat ignis;
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: t, oa: t, ma: Y, pat: SDSD
through the enemy: “Please do not let the fire terrify you;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 18. Construis optatae melius tibi tecta salutis, Construis optatae melius tibi tecta salutis,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: ts, pa: ts, ma: Y, gl: abCB, pat: DSDD
you are building for yourself a better house of longed-for salvation,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 19. Quae munire cito benedicto fonte memento. Quae munire cito benedicto fonte memento.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, ca: m, ta: m, pa: mc, ma: Y, gl: vbBv, pat: SDDS
and remember to fortify it quickly from the blessed spring.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 20. Post donante deo serpentis peste carebis, Post donante deo serpentis peste carebis,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, pa: dp, oa: p, ma: Y, gl: aABCV, pat: SDSS
Afterwards, through God’s gift you will not have the plague of the serpent,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 21. Et tua tota domus tecum gaudebit amata'. Et tua tota domus tecum gaudebit amata'.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: d, ta: t, pa: td, ma: Y, gl: aaAVa, pat: DDSS
and your whole beloved house will rejoice with you.”
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 22. Omnia mox patris conplentur in ordine dicta: Omnia mox patris complentur in ordine dicta:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBVCA, pat: DSSD
Soon after, everything was fulfilled in the father’s stated sequence.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 23. Ex hinc nulla domum tetigit temptatio talis, Ex hinc nulla domum tetigit temptatio talis,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, ca: t, ta: t, oa: t, ma: Y, gl: aBVAa, pat: SDDS
From then on, no such trial touched the house,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 22 24. Sed bene securus mansit habitator in illa. Sed bene securus mansit habitator in illa.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, pa: sV, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aVAB, pat: DSSD
but its inhabitant remained there very securely.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 1. Iste dei sanctus praedixerat ante futura, Iste dei sanctus praedixerat ante futura,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: Vd, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aBaVC, pat: DSSD
That saint of God had predicted future events before,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 2. Quae post eventus rerum modo vera probavit. Quae post euentus rerum modo uera probauit.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: p, gl: ABCaV, pat: SSSD
which the subsequent unfolding of events then proved true;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 3. Iamque ducis Carli Pippinum nomine natum, Iamque ducis Carli Pippinum nomine natum,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: n, oa: n, ma: Y, gl: AaBCb, pat: DSSS
and at this time the son of Duke Charles Pepin by name,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 4. Ut pater optavit, sacro baptismate tincxit, Vt pater optauit, sacro baptismate tincxit,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: t, pa: tV, oa: Vt, ma: Y, gl: AVbBV, pat: DSSS
he dipped in holy baptism, as his father wished,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 5. De quo discipulis praedixit talia vatis: De quo discipulis praedixit talia uatis:
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ta: d, oa: d, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
and concerning him the prophet predicted the following to his disciples:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 6. 'Omnibus iste aliis fuerit sublimior infans 'Omnibus iste aliis fuerit sublimior infans
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: abAVbB, pat: DDDS
“This infant shall be more exalted than all the other
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 7. Francorum ducibus, quos saecula longa tulerunt. Francorum ducibus, quos saecula longa tulerunt.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: l, oa: l, ma: Y, gl: CBBAaV, pat: SDSD
dukes of the Franks whom the long ages have brought forth.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 8. Hic reget imperium felix feliciter istud, Hic reget imperium felix feliciter istud,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: fV, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Vaba, pat: DDSS
This happy one will happily rule that kingdom,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 9. Dilatans fines magnis hinc inde triumphis'. Dilatans fines magnis hinc inde triumphis'.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: vAbB, pat: SSSS
broadening its borders both here and there with mighty victories.”
