Number of occurrences in corpus: 7
Guthlac A 383b | ldes brūceþ. || Nis þisses | beorĝes | setl / medumre ne māra || þon |
Beowulf 2304b | m; / wæs þā ġe·bolĝen || | beorĝes | hierde / wolde sē% lāða% || |
Beowulf 2322b | fangen, / bǣle and brande, || | beorĝes | ġe·truwode, / wīġes and wea |
Beowulf 2524b | bord and byrnan. || Nylle iċ | beorĝes | weard / for·flēon fōtes trem |
Beowulf 2580b | um ġe·bǣded. || Þā wæs | beorĝes | weard / aefter heaðu-swenġe | |
Beowulf 2755b | gdne beadu-sierċan || under% | beorĝes | hrōf. / Ġe·seah þā siġe-h |
Beowulf 3066b | wæs Bēow·ulfe, || þā hē | beorĝes | weard / sōhte, searu-nīðas; |