A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: lies

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

A.4.2 288 sh together in conflict. Here lies our protector / slashed by a s
AETHILVVALD.Wihtfrith.Octo 41 ught, / where the body of Peter lies buried in the ground. / Then
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 4.12 26 Pontus to the Lord. / His body lies in Armenia, numbed in death /
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2577 mpanions, that is, a thousand lies, / deceits, and thieves, frivolo
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2776 the wild grass, / which as she lies down during the night hours s
BEDE.VmetCuthbert.Vulg 1 301 arful voice: ‘My dear wife lies at the threshold of death; / n
FRITHEGOD.BrevVWilfred 623 r, and they devised malicious lies. / “Why am I harmed,” the f
N.MiraculaNyniae 127 deprived of the clear light, / lies afflicted in dark shadows; he