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 10. Non opus est nostris illud monstrare camenis, Non opus est nostris illud monstrare camenis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: m, pa: mVn, ma: Y, gl: VbAvB, pat: DSSS
It is not the task of our verses to point out
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 23 11. Quod toto veris celebratur in orbe loquelis. Quod toto ueris celebratur in orbe loquelis.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4f | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vc, ta: c, pa: Vc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: SSDD
what is celebrated in true speech throughout the whole world.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 1. Vir fuit iste dei paciens, moderatus, honestus, Vir fuit iste dei paciens, moderatus, honestus,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AVaBvaa, pat: DDDD
That man of God was patient, self-controlled, decent,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 2. Moribus egregius, et in omni strenuus actu, Moribus egregius, et in omni strenuus actu,
caesura pattern: 3m | 3f | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AbcbC, pat: DDDS
outstanding in morals and vigorous in every deed,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 3. Corde pius, humili mitis rigidusque superbo, Corde pius, humili mitis rigidusque superbo,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, gl: AbCbbD, pat: DDSD
pious in heart, gentle to the humble and harsh to the proud,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 4. Solator miseris, et inops sibi, dives egenis. Solator miseris, et inops sibi, diues egenis.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 3f | 4m4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: Abaac, pat: SDDD
a comforter to the wretched, poor to himself but rich to those in need.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 5. Qui postquam vitae meritis perfectus in annis, Qui postquam uitae meritis perfectus in annis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: pVf, pa: pfVc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: ABCaD, pat: SSDS
After he had been perfected in the deserved years of his life,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 6. Bis octena pius conplevit lustra sacerdos, Bis octena pius compleuit lustra sacerdos,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, pa: pc, ma: Y, gl: abVAB, pat: SDSS
the pious priest completed eight decades
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 7. Ter quater et menses, mensis iam iamque Novembri Ter quater et menses, mensis iam iamque Nouembri
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, ta: V, pa: mV, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
and twelve months, and then indeed, eight days before
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 8. Idibus octenis, caeli migravit ad aulam, Idibus octenis, caeli migrauit ad aulam,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AaCVB, pat: DSSS
the Ides of November, he passed over to the hall of heaven,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 9. Caetibus angelicis iunctus, caelestibus ymnis Caetibus angelicis iunctus, caelestibus ymnis
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AavbB, pat: DDSS
and was joined to the angelic throngs, blessed always
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 24 10. Conlaudans Christum semper sine fine beatus. Collaudans Christum semper sine fine beatus.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, pa: cs, gl: vBa, pat: SSSD
and praising Christ together with heavenly hymns without end.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 25 1. Quem frates studio curarunt condere sancto Quem frates studio curarunt condere sancto
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cs, ta: c, pa: cs, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: BACVvc, pat: SDSS
The brothers took care to bury him with holy concern,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 25 2. Psalmodiis, ymnis, magno cum laudis honore. Psalmodiis, ymnis, magno cum laudis honore.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: CAbDB, pat: DSSS
with psalms, with hymns, with great honour of praise.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 25 3. Sarcofagum brevius fuerat sed corpore patris, Sarcofagum breuius fuerat sed corpore patris,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, pa: sf, gl: AaVBC, pat: DDDS
But the sarcophagus in which the brothers had wanted to bury the body,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 25 4. In quo tunc fratres voluerunt condere corpus: In quo tunc fratres uoluerunt condere corpus:
fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: c, ta: c, pa: fc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AVvB, pat: SSDS
was too short for the body of the father.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 25 5. Effecti nimium tristes, mirabile dictu, Effecti nimium tristes, mirabile dictu,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pat: SDSS
They became extremely sad, but amazing to say
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 25 6. Ecce repente lapis se protelare locelli Ecce repente lapis se protelare locelli
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m, fs: 4\3, sa: l, ca: l, ta: l, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
behold, the stone of the coffin suddenly began to stretch,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 25 7. Caepit, et ad formam se aptavit corporis almi. Caepit, et ad formam se aptauit corporis almi.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: cV, ma: Y, e: h, gl: VABVCc, pat: DSSS
and it fitted itself to the shape of the blessed body.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 26 1. Inter et exsequias miri flagrantia odoris Inter et exsequias miri flagrantia odoris
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, e: s, gl: AbCB, pat: DDSS
Amid the burial rites the fragrance of a wondrous odour
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 26 2. Ambrosio ecclesiam perfundit nectare totam, Ambrosio ecclesiam perfundit nectare totam,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, oa: V, e: h, gl: ABVCb, pat: DDSS
filled the whole church with ambrosial nectar,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 26 3. Perspicue angelicam monstrans venisse catervam Perspicue angelicam monstrans uenisse cateruam
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, gl: avvA, pat: DDSS
showing clearly that an angelic company had come
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 26 4. Ad patris officium laetis concentibus almi. Ad patris officium laetis concentibus almi.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: c, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABCcb, pat: DDSS
to the blessed father’s funeral with glad singing.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 1. Iste pater sanctus, pastor, patriarcha, sacerdos Iste pater sanctus, pastor, patriarcha, sacerdos
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: pVs, ta: p, pa: pVs, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAaAAA, pat: DSSD
That holy father, shepherd, patriarch, and priest
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 2. In propria pausat felix Aefternaco cella, In propria pausat felix Aefternaco cella,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: V, pa: Vp, ma: Y, gl: aVbBA, pat: DSSS
