A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: agrestes

agrestis noun masc/fem acc pl is_e

agrestis noun masc/fem nom/voc pl is_e

agrestis noun masc/fem acc pl is_e

agrestis noun masc/fem nom/voc pl is_e

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

ALDHELM.CarmVirg 2775 rae carpere fructus, / Vt pecus agrestes ex prato uellicat herbas, / Noc
££.CAEL.SED.Carm.pasch01 208 mana uecors pietate recessit, / Agrestes pecudum consors fuit ille per
££.LACTANT.DeauePhoen 107 is pullulat exuuiis: / Ac uelut agrestes, cum filo ad saxa tenentur, /
££.PRVD.Contr.Symm01 44 dictis qui talibus informauit / Agrestes animos et barbara corda uiror