A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: excelsi

excelsi noun masc nom/voc pl us_i

excelsum noun neut gen sg us_i

excello participle perf part pass masc nom/voc pl pp4

excello participle perf part pass neut gen sg pp4

excello participle perf part pass masc gen sg pp4

excelsi noun masc nom/voc pl us_i

excelsum noun neut gen sg us_i

excello participle perf part pass masc nom/voc pl pp4

excello participle perf part pass neut gen sg pp4

excello participle perf part pass masc gen sg pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 11

ALCVIN.Hymn.Rhyth Z 68 , quod zelaui: / Inmuta, dextra excelsi, Iesu fili altissimi, / Vt hic e
BEDE.CommEpistCath.Praef 3 ohannes Thaddeus uno / Spiritus excelsi flagrantes lumine septem / Cons
BONIFACE.ArsGramm.Praef 6 bus torquebit torribus et sub / Excelsi fatu omnia saecla diu / Tuta te
BONIFACE.Nithhard.Octo 25 gaudeas / Unaque simul fulgeas, / Excelsi regni praemia / Lucidus captes
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 142 eposco piaclis," / Inquit, a et excelsi testor per sceptra tonantis, /
N.Annunciation.Intro.Trop G2j 1 et germinet.* / / # G2j / Germinis excelsi uates magnalia cernens, / flami
WULFSTANC.BreuOmnSanct 103 is incarnatum. / Abrahae patris excelsi de semine nata / Deque tribu Iu
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm03 2 transcenderat axem / Pronus et excelsi linquens fastigia centri / Vici
££.ALC.AVIT.Carm04 555 uum linquens mundana redibat. / Excelsi tandem proferre cacumina prim
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 599 uei metitus honorem / Callis ad excelsi pergit fastigia regis / Et per
££.PROSP.Epigram080 4 missa Tonantem, / Aut aliqua Excelsi notitiam lateant. / Sed uetito