rests happy in his own monastery at Echternach,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 3. In laudem domini quam iam construxerat ipse, In laudem domini quam iam construxerat ipse,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABaVc, pat: SDSS
which he himself had previously built in praise of the Lord,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 4. In qua signa deus faciet nunc usque salutis. In qua signa deus faciet nunc usque salutis.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: Vs, pa: Vs, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
in which God will produce signs of salvation even till now.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 5. Ex olei tactu multi sanantur egroti, Ex olei tactu multi sanantur egroti,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
Many of the sick are healed through with the touch of the oil
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 6. Quod solet ad corpus magni lucere patroni. Quod solet ad corpus magni lucere patroni.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: c, ta: c, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: DSSS
that usually sends light towards the body of the mighty bishop.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 7. Vincula rumpuntur per se properantibus illuc, Vincula rumpuntur per se properantibus illuc,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, sa: pV, ca: r, pa: pVr, oa: rV, ma: Y, pat: DSSD
Chains break off by themselves from those hastening there,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 8. Qui sua cum lacrimis veniunt mala crimina flere, Qui sua cum lacrimis ueniunt mala crimina flere,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cf, ta: c, pa: cf, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AbCVbBv, pat: DDDD
who come to weep for their wicked crimes with tears,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 27 9. Et laeti redeunt Christo donante soluti. Et laeti redeunt Christo donante soluti.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: l, pa: Vl, ma: Y, gl: aVBbv, pat: SDSS
and who go away glad, set free through the gift of Christ.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 28 1. Inque loco sancti quo stant sacra lectula patris, Inque loco sancti quo stant sacra lectula patris,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: l, ta: s, pa: ls, ma: Y, gl: ACaVbBD, pat: DSSD
In the place where the sacred bed of the holy father stands,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 28 2. Saepius aetherium lumen venisse videtur, Saepius aetherium lumen uenisse uidetur,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: f, gl: aAvV, pat: DDSS
quite often a celestial light seems to shine,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 28 3. Hic quia pontificis linquens ergastula carnis Hic quia pontificis linquens ergastula carnis
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: c, gl: avBA, pat: DDSS
because here the spirit of the bishop, leaving the prison of the flesh,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 28 4. Spiritus astra petit meritis vivacibus alta, Spiritus astra petit meritis uiuacibus alta,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: f, ca: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ABVCcb, pat: DDDS
seeks the high stars by his living merits;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 28 5. Cum Christo et sanctis fruiturus luce perenni, Cum Christo et sanctis fruiturus luce perenni,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, e: h, pat: SSDS
to enjoy eternal light with Christ and the saints,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 28 6. Quod lux demonstrat, crebro quae cernitur istic. Quod lux demonstrat, crebro quae cernitur istic.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, ta: c, pa: c, oa: Y, pat: SSSS
as the light, which is frequently seen in that place, shows.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 1. In quo multoties caelesti nectare dulcis In quo multoties caelesti nectare dulcis
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aAb, pat: SDSS
In that place a smell sweet with heavenly nectar ,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 2. Flagrat odor, vere pigmento dulcior omni; Flagrat odor, uere pigmento dulcior omni;
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: fV, ma: Y, gl: VAbBaC, pat: DSSS
has been many time, one truly sweeter than any spice:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 3. Testibus a multis fieri quae vera probantur, Testibus a multis fieri quae uera probantur,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, gl: AavBbV, pat: DSDS
the truth of this is proved by many witnesses
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 4. Quorum vita fidem certam dat casta relatu. Quorum uita fidem certam dat casta relatu.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: c, ta: c, pa: fc, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: CABbVav, pat: SDSS
whose chaste lives give certain faith in their account.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 5. Quam requiem speras animam habuisse beatam, Quam requiem speras animam habuisse beatam,
fs: 4\3, ca: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: aAVBvb, pat: DSDD
What rest do you suppose that his blessed soul has,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 6. Talia dum terris per sanctas signa geruntur Talia dum terris per sanctas signa geruntur
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: s, pa: st, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: aBCAV, pat: DSSS
when such signs are performed on earth through his holy relics,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 7. Relliquias, tanti meritis dignissima patris? Relliquias, tanti meritis dignissima patris?
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, gl: CaBdA, pat: DSDS
ones most worthy of the merits of so great a father?
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 8. Qui nostros poterit precibus relevare dolores, Qui nostros poterit precibus releuare dolores,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, sa: l, pa: pl, ma: Y, gl: AbVCvB, pat: SDDD
He is one who could relieve our griefs by his prayers,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 9. Si iam corde pio lacrimas effundimus illic, Si iam corde pio lacrimas effundimus illic,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, ma: Y, gl: AaBV, pat: SDDS
if now we pour forth tears from a pious heart in that place
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 29 10. Quo pater egregius sacrato corpore pausat. Quo pater egregius sacrato corpore pausat.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: cp, pa: cp, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: aBbaAV, pat: DDSS
where the outstanding father rests with his consecrated body.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 1. Interea mulier totis paralitica menbris, Interea mulier totis paralitica menbris,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 5\2, ca: m, gl: AbaB, pat: DDSD
Meanwhile, a woman paralysed in all her limbs,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 2. Continuis semper septenis languit annis, Continuis semper septenis languit annis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, gl: aaVA, pat: DSSS
was continually languishing for seven long years,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 3. Tabida nec valuit quicquid sibi membra movere: Tabida nec ualuit quicquid sibi membra mouere:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: m, ca: f, pa: mfc, ma: Y, gl: aVBAv, pat: DDSD
