Number of occurrences in corpus: 6
Riddles 38 6b | hēo ġe·dīeĝeþ, || dūna | briceþ; | / ġif hē tō·birsteþ, || bi |
Riddles 65 4b | bīteþ mec on bær līċ, || | briceþ | mīne wīsan. / Mannan iċ ne b |
The Phoenix 504b | ht on ferhþe, || þonne fȳr | briceþ | / lǣne land-welan, || līeġ e |
Solomon and Saturn 64b | ·clemme, || hē þone cræft | briceþ | / and þā or-þancas || ealle |
Solomon and Saturn 88b | woddor || and him þā wangan | briceþ. | / //E// E hiene yflaþ, || swā |
Solomon and Saturn 208a | , || hit þurh hrōf wædeþ, / | briceþ | and bærneþ || bold-ġe·tim |