A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: mage

mage noun adverb indeclform

magus#2 noun adverbial us_a_um

magus#2 noun neut voc sg us_a_um

magus#2 noun masc voc sg us_a_um

mage noun adverb indeclform

magus#2 noun adverbial us_a_um

magus#2 noun neut voc sg us_a_um

magus#2 noun masc voc sg us_a_um

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

A Prayer 33a || geond ealne middaneard / ne mage we næfre asæcgan || ne ðæ
Instructions for Christians 159a wa ðu swiðost miht. / Gif þu mage gefinden || fæst-hydigne wer
Instructions for Christians 162a || soðne geleafan, / þæt ic mage wið hine || miltse gefremman
Instructions for Christians 217b wa some, || þeah he symle ne mage / bewacan and beweardian || an
Instructions for Christians 249a m ælcan unþeawa, / þæt þu mage clænlice || Criste geþenian