and she could not move her wasting limbs at all:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 4. Ultima vix moriens suspiria corde trahebat. Vltima uix moriens suspiria corde trahebat.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, gl: avABV, pat: DDSD
dying, she barely drew her last gasps from her chest.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 5. Ante dei sancti corpus portata iacebat, Ante dei sancti corpus portata iacebat,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: Vc, pa: Vc, ma: Y, gl: AaBvV, pat: DSSS
She was carried and lay before the body of God’s saint,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 6. Effundens lacrimas fessa cum voce tepentes. Effundens lacrimas fessa cum uoce tepentes.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: f, ta: f, ma: Y, gl: vAbBa, pat: SDSS
pouring out her tepid tears with a weary voice.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 7. Sola fides viguit, posse sperare salute Sola fides uiguit, posse sperare salute
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: s, ca: s, ta: s, pa: fs, ma: Y, gl: aAVvvB, pat: DDSS
Her faith alone was strong, enabling her to hope for health
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 8. Per famulum Christi, nec se spes ipsa fefellit. Per famulum Christi, nec se spes ipsa fefellit.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: f, ta: f, pa: sf, ma: Y, gl: ABDCcV, pat: DSSS
through the servant of Christ, and that very hope did not deceive her.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 9. Ecce repente salus leviter per membra cucurrit, Ecce repente salus leuiter per membra cucurrit,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: c, pat: DDDS
Behold, suddenly health ran lightly through her limbs,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 10. Igneus atque calor venas afflavit apertas, Igneus atque calor uenas afflauit apertas,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: Vf, ta: V, pa: fV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aABVb, pat: DDSS
and a fiery heat flowed through her open veins,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 11. Ossibus et nervis virtus redit inclyta cunctis. Ossibus et neruis uirtus redit inclyta cunctis.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, sa: c, ca: V, ta: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: CBAVab, pat: DSSD
and famous vigour returned to all her bones and sinews.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 12. Surrexit mulier toto mox corpore sospes, Surrexit mulier toto mox corpore sospes,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pa: ms, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: VAbBA, pat: SDSS
Soon the woman arose restored in her whole body to strength,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 13. Atque domum propriis gaudens se currere plantis, Atque domum propriis gaudens se currere plantis,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: p, gl: AbvCvB, pat: DDSS
and rejoicing that she was running home on her own legs,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 30 14. Quae prius alterius languens portatur ab ulnis. Quae prius alterius languens portatur ab ulnis.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: pV, ta: V, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AvVB, pat: DDSS
who previously languishing had been carried there in the arms of another.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 1. Ecce quidam iuvenis valido languore per annos Ecce quidam iuuenis ualido languore per annos
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: V, ta: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbBC, pat: DDDS
Behold, a certain youth suffered from a serious illness
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 2. Heu, multos doluit; nervi vix ossibus haerent, Heu, multos doluit; nerui uix ossibus haerent,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: h, oa: h, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
alas for many years: his sinews barely stuck to his bones,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 3. Intremuere simul vexati corporis artus. Intremuere simul uexati corporis artus.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
and likewise the limbs of his afflicted body trembled.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 4. Ceu caput avulsum vidisses vertice summo, Ceu caput auulsum uidisses uertice summo,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, ta: f, pa: fc, ma: Y, gl: AaVBb, pat: DSSS
As if you had seen his head ripped from its highest point,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 5. Sic huc, sic illuc dextra levaque rotatum: Sic huc, sic illuc dextra leuaque rotatum:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, pat: SSSS
so now it rolled this way, now that, and left and right:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 6. Saepe etiam iacuit multam moriturus in horam. Saepe etiam iacuit multam moriturus in horam.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 1\2, ca: mV, ta: V, pa: mV, ma: Y, e: s, gl: VabA, pat: DDSD
he also often he lay about to die for many an hour.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 7. Iste miser talis fidei cum pectore firmo Iste miser talis fidei cum pectore firmo
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, gl: aAbBCc, pat: DSDS
That sort of wretch had come with a breast firm in faith,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 8. Venerat ecclesiam, manibus deductus amicis, Venerat ecclesiam, manibus deductus amicis,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: d, ca: Vm, pa: dVm, ma: Y, gl: VABvb, pat: DDDS
brought by friendly hands, to the church
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 9. In qua pontificis magni pia membra quiescunt, In qua pontificis magni pia membra quiescunt,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: cVm, pa: cVm, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: AabBV, pat: SDSD
in which the pious limbs of the mighty bishop were resting,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 10. Proque salute sua lacrimas fundebat amaras. Proque salute sua lacrimas fundebat amaras.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: m, pa: sm, ma: Y, gl: AaBVb, pat: DDDS
and he was pouring out bitter tears for his health.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 11. Quem mox audivit miserantis gratia Christi, Quem mox audiuit miserantis gratia Christi,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: c, pa: cm, oa: c, ma: Y, gl: AVbCB, pat: SSDS
Straightaway the grace of compassionate Christ heard him,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 12. Et rediviva salus per menbra cucurrit ubique Et rediuiua salus per menbra cucurrit ubique
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4f, fs: 3\3, sa: c, ca: V, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: aABV, pat: DDSD
and revivified health ran throughout his limbs:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 13. Convaluitque viro nervorum flexilis ordo, Conualuitque uiro neruorum flexilis ordo,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, gl: VACbB, pat: DDSS
and the flexible arrangement of sinews grew strong,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 14. Inrepit ossa vigor totis virtusque medullis. Irrepit ossa uigor totis uirtusque medullis.
