A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: excipienda

excipio verb gerundive neut nom/voc/acc pl conj3_io

excipio verb gerundive fem abl sg conj3_io

excipio verb gerundive fem nom/voc sg conj3_io

ex-capio verb gerundive neut nom/voc/acc pl conj3_io comp_only

ex-capio verb gerundive fem abl sg conj3_io comp_only

ex-capio verb gerundive fem nom/voc sg conj3_io comp_only

excipio verb gerundive neut nom/voc/acc pl conj3_io

excipio verb gerundive fem abl sg conj3_io

excipio verb gerundive fem nom/voc sg conj3_io

ex-capio verb gerundive neut nom/voc/acc pl conj3_io comp_only

ex-capio verb gerundive fem abl sg conj3_io comp_only

ex-capio verb gerundive fem nom/voc sg conj3_io comp_only

Number of occurrences in corpus: 1

FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 321 s graduum, quibus ardua moles / Excipienda uiro. tunc fatur regibus ultr