A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: repetito

repetitus noun neut abl sg us_a_um

repetitus noun masc abl sg us_a_um

repetitus noun neut dat sg us_a_um

repetitus noun masc dat sg us_a_um

repeto verb fut imperat act 3rd sg conj3

repeto verb fut imperat act 2nd sg conj3

re-peto verb fut imperat act 3rd sg conj3

re-peto verb fut imperat act 2nd sg conj3

repeto participle perf part pass neut abl sg pp4

repeto participle perf part pass masc abl sg pp4

repeto participle perf part pass neut dat sg pp4

repeto participle perf part pass masc dat sg pp4

re-peto participle perf part pass neut abl sg pp4

re-peto participle perf part pass masc abl sg pp4

re-peto participle perf part pass neut dat sg pp4

re-peto participle perf part pass masc dat sg pp4

repetitus noun neut abl sg us_a_um

repetitus noun masc abl sg us_a_um

repetitus noun neut dat sg us_a_um

repetitus noun masc dat sg us_a_um

repeto verb fut imperat act 3rd sg conj3

repeto verb fut imperat act 2nd sg conj3

re-peto verb fut imperat act 3rd sg conj3

re-peto verb fut imperat act 2nd sg conj3

repeto participle perf part pass neut abl sg pp4

repeto participle perf part pass masc abl sg pp4

repeto participle perf part pass neut dat sg pp4

repeto participle perf part pass masc dat sg pp4

re-peto participle perf part pass neut abl sg pp4

re-peto participle perf part pass masc abl sg pp4

re-peto participle perf part pass neut dat sg pp4

re-peto participle perf part pass masc dat sg pp4

Number of occurrences in corpus: 3

FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 394 mige quino, / Optatumque tenent repetito limite portum. / Hi quoque quos
££.ARATOR.Act.apost02 937 bus haesit / Clamor ab ore Dei; repetito nomine Saule / Me Christus terr
££.LACTANT.DeauePhoen 53 usque means, / Illa ter alarum repetito uerbere plaudit / Igniferu