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: ft, pa: tfV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VABcDC, pat: DDSS
and force and vigour crept into the bones throughout the marrow.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 15. Adstanti populo cunctis cernentibus ille est Asstanti populo cunctis cernentibus ille est
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, sa: V, ca: cV, ta: cV, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aAbBCV, pat: SDSS
While people stood by and with everyone watching,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 16. Incolomis subito factus, ac robore fortis Incolomis subito factus, ac robore fortis
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: f, pa: fV, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
he was suddenly made well, and strong in strength
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 17. Perrexit sanus, quo se sua vota ferebant: Perrexit sanus, quo se sua uota ferebant:
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: f, ca: r, ta: s, pa: frs, ma: Y, gl: VaCbBV, pat: SSSD
he went healthily on to where his wishes brought him:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 18. Omnipotenti deo grates ob dona salutis Omnipotenti deo grates ob dona salutis
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: d, pa: Vd, ma: Y, gl: aABCD, pat: DDSS
always giving thanks to omnipotent God
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 31 19. Semper agens Christo, Christo laus, gloria semper. Semper agens Christo, Christo laus, gloria semper.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: s, pa: cs, oa: s, ma: Y, gl: vAABC, pat: DSSS
for the gifts of health; praise be to Christ, and glory always.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 1. Altaris iuvenis corrupta mente minister, Altaris iuuenis corrupta mente minister,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 2\3, sa: m, pa: Vm, ma: Y, gl: CAbBA, pat: SDSS
There was a young , a servant of the altar with a corrupt mind,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 2. Clam rapuit quidam sancti donaria templi, Clam rapuit quidam sancti donaria templi,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\2, ca: d, pa: cd, ma: Y, gl: VAbCB, pat: DSSS
and he secretly stole the gifts of a holy temple:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 3. Tollitur ac saevo quaedam crux aurea furtu, Tollitur ac saeuo quaedam crux aurea furtu,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBbA, pat: DSSS
also a certain gold cross was taken in a cruel theft,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 4. Quam Christi famulus secum portare solebat, Quam Christi famulus secum portare solebat,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, ca: s, ta: c, pa: sc, oa: c, ma: Y, pat: SDSS
one that the servant of Christ used to carry with him,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 5. Dum pius egit iter Christo comitante viator, Dum pius egit iter Christo comitante uiator,
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 4\3, ca: cV, ta: V, pa: cV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: aVBCcA, pat: DDSD
when the pious traveller took a trip, with Christ as his companion,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 6. Relliquias propter multas quas condit in illa. Relliquias propter multas quas condit in illa.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 1\2, sa: V, ca: c, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: AaaVB, pat: DSSS
on account of the many relics which he had placed inside it.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 7. Mox tormenta lui sceleris praesumptor iniquus: Mox tormenta lui sceleris praesumptor iniquus:
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m, fs: 3\3, sa: V, ca: s, pa: sV, ma: Y, gl: AvCBb, pat: SDDS
Soon, the wicked perpetrator of crime suffered torments;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 8. Ultio consequitur peccatum iusta nefandum, Vltio consequitur peccatum iusta nefandum,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, ca: V, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: Vaba, pat: DDSS
just vengeance followed on from the unspeakable sin,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 9. Et perit infelix crudeli peste peremptus. Et perit infelix crudeli peste peremptus.
caesura pattern: 3m | 4d, fs: 2\3, sa: p, ca: pV, ta: pV, pa: pV, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: VabBa, pat: DSSS
and the unhappy man perished, destroyed by a cruel pestilence,.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 10. Mortis in articulo pandit tamen impia furta, Mortis in articulo pandit tamen impia furta,
caesura pattern: 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vp, ta: V, pa: Vp, oa: V, ma: Y, gl: ACVbB, pat: DDSD
But at the point of death he revealed the impious thefts,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 11. Et quo, quae tulerat, latuissent omnia monstrat. Et quo, quae tulerat, latuissent omnia monstrat.
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: SDDS
and showed where he had hidden everything he had taken.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 12. Quo pereunte timor crevit cum laudibus ingens Quo pereunte timor creuit cum laudibus ingens
caesura pattern: 2f | 3m | 4m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: V, ta: c, pa: cV, ma: Y, gl: AaBVCb, pat: DDSS
After his death a huge fear grew, alongside praise,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 13. Fratribus et populo, cernentes omnia Christo, Fratribus et populo, cernentes omnia Christo,
caesura pattern: 2m | 3m | 4d, fs: 3\2, ca: Vc, pa: Vc, oa: V, ma: Y, pat: DDSS
among the brothers and the people, when they saw that everything
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 32 14. Quaeque sui servi fuerant, servante tueri. Quaeque sui serui fuerant, seruante tueri.
fs: 3\3, ca: sf, ta: s, pa: sfc, ma: Y, gl: CaAVvv, pat: DSDS
his servant owned was guarded by Christ’s protection,.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 1. Nobilis iste fuit magna de gente sacerdos, Nobilis iste fuit magna de gente sacerdos,
That noble priest was from a great race,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 2. Sed magnis multo nobilior meritis. Sed magnis multo nobilior meritis.
but he was much nobler by his great merits.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 3. Ut dudum cecini, fecunda Britannia mater, Vt dudum cecini, fecunda Britannia mater,
As I sang before, fertile Britain was his mother,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 4. Patria Scottorum clara magistra fuit. Patria Scottorum clara magistra fuit.
and the fatherland of the Irish was his famous teacher.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 5. Francia sed felix rapuit, veneratur, habebat, Francia sed felix rapuit, ueneratur, habebat,
But happy France seized him, revered him, held him
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 6. Illius atque hodie membra sepulta tenet. Illius atque hodie membra sepulta tenet.
and keeps his buried limbs right up to the present day.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 7. Hunc Wilgils genuit proprio pater inclytus aevo: Hunc Vuilgils genuit proprio pater inclytus aeuo:
His father Wilgils, renowned in his own generation, engendered him:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 8. Vir sanctus, sapiens, ac pietate probus, Vir sanctus, sapiens, ac pietate probus,
and he was a holy man, wise and upright in piety,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 9. De quo versifico liceat me ludere plectro, De quo uersifico liceat me ludere plectro,
concerning whom let me be allowed for me to play with a poetic plectrum,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 10. Lector, ut agnoscas qualis et ipse fuit; Lector, ut agnoscas qualis et ipse fuit;
reader, so that you might learn what he was like too,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 11. Et de quam sancta generis radice parentum Et de quam sancta generis radice parentum
and from how holy a root of his parents’ stock
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 12. Iste dei famulus progenitus fieret. Iste dei famulus progenitus fieret.
that servant of God was brought forth.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 13. Vir fuit in populo dictus cognomine Wilgils, Vir fuit in populo dictus cognomine Vuilgils,
There was a man among the people called Wilgils, by name,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 14. In Transhumbrana nobili gente degens. In Transhumbrana nobili gente degens.
in Northumbria, living among a noble race.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 15. Moribus egregius, populo peramabilis omni, Moribus egregius, populo peramabilis omni,
Outstanding in morals, well loved by all the people,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 16. Vita fuit cui cum coniuge casta satis; Vita fuit cui cum coniuge casta satis;
one for whom a chaste life with his wife was enough:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 17. Quae iam mente pia fuerat subiecta marito, Quae iam mente pia fuerat subiecta marito,
she had already submitted to her spouse with a pious mind
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 33 18. Ut quondam proprio Sarra viro fuerat. Vt quondam proprio Sarra uiro fuerat.
just as Sarah had done once to her own husband.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 1. Haec revelante deo cernebat mente future Haec reuelante deo cernebat mente future
After God had revealed these things, she perceived future events in her mind
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 2. In stratis recubans, somnia vera videns. In stratis recubans, somnia uera uidens.
while lying on her bed, seeing true dreams.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 3. Namque novam sese lunam vidisse putabat, Namque nouam sese lunam uidisse putabat,
For she thought that she saw a new moon
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 4. Cornibus erectis, ut solet esse nova. Cornibus erectis, ut solet esse noua.
with raised horns, as is usual when it is new.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 5. Crescere paulatimque implere et cornua caepit, Crescere paulatimque implere et cornua caepit,
It began to grow and, little by little, to fill out the horns,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 6. Donec ei pleno lumen in orbe micat. Donec ei pleno lumen in orbe micat.
until the light beamed before her in a full orb.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 7. Illius haec subito sorbentis in ore ruebat, Illius haec subito sorbentis in ore ruebat,
Suddenly, as she was absorbing this, it rushed into her mouth,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 8. Viscera perradians luce micante sibi. Viscera perradians luce micante sibi.
shining through he inwards with its beaming light.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 9. Evigilans somno mulier haec mente retractat, Euigilans somno mulier haec mente retractat,
On waking from the dream, the woman retraced these things in her mind,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 10. Quid sibi quod cernit significare queat; Quid sibi quod cernit significare queat;
wondered what she had seen could mean for her;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 11. Atque sacerdoti cuidam haec omnia pandit, Atque sacerdoti cuidam haec omnia pandit,
and she revealed all these things to a certain priest,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 12. Cuius in aecclesia vita probata fuit. Cuius in aecclesia uita probata fuit.
whose life in the church had been approved.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 13. Haec ubi pensabat praedictus corde sacerdos, Haec ubi pensabat praedictus corde sacerdos,
When the aforementioned priest weighed these things in his heart,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 14. Coniecit et rebus visa superna novis, Coniecit et rebus uisa superna nouis,
and he understood the visions from above by means of new material.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 15. Respondit tandem mulieri talia vatis, Respondit tandem mulieri talia uatis,
At last the prophet responded to the woman in this way ,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 16. Inspirante deo, famine veridico: Inspirante deo, famine ueridico:
through God’s inspiration, in truthful speech:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 17. 'Tu mulier lunam cernisti crescere parvam, 'Tu mulier lunam cernisti crescere paruam,
“Woman, you saw the small moon grow,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 18. Et tota impleri cornua luce nova. Et tota impleri cornua luce noua.
and you saw the whole of the horns filled with new light.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 19. Illa nocte viro forsan commixta fuisti, Illa nocte uiro forsan commixta fuisti,
Perhaps you had had intercourse with your husband that night,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 20. Quae generas toto lumen in orbe novum. Quae generas toto lumen in orbe nouum.
and you are bringing forth new light in the whole world.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 21. Parvulus ex utero, mulier, tibi nascitur infans, Paruulus ex utero, mulier, tibi nascitur infans,
A small little infant is being born from your womb, woman,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 22. Qui meritis magnus crescit honorificis. Qui meritis magnus crescit honorificis.
who is growing to be great with honoured merits.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 23. Iste erit eximius doctor praesulque futurus, Iste erit eximius doctor praesulque futurus,
He will be an outstanding teacher and a future prelate.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 24. Splendescet nostro lucifer orbe novus, Splendescet nostro lucifer orbe nouus,
He will shine as a new light-bringer to our world,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 25. Et quos caeca prius populos caligo tenebat, Et quos caeca prius populos caligo tenebat,
and those peoples whom blind darkness had previously held,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 26. Inradiat summi luce poli supera'. Irradiat summi luce poli supera'.
he will illuminate with the celestial light of highest heaven.”
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 27. Omnia vatidici conplentur in ordine dicta, Omnia uatidici complentur in ordine dicta,
All things came to pass in the order that the prophet had said,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 28. Et rerum eventus somnia vera probat. Et rerum euentus somnia uera probat.
and the outcome of events proved the dreams to be true.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 29. Nascitur atque puer matre, et baptismate loto Nascitur atque puer matre, et baptismate loto
A boy was born from that mother, and once he had been bathed in baptism,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 30. Inposuit Wilbrord nomen habere pater: Imposuit Vuilbrord nomen habere pater:
his father placed upon him the name Willibrord.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 31. Cuius vita, fides, mores, doctrina camenis Cuius uita, fides, mores, doctrina camenis
His life, faith, morals, and learning
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 32. Olim quippe fuit praetitulata meis. Olim quippe fuit praetitulata meis.
have already been outlined in my verses.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 33. Mox pater egregius linquens mala gaudia mundi, Mox pater egregius linquens mala gaudia mundi,
Soon the splendid father abandoned the evil pleasures of the world
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 34. Et servire deo, mente, manu, cupiens: Et seruire deo, mente, manu, cupiens:
and desired to serve God with mind and hand;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 35. Caelestem rapiens tota dulcedine vitam, Caelestem rapiens tota dulcedine uitam,
seizing hold of celestial life with all its sweetness,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 36. Et se caenobio tradidit ipse sacro. Et se caenobio tradidit ipse sacro.
he handed himself over to a sacred monastery.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 37. Fratribus adiunctus vixit sine crimine frater, Fratribus adiunctus uixit sine crimine frater,
He lived without transgression, as a brother joined to brothers,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 38. Iam paciens, humilis, prumptus in omne bonum. Iam paciens, humilis, prumptus in omne bonum.
now patient, humble, ready for every good deed.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 39. Post haec mente sacer famulus maiora secutus, Post haec mente sacer famulus maiora secutus,
After this the sacred servant pursued greater things with his mind,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 40. Theoricam cupiens solus adire viam, Theoricam cupiens solus adire uiam,
and desired to walk alone the road of contemplation.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 41. Incipit undisoni inter promontoria ponti, Incipit undisoni inter promontoria ponti,
He began between the headlands of the wave-sounding sea,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 42. Qua loca repperiens congrua corde suo, Qua loca repperiens congrua corde suo,
where he sought out places suiting his heart,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 43. In quibus aetherios possit decerpere flores In quibus aetherios possit decerpere flores
in which he might gather heavenly flowers
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 44. Et mundi curis liber abesse malis: Et mundi curis liber abesse malis:
and be free from the evil worries of the world.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 45. Totius hic solus transegit tempora vitae, Totius hic solus transegit tempora uitae,
This man passed through the remainder of his lifetime alone,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 46. Nocte dieque magis proficiens meritis; Nocte dieque magis proficiens meritis;
advancing more in his merits by day and by night;
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 47. Plurima perpessus serpentis bella nefandi, Plurima perpessus serpentis bella nefandi,
he endured to the end very many battles with the wicked serpent,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 48. Qui solet in sanctos arma movere sua. Qui solet in sanctos arma mouere sua.
who is accustomed to bring his weapons against saints.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 49. Sed deus omnipotens sanctos qui iure triumphat, Sed deus omnipotens sanctos qui iure triumphat,
But almighty God, who justly grants victory to his saints,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 50. Trophea concessit clara suo famulo, Trophea concessit clara suo famulo,
bestowed brilliant trophies on his servant,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 51. Efficit et quaedam miserantis gratia Christi Efficit et quaedam miserantis gratia Christi
and a certain grace of the compassionate Christ
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 52. Per famulum verum signa stupenda suum. Per famulum uerum signa stupenda suum.
performed wondrous signs through his true servant.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 53. Nec decuit modio abscondi tam clara lucerna, Nec decuit modio abscondi tam clara lucerna,
Nor was it fitting for so brilliant a lamp to be hidden under a bushel,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 54. Lectula nec supter subicienda fuit, Lectula nec supter subicienda fuit,
nor for it to be placed beneath a bed,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 55. Sed ponenda magis supra fastigia tecti, Sed ponenda magis supra fastigia tecti,
but rather it was to be placed above the rooftops
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 56. Spargeret ut lucem altius illa pia,. Spargeret ut lucem altius illa pia,.
so that it might scatter its pious light further afield.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 57. Quae tamen haut libuit currenti tangere plectro, Quae tamen haut libuit currenti tangere plectro,
But it is not desirable to touch on these things with a running plectrum
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 58. Inclyta vel musis signa aperire meis: Inclyta uel musis signa aperire meis:
or to reveal famous signs in my verse.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 59. Sufficit hoc tantum vitam cognoscere patris, Sufficit hoc tantum uitam cognoscere patris,
It is enough to know just this of the father’s life,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 60. Quae placet altithrono semper ubique magis. Quae placet altithrono semper ubique magis.
which always and everywhere pleased the high-throned one more.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 61. Vita dei famuli multis exempla salutis Vita dei famuli multis exempla salutis
The life of God’s servant provided examples of salvation to many people,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 62. Praebuit, et testis pectoris omnis erat. Praebuit, et testis pectoris omnis erat.
and was witness of the inclination of his heart.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 63. Huic famulo Christi reges famulantur, et illum Huic famulo Christi reges famulantur, et illum
Kings served this servant of Christ, and the whole people
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 64. Per patriam populus totus amore colit. Per patriam populus totus amore colit.
throughout his homeland cherished him with love.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 65. Vir fuit iste dei paciens, moderatus, honestus, Vir fuit iste dei paciens, moderatus, honestus,
That man of God was patient, self-controlled, decent,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 66. Moribus egregius, mitis et ore pius. Moribus egregius, mitis et ore pius.
outstanding in morals, gentle and pious of speech.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 67. Plurima qui postquam perfecto dona labore Plurima qui postquam perfecto dona labore
Afterwards, once his work was completed, with Christ completing it,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 68. Commeruit, Christo perficiente, sibi, Commeruit, Christo perficiente, sibi,
he earned very many gifts for himself,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 69. Mox meritis, annis, tota et pietate repletus, Mox meritis, annis, tota et pietate repletus,
and soon, full of merits, years, and all piety,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 70. Tranquilla tandem in pace quievit ovans. Tranquilla tandem in pace quieuit ouans.
he rested at last rejoicing in tranquil peace.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 71. Spiritus aetheriam laetus migravit ad aulam, Spiritus aetheriam laetus migrauit ad aulam,
His happy spirit passed to the heavenly hall,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 72. Gaudia cum sanctis iam sine fine tenens. Gaudia cum sanctis iam sine fine tenens.
and took possession of joys without end together with the saints, .
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 73. Corpus in ecclesia curarunt condere fratres, Corpus in ecclesia curarunt condere fratres,
The brothers took care to bury his body in a church
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 74. Quae constructa maris stat prope litoribus, Quae constructa maris stat prope litoribus,
which had been built and stood next to the sea-shore,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 75. Atque sacrata, dei genetrix clarissima Christi, Atque sacrata, dei genetrix clarissima Christi,
and shines consecrated with the glory of your name,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 76. Nomine fulgescit, virgo Maria, tuo: Nomine fulgescit, uirgo Maria, tuo:
virgin Mary, most illustrious mother of Christ our God,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 77. In qua te nostris bene credimus esse futuram In qua te nostris bene credimus esse futuram
and in that place we well believe that you will be present there
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 78. In Christo precibus, semper honore potens, In Christo precibus, semper honore potens,
through our prayers in Christ, always potent in honour.
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 79. Tu mundi vitam, totis tu gaudia saeclis, Tu mundi uitam, totis tu gaudia saeclis,
You, the life of the world, the joy for all centuries,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 80. Tu regem caeli, tu dominum atque deum Tu regem caeli, tu dominum atque deum
the king of heaven, the Lord and God,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 81. Ventris in hospicio genuisti, virgo perennis: Ventris in hospicio genuisti, uirgo perennis:
you bore in the shelter of your womb, eternal virgin:
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 82. Tu nobis precibus auxiliare tuis. Tu nobis precibus auxiliare tuis.
do you help us by your prayers!
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 83. Carmiger indoctus cecinit hos Alcuine versus, Carmiger indoctus cecinit hos Alcuine uersus,
Alcuin, the unlearned songster, has sung these verses,
ALCVIN.VmetWillibrord 34 84. Cui, rogo, quisque legas, dic; 'Miserere deus'. Cui, rogo, quisque legas, dic; 'Miserere deus'.
and for him I ask any who reads them to say, “God have mercy”.